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Alerts and Monitoring

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Lesson Objectives

 Use the Monitor > Dashboard view.

 Using the Monitor > Alerts view.
 Understand alert aggregation.
 Apply basic, quick, and advanced filters to alert data.
 Use tuning buttons inside alert details pane.
 Use filtering and sorting in the violations view.
 Monitor changes to gateway status, configuration, and
user permissions.
 Determine if blocked sources represent a threat, or
alternatively decide it is valid traffic and unblock it.

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Key Terms

 Dashboard
• Snapshot views of gateways, server groups, system’s load, connections
per second.
 Alerts
• Aggregated information on groups of violation events.
 Violations
• Un-grouped chronological list of violation events.
 System Events
• Internal SecureSphere change and health history.
 Blocked Sources
• Source of communications that have been quarantined for violating a
security policy.
• Result of “Block” followed action.

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Monitor – Dashboard View

 Go to Main > Monitor > Dashboard

ThreatRadar CPU Load / Hits p sec Conns/ Throughput Alerts Graph

SOM Status

Latest Alerts


Server Groups Latest System Events

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Dashboard Components: Line Graphs

 Main > Monitor > Dashboard.

 Select down arrow.

 Alternate views between CPU Load and Hits/sec.

 Alternate views between Connections/sec and Throughput.

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Dashboard Components: CPU Load

 Go to Main > Monitor > Dashboard.

 Typical performance should not be above 60 or 70% for

the various values.
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Dashboard Components: Gateways Pane
 Go Main > Monitor > Dashboard.
 Different Colors for Gateways.
 Select each Gateway line to see Server
Group details.

 Go to Main > Setup > Gateways.

 Verify status.

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Dashboard Components: Server Groups

 Go to Main > Monitor > Dashboard.

 Look for symbols.

 Running

 Warning

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Dashboard Components: Latest Alerts and
System Events
 Go to Main > Monitor > Dashboard.
 View Latest Alerts list.
 Default displays alerts in the Alerts
table for the past 3 days.

 Latest System Events list.

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Dashboard Components: Latest Alerts

 Go to Main > Monitor > Dashboard.

 Changing Latest Alerts view will change Alerts Graph.

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Viewing Alerts and Violations

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Alerts and Violations

 Violation: a security related event.

 Alert: an aggregated group of violations of the same type.
• One alert may contain multiple violations.
• One attack could be more than 1 violation.
• Generally, an alert contains information about an attack and
includes individual violations.
Alert 1
Alert 2
Violation 1 Violation 2 Violation 3 Violation 4

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One Packet, Multiple Attacks – Multiple
 Good  Bad
GET / HTTP/1.1 GOGET /_vti-bin/admin.asp HTTP/1.22


 A single attack can hit multiple targets.

 A single packet can violate multiple policies or match
multiple signatures.
 A single attacking packet can generate several violations
under different alerts.

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Viewing Alerts

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts.

 Hide Filter & Details hanging tabs to provide more viewing area.
 When MX restarted alert # jumps to next increment of 1000.

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Modifying the Alerts List View

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts.

 With additional columns, more information and sorting

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Modifying the Alerts List View

 Main > Monitor > Alerts

 Click Action > Select Columns

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Interpreting Alert Icons

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Key Alert Information in the Alert Details
 Go to Main > Monitor >
 Immediate and Followed
 Click policy hyperlink to
view Policy Details.
• Review how the policy was

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Simulated Block and Active Block Alerts

 Block in Simulation Mode displayed in black text

• Alert details action shows Immediate Block (Simulation Mode)

 Block in Active Mode displayed in red text

• Alert details action shows Immediate Block

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Geographic Alert Map

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts > Geographic Alert Map.

 Requires Geo IP license.

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Geographic Alert Map

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Aggregated vs. Non Aggregated Alerts

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts.

 Each row in the list pane will represent an aggregated or non-
aggregated alert.
 Aggregated Alerts will have a number higher than 1 in the # column
of the list pane.

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Viewing a Non Aggregated Alert

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts

 Displays 1 in # column and unique event number

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Alert Aggregation

 Provides an overview of violation events.

 Aggregation works on per policy basis using Violation Violation Violation
aggregation keys. 1 2 3
 Alerts are aggregated when:
• Violations of same policy.
• 2 or more violations have specific key fields in Aggregation
 Examples:
• XSS violations with same session ID, source IP,
user, destination application, URL, and Parameter.
• Excessive attempts of db login with same source IP, Alert
OS username, destination server group, and
destination IP.

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Alert Aggregation Process

Simple alert
VIOLATION created for each
policy violation
a te Aggregation
1 hr
No since last
Related to existing
Alert? New Alert update
No Aggregation
Yes Update 12 hrs
Alert since
Aggregate with start
existing alert

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Example of Aggregated Alert

 Go to Main > Monitor >  Timeline graph in details.

Alerts.  Aggregation values.
 More than 1 event in #  Multiple violations.

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Understanding the Timeline Graph

 Go to Main > Monitor >  Click magnifying glass for

Alerts. aggregation rule description.
 Graphical Timeline
• 30 minute slices
• 12 hrs max
• Start / end time

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Aggregation Details

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts.

 View displays how events were aggregated.
• Distinct Values of key fields.
 Statistical Information.
 Detailed information of security events which violated the policy.

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Alert: Violation Details

 Go to Main > Monitor >

 Violation details are
collected on first 30
aggregated events.
 Expand (+) to see details
• Event Time.
• Raw data of event.
• Highlighted violation.
• Source and destination.

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Distributed vs. Multiple in Alert Description

 Multiple Alert - contains more than one security event of

the same kind
 Distributed Alert - contains a range of values for any of
the fields that are not part of the aggregation key
• For example, you might see that a violation originated from
multiple IP addresses when the IP address is not part of the
policy’s aggregation keys
• Commonly generated when security events come from multiple
 Different Source IPs
 Different sessions

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Example of Alert containing “Multiple” in

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Example of Alert containing “Distributed” in

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Alert Filtering

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Basic Filter Options

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts.

 Many options allow you to refine
your list of alerts
• Expand (+) the filter category
• Select filter criteria

• Apply.
 The filter icon next category
indicates filter applied
• Use Clear button at the bottom to
remove any basic filtering applied
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2 Criteria Selected in Basic Filter between
 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts.
 Basic Filters use:
• ‘AND’ between categories
• ‘OR’ within categories


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Alert Filtering: Quick Filter

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts.

 Quick Filter allows you to search fields for relevant data.
 Click on ? Tips to see help options for using Quick Filter.
 Tuning tip:
• Distributed in an aggregation = more likely false positive.
• Multiple in an aggregation = more likely attack.
• Isolated, single events are most suspicious

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Alert Filtering: Advanced

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts.

 Click

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Alert Filtering: Advanced

 Go to Main > Monitor >

 Open Advanced Filter.
 Provides more
granular filtering
• Last few days
• Time frame
• Look up Data Set
 Notice Last Few
Days applied by

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Saved Filters

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts (and other locations in GUI).

 Filters are available to everyone.
 Best practice:
• Team name – Filter name

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Flagging Alerts

 Go to Main >
Monitor > Alerts.
 Unread = Bold.
 Read = Regular.
 Right click to Mark.
 Acknowledged =
 Dismissed = x mark
 Important =
exclamation point.

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Flagging Alerts

 Go to Main > Monitor >

 Flagged Alerts can be
 Alerts may also be deleted
using red X.

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Violation View

 Go to Main > Monitor > Violations.

 Useful to view ALL violations from a specific source or in
a certain timeframe (violations of different types).
 Violation view offers:
• Customized grouping via Filter Pane.
• Chronological list of violations

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Violation List View

 Go to Main > Monitor >  Easily sorted by any column.


 Click IP link for

IP Forensics view.

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Viewing Violations

 Main > Monitor > Violations.

 Violation = Details about individual security event.

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Functionality Inside Violation Events

 Open knowledge
 Directly view the
policy for event.
 Add this event as an
exception to the
 Add this profile
violation to “good”
profile behavior.

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Violation Details Pane

 Go to Main > Monitor > Violations.

 Provides violation overview.
 Why and what.

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Violation Details Pane

 Go to Main >
Monitor >
 Open the
base to
why the event
is considered
a violation.

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Violation Details Pane

 Go to Main > Monitor > Violations.

 When, where the violation occurred.
 Direction of connection.
 Filter violations further using filter icon

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Violation Details Pane

 Go to Main > Monitor > Violations.

 View payload of event.
 In this example, HTTP request details are displayed.

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Violation Details Pane

 Go to Main > Monitor > Violations.

 Parameters, cookies, enrichment data (if added)
 Reason for violation highlighted in yellow.

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Viewing Violations: Additional Violations

 Go to Main > Monitor > Violations.

 Some Violations will have Additional Violations tab.

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Viewing Violations: Response

 Go to Main > Monitor > Violations.

 View server response.

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Managing Blocked Sources

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Blocked Sources

 IP Block, Session Block, and User Block Followed


• List of sources blocked by a policy written to Main > Monitor >

Blocked Sources.
 Purpose
• Quarantine for violating security policy.
• Provides time to examine event to determine if it represents a
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Identifying Blocked Sources in Alerts View

 Go to Main > Monitor > Alerts.

 Notice message “Policy includes block/monitor action IP

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Blocked Sources in Alerts View
 Click IP Block hyperlink to view Violations.

 Blocked IP address highlighted in yellow.

 Analyze and determine if threat.
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Review the Policy

 Go to Main >
Monitor >
 Select the
blocked Alert
from the Alert
list pane.
 Click the
hyperlink in
the Alerts
detail pane.

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Blocked Sources

 Go to Main > Monitor > Blocked Sources.

 View all sources which are currently being
blocked by a “block followed action”.

 Select Source from Blocked Sources list.

 Click Actions button and select Release
Blocked Sources if not a threat.

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