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Physical planning

Rubeena naikwadi
Soria y Mata

• Born : December 15,1844

• Died : November 6, 1920 (aged 75)
• Nationality : Spanish
• Occupation : Architect
• Projects : Linear city (1892)
• Arturo Soria y Mata was an internationally important Spanish
urban planner whose work remains highly inspirational today.
• He is most well known for his concept of the Linear City for
application to Madrid and elsewhere.
• He studied the civil engineer career, but he didn't finish it.
Linear city
• The linear city was an urban plan for an elongated urban formation.The city would consist
of a series of functionally specialized parallel sectors.
• Generally, the city would run parallel to a river and be built so that the dominant wind
would blow from the residential areas to the industrial strip.
• The sectors of a linear city would be:
• a purely segregated zone for railway lines
• a zone of production and communal enterprises, with related scientific, technical and
educational institutions
• •a green belt or buffer zone with major highway
• •a residential zone, including a band of social institutions
• •a band of residential buildings and a "children's band"
• Arturo Soria y Mata's idea of the Linear City (1882) replaced the traditional idea of the city as a centre
and a periphery with the idea of constructing linear sections of infrastructure - roads, railways, gas,
water, etc.- along an optimal line and then attaching the other components of the city along the
length of this line.
• As compared to the concentric diagrams of Ebenezer Howard and other in the same period, Soria's
linear city creates the infrastructure for a controlled process.

• Concept
• The Linear City concept is a Conscious Form Of Urban Development with Housing And Industry
Growing Along The Highway Between existing cities and contained by the continuous open space of
the rural countryside.
• As the city expanded, additional sectors would be added to the end of each band, so that the city
would become ever longer, without growing wider.
• The linear city design was first developed by Arturo Soria y Mata in Madrid, Spain during the 19th

• The linear city was a proposal made by Arturio Soria at the end of the 19th century, to turn Madrid
into a more human city , a city which was closer to nature.
• Soria´s aim was to solve some of the problems that Madrid had at that time: transport, overpopulati
on and sanitary.
• There were two different theories to solve the problems
caused by the industrial revolution .

• Naturistic theories:

• Arturo Soria wanted to integrate nature into the city.

• Thus, he decided to plant several rows of trees along the
street. The houses would also have a garden and an orchard.
• Hygienist theories:

• Their objective was to improve the sanitary

conditions of the city. The proposals to achieve
this were:
• to plant trees near the houses
• to build wider streets
• to build detached or semidetached houses so that
the different families didn´t live so close to each

• The most important objective was to combine nature and

• To create less populated suburbs
• To preserve individualism
• To make nature part of the city
• To solve the problems of transport: Its main objective was
to make the trips
• Parcelling out around a linear center line of the main street.
• Streets had to be 200 m long and 20 m wide, and the
center line of the street had to connect with the different
blocks of houses , all of regular shapes :squares, rectangles
or trapeziums
• The city should grow parallel to the main street.
• The final project was a linear city surrounded by nature, and with a central area for
• The new houses were bigger and had a garden. There was also a vegetable garden or a
space for working the land.
* arturo soria let the architects fre build different models of houses in
order to avoid monotony.
• Advantages
• High accessibility
• adaptability to linear growth
• useful along the limited edge.
• Disadvantages
• Very sensitive to blockage requires control of growth
• lacks focus
• The choice of connection or of direction of movement are much less.
• The demographic boom of Madrid, the rise of prices and the proximity of the linear city to the city center put
an end to the project.
• Today the only remains of the linear city are the central line of the main street and some middle-class
• Navi Mumbai is a planned township of Mumbai off the west
coast of the Indian state of Maharashtra in Konkan division.
• The city is divided into two parts, North Navi Mumbai and
South Navi Mumbai, for the individual development of Panvel
Mega City,
• Navi Mumbai has a population of 1,119,477[1] as per the 2011
• The growth of Mumbai city is constrained by sea at south,
east and west. As a result total land area available for
development of Mumbai is limited.
• The cost of real estate and housing in Navi Mumbai is much
less than costs in Mumbai and sub-urban areas.
• Many government and corporate offices have been
shifted from Mumbai to Navi Mumbai .
• The Taloja and Thane Belapur Industrial Belt of Navi
Mumbai offer job opportunities of every conceivable kind -
from engineers to mechanics to clerks to peons.
• As a result a large population of service class and middle
class population
• City growth

• According to urbanist Hans Blumenfeld, cities can grow in any of three ways: Outward
(expanding horizontally) Upward (expanding vertically) Toward greater density (expanding
• As long as intra city traffic moved only by foot or hoof, possibilities of horizontal and
vertical expansion were strictly limited.
• Growth was mainly interstitial, filling up every square yard of vacant land left between
• With the advent of the elevator and the steel frame, the vertical growth of skyscrapers
• Suburbs spread out horizontally along streetcar and bus lines and around suburban railroad
stations, surrounded by wide-open spaces.
• the concept of the linear city is a modern idea, which was born due to the transportation
revolution and the search for effective opportunities for urban development.
• The main proposals and projects for new forms of resettlement constitute palette of
diverse,mutually complementary and intertwining ideas.
• The linear form of development is appropriate in cases when it is used as a connecting
element of more complex structures.
• It points out that the process and territorial development of cities should not be
interpreted unequivocally, they are associated with continuous change and complexity of
their internal structure.
Thank you

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