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«Sport is a kind of product to consume for people»

What is sport as a product?

Ancient Roman Sports and Activities

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The youth of Rome, as in Greece, had several forms of play
and exercise, such as jumping, wrestling, boxing, and

The Romans also had several forms of ball playing,

including one resembling handball. Dice games, board
games, and gamble games were popular pastimes. Women
did not take part in these activities.

In the countryside, pastimes for the wealthy also included

fishing and hunting. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi
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A popular form of entertainment was
gladiatorial combats. Gladiators fought either to
the death or to "first blood" with a variety of
weapons in different scenarios.

These fights achieved their height of popularity

under the emperor Claudius, who placed the
outcome of the combat firmly in the hands of
the Emperor with a hand gesture.

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A gladiator (Latin: gladiator, "swordsman", from
gladius, "sword") was an armed combatant who
entertained audiences in the Roman Republic and
Roman Empire in violent confrontations with other
gladiators, wild animals, and condemned criminals.

Some gladiators were volunteers who risked their

legal and social standing and their lives by appearing
in the arena. Most were despised as slaves,
schooled under harsh conditions, socially
marginalized, and segregated even in death.
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Irrespective of their origin, gladiators offered audiences an example of Rome's Marti
athletics and, in fighting or dying well; they could inspire admiration and popular
acclaim. They were celebrated in high and low art, and their values entertainers were
commemorated in precious and common place objects throughout the Roman world.

The origin of gladiatorial combats open to debate. There is evidence of it in funeral

rites during the Punic Wars of the 3rd century BC, and there after it rapidly became
an essential feature of politics and social life in the Roman world. Its popularity led to
its use in ever more lavish and costly spectacles or "gladiatorial games"

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Animal shows were also popular with the
Romans, where foreign animals were either
displayed for the public or combined with
gladiatorial combat. A prisoner or gladiator,
armed or unarmed, was thrown into the arena
and an animal was released.

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The Circus Maximus, another popular site in Rome,
was primarily used for horse and chariot racing, and
when the Circus was flooded, there could be sea
battles. It was also used for many other events. The
Circus could hold up to 385,000 people; people all
over Rome would visit it. Two temples, one with
seven large eggs and one with seven dolphins, lay in
the middle of the track of Circus Maximus, and
when the racers made a lap, one of each would be
removed. This was done to keep the spectators and
the racers informed of the race statistics.
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Other than for sports, the Circus Maximus was also an area
of marketing and gambling. Higher authorities, such as the
Emperor, also attended games in the Circus Maximus, as it
was considered rude to avoid attendance. The higher
authorities, knights, and many other people who were
involved with the race, sat in reserved seats located above
everyone else. It was also considered inappropriate for
emperors to favour a team. The Circus Maximus was created
in 600 BC and hosted the last horse-racing game in 549 AD,
after a custom enduring over a millennium.

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«The self-awareness through
sports» Please try to explain what
do you get from following

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi

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İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi

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‘’A better world could be brought about only by
better individuals.’’ This quote from Pierre de
Coubertin shows how life started to change from
the mid 18th century until nowadays. When this
important man was born in 1863, many things
around the world completely changed.

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi

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First of all, in 1863, servitude was abolished in
the United States; in 1864, the I International is
created; one year later, 1865, there was a
suffrage movement which would led to the
female vote in 1920.

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A significant event occurred in 1870: the
Battle of Sedan between France and Prussia,
where France was defeated and humiliated.
This would result in the unification of
Germany and Italy. Afterwards in 1871, the
Parisian Commune is founded; in 1872, the I
International disappears from Europe.
Regarding culture, the Eiffel Tower is
constructed in 1889.

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So as we can see, many relevant events
occur until the establishment of the
International Olympic Committee in 1894. All
these will later influence Pierre and future
wars such as World War I.

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Pierre, baron de Coubertin was born the 1 January,
1863 in France and died on September 2, 1937 in
Switzerland. He was a French educator and historian
who played a central role in the revival of the
Olympic Games in 1896, after nearly 1,500 years of
inactivity. He was a founding member of the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) and served as
its second president from 1896 to 1925, becoming
the father of the modern Olympic Games.

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi

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Pierre, baron de Coubertin was born the
1 January, 1863 in France and died on
September 2, 1937 in Switzerland. He
was a French educator and historian
who played a central role in the revival
of the Olympic Games in 1896, after
nearly 1,500 years of inactivity. He was a
founding member of the International
Olympic Committee (IOC) and served as
its second president from 1896 to 1925,
becoming the father of the modern
Olympic Games. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi
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His early education influenced him a lot
as it taught him strong moral values.
When he was a child, France was under
profound political changes.(1870) Battle
of Sedan=French defeat) France's defeat
in the Franco-Prussian War greatly
bothered every citizen of France, and
even though Pierre was just a young
boy, he was disturbed by the defeat of
his beloved country, too.

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi

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He postulated that it was the lack of physical education and training
that made the French soldiers weak and more prone to defeat at
the hands of the more athletic rivals, so at the end he became
convinced that athletic prowess could save his nation from military
From a young age he was really interested in education and its
philosophy, so he later became an educator and intellectual.As a
teenager he used to read English novels from where he learned of
the sports-centered English public school system of the late 19th
century. He agreed with the English educational system which
promoted many sport values. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi
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Intrigued, he travelled to England and studied its educational
system. Influenced by the study of Thomas Arnold´s conception and
education, in which England had integrated physical education and
sports with academic curriculum, he demanded ethical and moral
values together with physical training in France which in those days
only focused on intellectual development.

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This implementation triggered in the combination of sports,
education and the idea of world-wide peace. The last idea of
universal peace was extremely relevant and one of his main
objectives, that´s why modern Olympic Games were built on three
pillars: elite sports, ethics and peace.Coubertin was convinced that
peace education could only be effective if theoretical learning was
accompanied by personal experience.

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Olympic sport was the very means to achieve this
aim. Sport in the sense should become an
instrument to reform economy and politics and
thus society as a whole: “The Olympic Games will
be a potent, if indirect factor in securing universal

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi

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In 1890, he met English educator William Penny
Brookes, who had organized British Olympic Games
in 1866. Brookes was passionate about resurrecting
the Olympic Games on an international level. Deeply
influenced by Brookes, Coubertin decided to take up
the cause.

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi

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Eventually he became the father of the modern
Olympic Games by establishing the International
Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894 which revived
and promoted Olympic Games throughout the
world. The IOC is the supreme authority of the
worldwide modern Olympic movement.

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His campaign to promote athletic activities began as a lonely
crusade but it slowly gained support among advocates of athletics
in Europe and America. Finally in 1888, he proclaimed the Olympic
Games reestablishment in the Sorbonne University. Thus, Coubertin
was able to organize the first modern Olympics in Athens in 1896 as
a symbol of Greek origins. The success of the first Olympic Games
marked, for Coubertin, the internationalization of his educational
visions, where his main priority at first was as said before, the idea
of peace among nations

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi

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After having created the IOC, he became its second president and
managed to impose some measures such as: he regulated the
games and lead the organization of some Olympic Games (Paris
(1900), San Luis (1904), London (1908) and Stockholm(1912). In
addition he was the creator of many different symbols such as the
flag, the flame, the anthem, symbols and traditions described
afterwards. After a glorious life, he finally died due to a heart attack
on 2 September 1937.

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OBJECTIVES: As a result of all these influences, he postulated his
own ideas which were
1. Universal peace and interracial understanding: ‘’ The Olympic
Spirit is neither the property of one race nor of one age.’’

2. Avoid military humiliation with athletic power: ‘’Success

comprises in itself the seeds of its own decline and sport is not
spared by this law.’’

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3. The self-awareness through sports: ‘’The most important thing in
the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential
thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.’’

4. The harmony of physical and spiritual training: ‘’ Sport is the

habitual and voluntary cultivation of intensive physical effort.’’

5. the idea of human perfection with the help of physical

achievement: ‘’Olympism... exalting and combining in a balanced
whole the qualities of body, mind and will’’

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6. sports deliberately based upon ethics as the leading principle: ‘’
In the Olympic Oath, I ask for only one thing: sporting loyalty.’’

7. respect for and tolerance of competitors: ‘’ All sports must be

treated on the basis of equality.’’

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Second Period of Olympic Games

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games are important for
sport history?

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