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Keeping Healthy

(children from 4-14)

By: Jeanelle Tetteh

Year 8
What Is keeping Healthy?
o Keeping healthy means doing things that are good for your body. This includes
exercising often, eating healthy foods. Keeping healthy is very essential in life.
What Is keeping Healthy?
o Keeping healthy means doing things that are good for your body.
This includes exercising often, eating healthy foods. Keeping healthy
is very essential in life.
Why is it important to keep healthy?
o Keeping Healthy is a very essential thing in life because when you are not healthy it can
affect you mentally and emotionally. Not keeping healthy can even lead to depression
or can cause a person to commit suicide due to their unhealthy state.
Which is better spending time outdoors or
Our minds work in a similar way. Spending time Spending time indoors is not as bad as many people
outside improves mood and reduces feelings of make it seem. Truth is that people born before 2000
anxiety. We can focus better in nature, and our did spend a lot off time outdoors but that is because
improved concentration can help us address there were no devices or many fatal diseases at that
feelings of stress and anxiety. time. Spending time indoors can actually be very
beneficial because you are not prune to get a virus.
And online marketing is also an option that can gain
you easy money.
Your opinion
o Now there can not be a certain or specific answer for this question because everyone
one has their own opinions and answer. So even searching the question on google,
you would get many websites that give a different answer for the same question
because every ones’ opinion on the topic is different. So what is your opinion?
Reasons why children (4-14yrs) do not spend
time outdoors
o The reason why children in this children in this generation do not go outside is very obvious.
Our parents always pressure us to spend time outdoors but even they rarely do. At the time
our parents were our age, technology was very rare there were no phones or laptops or iPads
so there was no use in going indoors. But now with all the gadgets imaginable and social media
now on board and going outdoors has become a very unlikely thing to do so. Do you find
yourself spending a lot of time
Benefits of spending time outdoors

 Spending time outdoors can do a great number

on people with depression and anxiety so it
helps people with mental health conditions.
 Exercising is very good for a person. Someone
who does not exercise daily is prune to getting
long-term diseases like blood pressure or
 It restores focus
 And it also enhances creativity
 It improves your vision and due to the sun,
gives you a lot of vitamin D
Consequences of not spending time outdoors
o Science has proven that children who do not go outside are more vulnerable to viruses
and diseases like the flu.
o One major issue is a potential deficiency of vitamin D, an essential nutrient that your
body gets from sunlight, and one that we now know plays an important role in your
ability to fight COVID-19.
o It decreases your brain knowledge and focus.
o It can cause depression and anxiety.
o It weakens your immune system.
People’s view
• “I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day’s work.” –Frank Lloyd Wright
• “Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are
excellent schoolmasters, and teach of us more than we can ever learn from
books.” –John Lubbock
o Keeping healthy includes exercising and eating right but also going
outdoors occasionally. Most Research shows that going outdoors is
better than staying indoors most of the time as it has more benefits
than staying indoors. As easy as it may sound going out doors is very
difficult but very helpful.
• Search - MSU Extension

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