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The best school for

your children.
Our modest proposal
Problems that you will not see in our school
01 02
Disrespectful students Skipping classes
Many teachers every day get a There are a lot of students that
dose of disrespect from their think that skipping school is
students , we can literally say fun , well not in ours, we
that they are being bullied . would say it is expensive .

03 04
Failing classes Inappropriate clothing
It is proven that what you
If you fail your classes , well
were makes you either more
then you are obviously not
productive or less so in our
interested in school.
school an official look is
Disrespectful students
We encourage a great relationship between students and
teacher and at the same time we do not want them to
forget that they have different social roles and they
should always be respectful. In situations when the
students are being disrespectful they are gonna be
punished by being beaten up, the worst was the student
action the worst is gonna be the punishment.The parents
are gonna sign a syllabus in the beginning of the year
that they agree to such a way of treatment in educational
Skipping classes
It is obvious that the moment that students start
skipping classes with no real and motivated reason to
do so(like medical appointment ) then they are no
longer interested in their education so the parents will
need to pay a fee for every skipped class of their kid ,
the money will be invested in school development and
obviously , to make the conditions for student better
and better, because there is always place where to
Failing classes

Failing classes is an certain disinterest in what the

student is supposed to be learning. A student that
is doing his homework, is active in class
conversations , and try his best, would never fail
his classes, so our school decided that as soon you
fail one of your classes you are getting expelled
and loosing the privilege of getting knowledge
Uniforms are a very important figure in the
learning process it is proven that the way
we dress affects the information that we
become more willingly to take , so if we
dress formally and school oriented then
you are more inclined to be a better student
and to mentally prepare yourself to take
the posture of a student and get to a greater
success , the same way you would do with
work , cause after all school is just our job.

If I have seen farther than others, it is because I h
ave stood on the shoulders of giants.

—Isaac Newton

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