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What is a Cover Letter?

A sales letter that sells you as a product or service.

It should complement your CV but not duplicate it.

The shorter the better, should not exceed one A4 page.

How you format your letter is almost as important as what you

write in it.

■ Tells your employer

– Who you are
– How much do you know about the company and the work
– How can your qualification help their business (increase
sales, reduce costs, or improve efficiency).
■ Requests an interview for further discussion/meeting
Your name and address phone number


Include Receiver’s name and address

The salutation (“Dear Mr.” or “Dear Ms.”

followed by the person’s last name,
• “To Whom It May Concern” if you are answering a
blind ad
an opening (an attention-getter or
a hook),

a summary of qualifications (the

The Body proof or sell),

and a request for an interview

(motivation to action).
First Paragraph

■ Indicates the reason you are writing and how you heard about the position.
– in response to an ad, as a follow-up to a previous meeting, at the suggestion of a
mutual acquaintance
■ Include attention grabbing, yet professional, information.
– For example, "I am an experienced faculty member and industry expert with over
10 years of teaching undergraduate and graduate level biology courses in the
classroom and online. After finding your position posting on, I knew I
was the perfect fit for Smith University, which I hope you will agree."
Second Paragraph

■ explain your qualifications and highlight with specific examples how your skills,
experience or research match what the employer is seeking.
– For example, saying
■ "I am an effective fund raiser " doesn't convey anything to the reader.
■ Instead, try saying "Over the past year, I have increased donations by more than 150%
bringing in over $3 million." Employers love proof that supports what you are saying.
Third Paragraph

thank the reader for their consideration and to request an opportunity to meet to discuss
the position further.

provide your contact information (phone number/email) so the employer knows the best
way to reach you.

For example, "I will contact you within the next

Another option is to be more proactive and
several days to set up a time to talk." Then, make sure
state a follow-up action on your part. you actually do what you said you were going to do!

I am writing to inquire about the opening for …… (what)

I have X years of experience in ….. that make me a strong candidate for…

The top position of my resume highlights my career profile and three

significant accomplishments are also in line with this position.

I welcome the opportunity to speak with you if you feel I’d be a strong
candidate for this or any other position in your organizations
Useful Phrases

I would like to apply for the position of … as advertised.

I am writing in response to your advertisement in … for …
I would like to be considered for the above post which your company advertised in …
I enclose my CV for your consideration.
I believe I am a suitable candidate because …
I am confident that I can perform the job effectively because …
I am computer literate/a good communicator/a good organizer.
I have good computer/IT/written and verbal communication skills.
I have a good knowledge/thorough understanding of general office software packages/purchasing systems.

2. Cover Letter Examples.docx
E-mail Cover Message

■ If you are sending an electronic resume, you need a brief message to accompany the

1. Declare your intention to apply for a particular job

2. Tell how you are sending the resume and, if applicable, what program you used to
encode the resume.
3. Summarize your major qualifications in either a short paragraph or a list.
4. Ask for a meeting or an interview.

■ Bly, Robert. Webster's New World letter writing handbook. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,

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