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Rekayasa Bahan Galian

CBM (Coal Bed Methane)

CMB (Coal Bed Methane)
 Also called coalbed gas
 Coalbed methane is a form of natural gas
extracted from coal beds.
 In recent decades it has become an important
source of energy in United States, Canada, and
other countries
 used for a variety of purposes that range from
domestic, commercial, industrial to electrical
power generation
 Other gases that may exist in coal gas deposits
in trace amounts are ethane, propane, butane,
carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
Keterkaitan Ilmu
 Geologi
 Kimia
 Metalurgi
 Sipil
 Mesin
Sustainable Development
 Kelangkaan Sumberdya
 Penggunaan Alternatif Sumberdaya
 Rekayasa Batubara digunakan sebagai bahan
alternatif lain
 CBM adalah gas yang terjebak dalam
cadangan batubara
 Gas methane ini kerap dinilai sebagai masalah
bagi operasi penambangan batubara.
Perkembangan teknologi menunjukkan bahwa
CBM justru bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber
energi alternatif yang terbaru
 Australia, Kanada, Amerika Serikat dan China
saat ini sudah mengembangkan CBM sebagai
sumber energi
 Indonesia memiliki cadangan CBM yang
cukup besar yaitu 450 triliun standard cubic
feet (TSCF).
 Ini merupakan hasil survei yang dilakukan
oleh Advances Resources International (ARI)
 Sebagian besar cadangan CBM berada di
Sumatra, Kalimantan dan Jawa, sementara
sebagian kecil ada di Sulawesi.
Methane (CH4)
 Marsh gas
 Molecular Formula CH4
 Density 0.717 kg/m³,
 Highly flammable
 colorless, odorless gas
 not a liquid or solid
 Bgm mengukur Densitas Gas?
 Methane is a chemical compound with the
molecular formula CH4. It is the simplest
alkane, and the principal component of natural
gas. Methane's bond angles are 109.5 degrees.
Burning one molecule of methane in the
presence of oxygen releases one molecule of
CO2 (carbon dioxide) and two molecules of

 CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O

Sumber Methane
Bagaimana Terbentuknya CBM?
 Coalbed methane (CH4) forms in one of two
Tugas Mahasiswa (translate)
 Coalbed methane (CH4) forms in one of two ways. During the earliest stage of
coalification (the process that turns plant detritus into coal), biogenic methane is
generated as a by-product of bacterial respiration. Aerobic bacteria (those that use
oxygen in respiration) first metabolize any free oxygen left in the plant remains and
the surrounding sediments. In fresh water environments, methane production
begins immediately after the oxygen is depleted (Rice and Claypool, 1981). Species
of anaerobic bacteria (those that don’t use oxygen) then reduce carbon dioxide and
produce methane through anaerobic respiration (Rice and Claypool, 1981). When a
coal’s temperature underground reaches about 122 degrees Fahrenheit, and after a
sufficient amount of time, most of the biogenic methane has been generated. Also
at this time nearly two thirds of the moisture has been expelled and the coal has
reached a rank of subbituminous (Rightmire, 1984).

 After the coal’s temperature has exceeded 122 degrees Fahrenheit due to the
geothermal gradient and excessive burial, thermogenic processes begin to generate
additional carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and water. At this point the amount of
hydrocarbons or volatile matter has increased and the coal has reached a rank of
bituminous (Rightmire, 1984). After the temperature exceeds 210 degrees
Fahrenheit carbon dioxide production increases with little production of methane.
The thermogenic production of methane does not exceed the production of carbon
dioxide in high volatile high ranks of coal until the temperature is about 250
degrees Fahrenheit. The maximum generation of methane in bituminous coals
occurs at around 300 degrees Fahrenheit (Rightmire, 1984).
Lokasi Terbentuknya CBM
Bgm CBM dapat diproduksi?
 In the Powder River Coal Field, coalbed methane wells are
completed open hole. Using this method, casing is set to the
top of the target coalbed and the underlying target zone is
under-reamed and cleaned out with a fresh-water flush. A
down-hole submersible pump is then used to move water up
the tubing; the gas then separates from the water and flows up
the annulus.
 The natural gas and the water that are produced at individual
wells are piped to a metering facility, where the amount of
production from each well is recorded. The methane then
flows to a compressor station where the gas is compressed and
then shipped via pipeline. The water produced is diverted to a
central discharge point at a drainage or impoundment. Some of
the produced water is reinjected into nearby aquifers.

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