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आओ खेलें अंग्रेजी के खेल

Interesting Games for Teaching English

Tukdadum - Guess the object / Action
Competencies: vocabulary (nouns, verbs)

How to play: One child will do some

action using expressions or some props.
Other children will try to guess the action
and name the objects. For example, using
a pen for writing, combing, eating,
drinking etc.
Counting Letters
1 A 14 N Competencies: Word formation,
2 B 15 O vocabulary (counting & addition)
3 C 16 P
4 D 17 Q 1. Can you make three letter words
5 E 18 R total of which does not exceed 20?
6 F 19 S
7 G 20 T 2. Which word will come out from 2,
12, 15, 3 & 11?
8 H 21 U
9 I 22 V
10 J 23 W 3. What is the total of the word egg?
11 K 24 X
12 L 25 Y 4. Which is the two letter word
13 M 26 Z
whose total makes 15?
Who have the questions and who have the answers?
किसके पास सवाल, किसके पास जवाब

Competencies: Reading and comprehension

Column I Column II

1. In which season do we wear woolen clothes? A. We play cricket with bat and ball.

2. When do you go to school? B. I use chalk to write on a blackboard.

3. Which game do we play with bat and ball? C. I go to school at 10:00 am .

4. How does a lemon taste? D. A lemon tastes sour.

5. What do you use to write on a blackboard? E. In winter season we wear woolen

चलो याद करें
Recollect the objects
Competencies: Vocabulary, singular and plural numbers,
sentence construction (memory)
चलो याद करें
Recollect the objects
Competencies: Vocabulary, singular and plural numbers,
sentence construction (memory)
Correct if I am wrong
Competencies: Reading and comprehension, listening.

Gunjan was only five minutes away from her parents’ hut, but the jungle had
already taken on a different personality. It was thicker. The trees had grown
taller. The Gulmohar trees shaded the green forest a sinister red. There was
no doubt about it - the jungle was more dangerous here, and Gunjan loved it.
As a baby, Gunjan’s parents had taken her on their expeditions over
mountains, deserts, and vast seas. It was exciting, unpredictable, and highly
captivating. Now that they had settled down in the tropical rainforest,
Gunjan had to devise intricate plans just to sneak out for morning
Correct if I am wrong
Competencies: Reading and comprehension, listening.

Gunjan was only five (ten) minutes away from her parents’ hut (x), but the
jungle had already taken on (to) a different personality. It was thicker. The
trees had grown taller. The Gulmohar trees shaded (headed) the green forest
a sinister (minister) red. There was no doubt about it - the jungle was more
dangerous here, and Gunjan loved (liked) it. As a baby, Gunjan’s parents had
taken her on their expeditions over mountains, deserts, and vast (last) seas. It
was exciting, unpredictable, and highly captivating (capturing). Now that
they had settled down in (on) the tropical rainforest, Gunjan had to devise
(advise) intricate plans just to sneak (speak) out for morning adventures.
Alibai – Who stole the mangoes?
Competencies: Understanding questions and giving appropriate answers

The summer season has started. Children used

to play in the evening at the field beside Mr.
Gupta’s house. There is a mango tree covered
with ripe mangoes in Mr. Gupta’s garden. One
fine morning Mr. Gupta found that all the ripe
mangoes were stolen from the tree. He called all
the children that evening and started
investigating who stole the mangoes!
Questions for investigation:

1. Where were you in the evening yesterday?

2. Who else were with you?

3. What did you do there?

Homonyms – What is the correct word?
Competencies: listening, writing (homonyms)

Homonyms – What is the correct word?
Competencies: listening (pronunciation), comprehension, writing (homonyms)

1. The ship is full of sheep.

2. She learned to write a letter in the right way.
3. Smita told her son not to run under the sun.
4. Varun is feeling very weak since last week.
5. Carrying two bags will be too heavy for Rahul.
6. Brazil won the match with one goal.
Presentation and Content can be viewed on
A. YouTube Channel

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