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Sociology presentation

(Sustainability development goal 16th )

Submitted to: Sir Ahmed Mughni

Goal 16
•Peaceful and safe place
•Human rights are protected
•No to injustices
•Count on government
•Law and rules are followed

Presentation Title
• Reduces all forms of violence
• Reduces corruption and bribery in all their
• Promotes Peaceful societies
• Give Access to justice
Introduction • Development of effective, accountable and
transparent institutions
• Broaden and strengthen the participation of
developing countries

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Pakistan’s situation

• overviewing the situation of

Pakistan we can conclude that
Pakistan is facing some difficulty in
achieving peace, justice, and strong
institutions that have had a negative
impact on the country's social,
economic, and political development.

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Some of the impact

•Impact on peace
•Impact on Justices
•Impact on Strong institutions

Presentation Title 5
Impact on Peace

•The internal security challenges that

Pakistan faces, such as terrorism and
extremism, have a negative impact on
the country's economy, social cohesion,
and human development. The
persistent insecurity has deterred
investment, weakened institutions,
and created a culture of fear.
Impacts on
•The lack of access to justice for
marginalized communities,
corruption in the justice system,
and the backlog of cases have
resulted in widespread injustice
and a loss of trust in the legal
system. This has led to
vigilantism, extrajudicial killings,
and other forms of violence.
Impacts on strong
•Weak governance systems, corruption, and a
lack of accountability in institutions have led to a
loss of public confidence in government and other
institutions. This has resulted in a lack of
transparency, a disregard for the rule of law, and
a weakening of the social contract between the
government and the people.
Pakistan’s initiatives
and activities to
promote peace, justice,
and strong institutions

• Counter-Terrorism Efforts.

• Judicial Reforms.

• Promoting Regional Peace.

• Human Rights Protection
Terrorism Efforts:
•Pakistan has taken various
steps to fight off terrorism,
including the implementation of
the National Action Plan and
the establishment of military
courts to deal with terrorism-
related cases and extremism..
Judicial Reforms:

•initiatives to reform the judiciary,

such as expanding the independence of
the court, promoting access to justice,
and eliminating case backlogs. These
changes include the creation of new
courts, the appointment of new judges.
Human Rights
• Pakistan has taken steps to protect
human rights:
•establishment of a National
Commission for Human Rights
• the implementation of laws to protect
women and minorities.
• e.g Criminal Laws Act,Protection of
Minorities Act.
• The Prevention of Anti-Women
Practices Act.
Effective Or
• Overall, the effectiveness of Pakistan's efforts to promote peace, justice, and strong
institutions is subject to debate and is mixed. While some initiatives have been
successful, others have faced criticism and faced challenges in implementation. due
to inadequate resources, lack of political will, and resistance from vested interests..

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Other ways to
improve the

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Promoting Education
and Healthcare:

•Pakistan can invest in education and

healthcare to improve the quality of
life of its citizens and reduce poverty,
inequality, and social exclusion..

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•Pakistan can improve its democratic
institutions by ensuring free and fair
elections, promoting transparency
and accountability in government,
and enhancing the independence of
the judiciary.

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Why is this goal essential for a country's
sustainable development?

• it creates the necessary conditions for economic growth, social progress, and
political stability.

• a country can build a strong and inclusive society that upholds the rule of law,
protects human rights, and provides equal opportunities for all its citizen.

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If a country achieves this goal, it can expect to see the
following positive outcomes:

•Economic Growth: A peaceful and •Social Progress: A just and

stable environment attracts domestic inclusive society provides equal
and foreign investment, promotes opportunities for all citizens, reduces
business development, and boosts poverty and inequality, and promotes
economic growth. social progress and wellbeing.

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•Political Stability: Strong and •Improved Quality of Life: A safe
accountable institutions promote and secure environment, respect for
political stability, reduce corruption human rights, and access to justice
and impunity, and build trust between and public services improve the
the government and the citizens. quality of life of citizens.

~ Overall, achieving the goal of promoting peace, justice, and strong

institutions can lead to a virtuous circle of development, where economic,
social, and political progress reinforces each other, creating a more
prosperous, equitable, and sustainable society.
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Thank you for listening
Alveena khan (2211183)
Kehkashan Rafiq (2211194)

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