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At the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

A.Determine the different sizes of the star,
b.classify the stars into its sizes, and
c.relate some stars that appear in the night’s sky.
“Sizes of the Star”
1.Each group will be given an activity sheet.
2. You are going to determine the sizes of the star
based on the given data on the activity sheet.
What are the different
sizes of the star?
“Sizes of the Stars”
Supergiant Star
Giant Star
Main Sequence Star
White dwarf
Hertzsprung – Russel Diagram
among the most massive and
luminous stars in the universe.
Supergiants have the largest radius of all
known stars. They evolve from large 
main-sequence stars. Supergiants can contain 8
- 200 times the mass of the Sun! They also
shine brightly.
The color of supergiants can be red or blue.
Red supergiants have
low surface temperatures,
below 4,100 K. This is
very cool for a star and
makes them shine with a
red color.
Blue supergiants are
much hotter. They can be
12,000 to 15,000 K or above
25,000 degree Celcius, which
makes them the hottest stars
in the Universe.

any star having a relatively
large radius for its mass and
temperature; because the
radiating area is
correspondingly large, the
brightness of such stars is high. POLLUX

Main Sequence Stars  are young
stars. .
 They are powered by the fusion of hydrogen
(H) into helium (He) in their cores, a process
that requires temperatures of more than 10
million Kelvin.
 These stars can range
from about a tenth of
the mass
. of the sun up
200 times as massive.

White dwarf-  
low or medium
mass star (with mass less than about 8
times the mass of our Sun) will become a white dwarf.
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. These are the most massive and luminous stars in the
a.White dwarf star c. Giant star
b. Supergiant star
2. These can range from about a tenth of the mass of the
Sun up to 200 times as massive.
a. Main Sequence Stars c.White dwarf
b. Supergiant
3. These are low or medium mass star (with mass less
than about times the mass of the our Sun will become
a.Supergiant Star c. White dwarf
b.Giant star
4. Pollux has size of;
a. Giant star c. White dwarf
b. Supergiant Star
5.Sun has size of;
a.Supergiant star c. White dwarf
b.Main Sequence Star
Assignment. (In your notebook)
Find a star and determine its size. Give a short
explanation about it.

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