Present Simple Tense

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Present Simple Tense

Form: subject+ verb (infinitive)

Each verb in English has three forms
Infinitive past past participle
Go went gone
Write wrote written

.I go to the college on Mondays

.We get up at 8 o`clock every morning
.You are good students
.They play tennis every evening
.Sam and Peter study English everyday
.You like playing football
Uses of Present Simple Tense
We use the present simple to talk about things in
general. We use it to say that something happens all
the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in
. general
For example
.Nurses look after patients in hospitals
.I usually go away at the weekends
.The earth goes round the sun

.Elephants live in India and Africa

.Bees make honey

.The Mississippi flows into gulf of Mexico

Repeated Actions
.I get up at 7:00 most days
Jennifer often has coffee at 11:00
. I have my breakfast at seven o`clock
.I go to the college on Mondays
Use the present simple for permanent
.I live in London
.John is not lazy. He works very hard most of the time
I have three brothers
.Mona lives in Chicago
In newspaper headlines .
If the subject is (he, she, or it)
.we must add (es) (ies) or (s)to the main verb
 We add (es) to the main verb if it ends in
(s, ss, ch, sh, o, x, z)
She always finishes her homework at six o`clock.
He goes to school everyday.
Mona sometimes misses her bus.
Fatima often watches TV in the evening.
If the main verb ends in( consonant + Y ). We omit (Y) and
we add (ies). For example
 cry ---- cries
 fly----- flies
 try------tries
 Ahmed always tries to learn English
IF NOT, we add only (s)
Ahmed likes reading stories.
Aisha always plays tennis on Fridays
Thank you

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