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 God of all blessings,

source of all life,
giver of all grace:
 We thank you for setting us in
- for families
who nurture our becoming,
- for friends
who love us by choice,
- for companions at work,
who share our burdens and
daily tasks,
 for strangers
who welcome us into their midst,
- for people from other lands
who call us to grow in
 We thank you for this day:
-for life
and one more day to love,
-for your grace
and one more experience of
your presence,
-for your promise:
to be with us,
to be our God,
and to give salvation.
 For these, and all blessings,
we give you thanks, eternal, loving
through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Motivational Activity: Kokology

Kokology - the study of kokoro Japanese word
for "mind" or "spirit.“ This is a relational
psychology test.

Relational psychology is a branch of

psychoanalysis wherein the subject is asked
to imagine a situation and then led through it
with the help of a series of questions
pertinent to the scene being described. The
questions directly stimulate the subject’s
subconscious mind thus revealing aspects of
their personality through their responses.

Motivational Activity: Kokology

• Hypothetical situations will be flashed
on screen.
• Choose the letter of the best answer
that applies to you.
• Show the sign of the letter of your

Motivational Activity: Kokology

1.You are a superstar about to release a

new album. What do you want for the
album cover?

A. Beautiful landscape
B. Cartoonish picture
C. Picture of yourself
D. Abstract picture, some artistic stuff

Motivational Activity: Kokology

1. The question stands for what you see as the
most charming attitude in yourself and would
like to express it for everyone to see. If you
A - You see yourself as a gentle and well-
mannered person
B - You love social life and always entertain
people surrounding you
C - You have a high self-confidence and love to
be leader
D - You are skillful, very talented and very

Motivational Activity: Kokology

2. Which part of the cake you are eager
to eat?

A. The uneatable decoration part

B. The strawberry part
C. The decorating wafer part
D. The sugary-decoration part
E. The chocolate part

Motivational Activity: Kokology

2. The question stands for your attitude. If you
A - Your life is based on morality. You will not do
anything against righteousness
B - You are fashionable and you always fascinate
people around you
C - You are reasonable and a natural born
leader. You love to be in control
D - You care about other people's feeling and
you love to be in the crowd
E - You are thoughtful, romantic, and always
dream of a happy love life

Motivational Activity: Kokology

3. There is an egg in front of you. What

kind of egg is that?

A. Snake egg
B. Turtle egg
C. Dinosaur egg
D. Chicken egg

Motivational Activity: Kokology

3. The question stands for your
expectation towards your own child.
If you choose:

A - Wealthy and intelligent

B - Healthy and live long
C - Unique and outstanding
D - You just want your child to be safe and

Motivational Activity: Kokology

4. You are in a 5-star hotel room with a blue
skyview outside. You fell asleep and took a
nap for a couple of hours. What do you
expect to see outside the window once you
wake up?
A. Dark blue sea reflecting the stars in the sky
B. Cold blue sea barely seen in the mist
C. The sun is setting at the end of the line
where sky and sea meet
D. Midday sun shining above the marine blue

Motivational Activity: Kokology

4. The question stands for what do you

want from love. If you choose:
A - You believe the importance of honesty
between lovers
B - You want your lover to be your best
C - You are looking for a perfect love. Ideal
and romantic
D - You want a high-voltage love

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the chapter, the students are
expected to:
- describe the sense of self in the psychological
- differentiate the basic aspect of ME-self and I-self
- understand the difference between REAL self and
IDEAL self
- contrast TRUE self from FALSE self
- demonstrate critical and reflective thought in
analyzing the development of one’s psychological
self and identity by developing a Theory of The
Psychodynamic or Psychoanalytic Perspective
Psychodynamic perspective is an
approach emphasizing the
interaction of the emotional and
motivational forces that affect
behavior and mental states,
especially on a subconscious level
Psychoanalysis a psychological
theory and therapeutic method
developed by Sigmund Freud,
based on the ideas that mental life
functions on both conscious and
unconscious levels and that
childhood events have a powerful
psychological influence throughout
life. (Encarta, 2009)

The Self as a Psychological Construct according to

Selected Psychologists

The cornerstone of human behavior is the SELF.

In psychology, the Self is defined as the way a
person thinks and perceives his or her traits,
beliefs, and purposes in the environment he
or she lives in.
It is our sense of personal identity of who we
are as individuals.

William James' duality theory of self

could be categorized into the self as
an agent that observes, which is
referred to as the perceiver, the "I;“
and the person's mental picture of
self as an object that can be
observed, the "Me.”

George Herbert Mead also developed the

concept of self, he explained that one's
identity emerges from external and
social interactions and internal feelings
of one's self. Self is not evident at birth,
but it emerges over time through
language, play, and games as discussed
in Topic 2, the Social Self.
Self is truly dynamic and intricate. According to
James and Mead, who we are refers to our
actual self, and it is the balance of both the
'me' and the 'I'.

I Me
- The subjective knower - The object that is known
- Response to the me - The “Social Self”
- Thinks about what those things - How we believe the generalized
mean “other” sees us
- The doer, experiencer - Learn through interactions with
- The individual's identity others
- The self that knows who they are - The “Narrative Self”
and what they have done in their - The society's view ·
life - Describing their personal
- Pure ego experiences
- The “Thinking Self” - Empirical "me
REAL Self and IDEAL Self

  Humanistic Psychologist, Carl Rogers, was

the proponent of the Self Theory. He believed
that Self is the humanistic term for who we
really are as a person. This is made of many
perceptions and personality characteristics
that are consistent with one another. To be
aware of one's self is to have a concept of
oneself, or otherwise known as SELF-

  The answer
to "WHO AM I?"
is self-concept.
It expresses all
our thoughts
and feelings
about ourselves.

Different components of SELF-CONCEPT:

Self-image (how you see yourself)
Self-image influences how an individual thinks, feels, and
behaves in an environment. However, it does not
necessarily indicate reality. We might perceive ourselves as
either arrogant or kind or beautiful or ugly. A person's self-
image is influenced by many factors, such as physical
characteristics, personality traits, parental influences, and
social roles.
Example: Carla, an 80-year-old grandmother, believes that
she is still strong and alert, but in reality, she is quite weak
and clumsy.
A teenage girl looks thin, but in reality, may have a self-
image of being obese.

Self-Esteem / Self-Worth (how much value you

place on yourself)

This includes how we compare ourselves to others

and how others respond to us.

If we receive a positive response, we are more

likely develop positive self-esteem, and if others
perceive us as inadequate, our self¬-esteem is
negatively affected.

A positive view of ourselves, disregarding what

others may think, conveys confidence in our
abilities and manifests self-acceptance, and thus,
induces us to develop high self­esteem. On the
contrary, if we view ourselves negatively, this
inclines the opposite, which are lack of self-
confidence, pessimism, insecurity, worrying about
what others might think.

2 Kinds of Selves
Real self - represents actual experiences about
what and who we really are, how we think, and
how we feel and act; it makes us most comfortable
by simply being us.

Ideal self - our conception of who we want to be

and what we want to become. It consists of our
goals and ambitions in life and is dynamic.

If your ideal-self characteristics are close to your

real-self characteristics, then, you are consistent or
congruent, thus, you have a higher sense of self-
worth and you are more likely to have a healthier

A person is said to be in a state of incongruence if some

of the totality of their experience is unacceptable to
them and is denied or distorted in the self-image. For
example, the act of lying shows misalignment or
incongruence between real self and ideal self, which
may result to mental distress brought by your negative

The earliest roots of incongruence are in childhood.

This is when the parents' affection for their children must
also live up with the parents' expectations, and the
children begin to misrepresent the memories that leave
them feeling unworthy of their parent's love.
On the contrary, unconditional love helps foster
congruence and children will feel that they are loved and
accepted as they are.
A preference to see ourselves consistently with our
self-image may make us use defense mechanisms, like
denial or repression, to feel less threatened by
undesirable feelings.

TRUE Self and FALSE Self

Dr. Donald W. Winnicott was an English
psychoanalyst who introduced the concepts of
TRUE SELF and FALSE SELF in human personality.
TRUE SELF - also referred to as authentic self: it
describes the core of who you are, a sense of
conscious, instinctive, and authentic experience.
This is the part of you that is aware that, "I,
myself, feel this; I, myself, want this," which makes
the experience uniquely yours, and therefore, TRUE.
At the same time, it is strongly guarded by the
false self and, at first, might be difficult to reach.

FALSE SELF - also referred to as a social mask and

adapted self: it is a part of self that has modified
behavior, inhibited feelings, and drives your needs
aside to fit in with others.

This includes the values, feelings, and thoughts

that are not your own, which conforms to societal
and family standards.

At our center lies our true self, which is enclosed by another

circle we developed through our lives as protection. This
outer layer is our false self.

Signs of a Fully Functioning Person

According to Rogers, people who exhibit this tendency

have a self-image that is congruent with reality. They
understand their strengths, but they also recognize and
acknowledge that they have weaknesses. Even as they
continue to build upon their personal strengths, they
work on taking on challenges and experiences that allow
them to grow and gain new understanding. These
individuals realize that they are not perfect, but they are
still happy and satisfied with themselves. This
contentment does not indicate idleness, however, for
these individuals are always striving to achieve their best
possible selves.

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