The Westing Game - Chapter 9 - Lost and Found

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The Westing Game

By Ellen Raksin
Chapter 9: Lost and Found(pp. 52-57)
I. Vocabulary
- Jittery = extremely tense and nervous; jumpy
- Forfeit = something to which the right is lost
- Jaunty = having a buoyant or self-confident air
- Pompous = characterized by excessive self-
esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious
- Indignant = expressing strong displeasure at
something considered unjust, offensive, or
- Shrewd = disposed to artful and cunning
practices; tricky
- Wafted = to float easily and gently, as on the
air; drift
- Dialect = a special variety of a language
II. Who said it?
1. “Ten thousand dollars! Now aren’t you glad I
mad you come, huh?” Otis Amber
2. “I’m sorry, Mr. McSouther. Playing a pawn in
this foolish game is one thing, but to be insulted
with minstrel show dialet…? J. J. Ford
3. “Please, Judge. I lost my job, my pension. I can’t
fight no more. Don’t quit just because of some
nonsensical words.” Sandy
4. “Haven’t you memorized them yet?” Turtle
5. “Isn’t there some sort of a last statement?”
III. Comprehension Questions
1. How many pairs of players are there?
=> There’re 8 pairs.
2. What conditions did Mr. Westing set up to
keep everyone playing the game?
=> They would have to give back the ten thousand
dollars if they gave up.
3. What was unusual about the clues?
=> They were all different.
4. What was the object of the game?
=> The object of the game is to win.
5. Why was Chris happy to be selected to play the
=> Chris was happy to be selected to play the game
because now he was part of the outside world and he
considered the game a lot more exciting than TV.
6. Why does Berthe Erica Crow shriek?
Berthe Erica Crow shrieks because E.J. Plum, the
lawyer for the estate, accidentally stepped on her
sore foot.
7. Why was Sandy so insistent that his partner,
Judge Ford, play the game?
=> Sandy was so insistent that his partner, Judge
Ford, play the game because Sandy was worried
about his wife and children, claiming they really
needed the money.
Read Chapter 10: The Long Party
(pp. 57-62)

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