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English for Academic

Professional Purposes

Outlining Reading Texts

in Various Disciplines defines an outline as
the essential feature or main aspect of

What is
discussion. According to, an outline is a
written list or description of the most

important parts of an essay. An outline
refers to a draft that summarizes the
main points of an article or a writing

project. It is in the form of a list divided
into main topics, sub-topics, and
supporting details. It enables a writer to
classify the main points and supporting
details of an essay or article.
Presentation title 2
Steps in Outlining
1. Choose a topic and create a thesis statement for your essay or article
2. Determine the type of outline you want to use
3. Prepare a list of main ideas including your references
4. Organize the ideas
5. Expand your ideas
6. Review your outline

Presentation title 3
Make sure that your outline includes all main ideas and
supporting details. It is important that all the ideas and
supporting details are related to one another. An essay outline
helps a writer to focus on the topic, organize the ideas and
attain concise writing output.
The three types of outline are ALPHANUMERIC OUTLINE,
1. Alphanumeric outline has a prefix in the form of letters and numbers
at the beginning of each topic. It is the common type of outline.
2. Sentence outline is a hierarchical outline that contains sentence.
3. Topic outline is a hierarchical outline that contains words or phrases.
Example: Expository Essay Outline
I. Introduction
A. General Information about the topic

Example of B. Thesis Statement

II. Topic Sentence I

C. Supporting details
1. Detail/Example
2. Detail/Example

Alphanu- 3. Detail/Example
B. Supporting details

meric 4. Detail/Example
5. Detail/Example

6. Detail/Example
III. Topic Sentence 2
A. Supporting details
1. Detail/Example
2. Detail/Example
Presentation title 3. Detail/Example 6
B. Supporting details
1. Detail/Example
2. Detail/Example

Example of 3. Detail/Example
IV. Concluding Paragraph

an A. Re-state Thesis Statement

B. Summary of the Main Point

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Introduction: Importance of Philosophy
Thesis Statement: Philosophy enables a person to
engage in critical thinking, improve problem-solving
skills, acquire wisdom and attain self-development.

Example I. Engagement in critical thinking

A. Being critical of own ideas

of a
B. Critical thinking skills
II. Problem-solving and decision-making skills
C. Analyze a problem or dilemma

Topic D. Identify solutions to the problem

III. Engagement in critical thinking

E. Acceptance of new and different ideas
F. Make good choices and judgement
V. Self-development
G. Knowing oneself
H. Inquiry, critical thinking, and reflection
Presentation title 8
Individual Activity: Reading Comprehension

1. What is the thesis statement of the


2. Does exercising freedom require


3. What are the three kinds of freedom?

4. What are the two elements of freedom?

5. How can you exercise freedom

Presentation title 9
Group Activity:

Create a sentence
outline and a topic
outline of the article
“Freedom of the
Human Person.” Use
a yellow paper for
Presentation title
your answer. 10

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