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Grand city design refers to the

planning and design of cities or
urban areas with the aim of
creating a visually impressive
and functional environment.



For centuries Paris has been one of the world’s most important and
attractive cities. It is appreciated for the opportunities it offers for
business and commerce, for study, for culture, and for entertainment;
its gastronomy, haute couture, painting, literature, and intellectual
community especially enjoy an enviable reputation. Its sobriquet “the
City of Light” (“la Ville Lumière”), earned during the Enlightenment,
remains appropriate, for Paris has retained its importance as a centre
for education and intellectual pursuits.
Since 1795, the arrondissements are
the administrative districts of the
capital city of France. The city has
20 arrondissements numbered 1st to
20th. Since 2020, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd
and 4th arrondissements have been
grouped together in a single sector
called Paris Centre. Each
arrondissement has its own city hall
in addition to Hotel de Ville, the
central Paris City Hall. The city hall
of the 3rd arrondissement serves as
the city hall of Paris Centre. The
postal zip code combines the code
of the city (75) with the
arrondissement number. For
example, 75015 is the zip code of
the 15th arrondissement. The postal
zip code of the first four
arrondissements remain the same
as before. For example, 75004
remains the zip code of the 4th
arrondissement. The printable Paris
arrondissement map shows¨the top
sights and streets. Locate top tourist
sights on Paris tourist map.
The Heart Of Paris – The
Classic Attractions Of The 1st
& 2nd Arrondissements
Among the oldest city neighborhoods, the 1st and 2nd
Arrondissements are still the very center of Paris — the
heart of the city. Since Charles V moved the seat of power
from the Île de la Cité to the Louvre back in 1365 this has
been where French government action has been. You can
see the monumental reminders of history in the palaces
and monuments built by kings and emperors still standing The Marais – Everyone's Favorite
today. Hip & Historic Paris
Neighborhood of 3rd & 4th
The Marais is one of the most popular quartiers of Paris.
And no wonder — it's famous for old-world charm, narrow
cobblestone streets, hidden courtyards & tranquil
gardens, a multitude of mansions called hôtels
particuliers, a vibrant Jewish community, and a thriving
gallery & cafe culture. Historically, this area, built over
marshland ("marais"), was the neighborhood of choice for
the aristocracy from the 13th to the 17th centuries.
The Two Islands In The Heart
Of Paris - the 4th
Though tiny, these two islands in the middle of Paris,
Île de la Cité and Île St. Louis are packed with history.
Notre Dame Cathedral, La Sainte-Chapelle, the Concierge
are all there. So is the Hotel Dieu hospital and the police
headquarters. The Paris Islands were located in part of the
1st and part of the 4th Arrondissements, though of course
they are now part of Paris Central. Join us on an island-
hopping tour. The Latin Quarter - the 5th
The 5th Arrondissement, AKA the Latin Quarter, dates
back to when Paris was a Roman settlement. Here you'll find
the Pantheon, the Sorbonne; Rue Mouffetard, the bustling
market street; and the winding cobblestone streets of old
Paris. It's also where you'll find vestiges of Roman Paris and
some of the best food markets in the city.
The Latin Quarter may be the most well-known district of
Paris. It's also home to a number of French universities. In
fact, the name of the quartier dates back to the time when the
languages spoken by the students at the universities was
Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 6th
One of the prettiest areas in Paris, Saint-Germain-
des-Prés was, in the 19th century and the earlier part of
the 20th century, the haunt of both the French
existentialists and the Americans of the Lost Generation.
Home to the Jardin du Luxembourg and the church of St-
Germain-des-Prés, it also sports very nice shopping
streets. We go to St Germain for clothes shopping, for The Eiffel Tower - 7th
groceries, for chocolate, for the cafes, and for the parks.
The 7th Arrondissement is home to some of the
grand symbols of Paris — Musée d'Orsay, Les Invalides,
the Eiffel Tower. But if you look beyond those glittering
facades you'll find narrow yet wealthy residential streets,
tree-lined parks, the banks of the Seine, and the services
Parisian need for their daily lives.
It's also home to many French government offices,
the Rodin Museum, the famous food street Rue Cler, and
a string of lovely restaurants and hotels. We think it's one
of the most attractive residential quartiers in Paris — the
Eiffel Tower is just a bonus!
Champs-Elysées - the 8th

The 8th Arrondissement is known as the home of the

good things in life — luxury hotels, great museums, and
chi-chi shopping. Parc Monceau, one of the most civilized
parks in the world, is also found in this wealthy
arrondissement. Place de la Concorde is at one end of
Champs-Elysées and the Arc de Triomphe is at the other.

Palais Garnier at Place de la

Opéra - the 9th Arrondissement
The 9th Arrondissement runs north from the famous
19th-century Paris opera house, Palais Garnier, up to the
foot of Montmartre. It's home to the Grands Magasins
(Galeries Lafayette and Printemps as well as 60,000
Parisians. Discover all the things to do and see and shop
for in the 9th Arrondissement. Some famous, some not so
famous, but all fascinating.
Gare du Nord - 10th
In this arrondissement of northeast Paris you'll find
the two largest gares in Paris as well as the northern bit of
Canal St-Martin. While the 10th isn't on most visitors'
itineraries, it's full of life, shops, great restaurants, some
surprisingly good hotels, and lots of Parisians. In our guide
we reveal what makes the 10th tick.
Canal Saint-Martin - the 11th
Canal Saint-Martin is an up-and-coming
neighborhood that straddles the canal itself as it winds
through the 10th and 11th Arrondissements. The working-
class district is today where young Parisians congregate,
attracted by cheaper rents, events venues, and trending
restaurants and cafes.
There's a good covered market that serves the
quartier (one of only a handful left in Paris), relaxing
walks to be taken along the canal, and things to do and
see. You can also hop on a canal boat for a leisurely ride
through the locks and on to the Seine River. Let's find out
why Canal Saint-Martin has become the place to be.
Shops in Bercy Villages - the
12th Arrondissement
What's the largest arrondissement in Paris?
Surprisingly it's the 12th — when you count in the huge
Bois de Vincennes, which is part of the district. (It beats
out the 16th Arrondissement by just five acres.)
The 12th is full of things we really like, like the
modernistic Opera Bastille; the Aligre market; Gare de
Lyon, the loveliest train station in Paris; Bercy Village, and
a great promenade pathway built in place of an old rail line.
Oh, and don't forget about the Temple of Love! Cité de la Mode - the 13th
The 13th Arrondissement doesn't feature historic
monuments, cobblestone streets, or vestiges of Roman
Paris to attract the visitor. Here you find more of the Paris
of the 20th century, thanks to extensive modern projects
and rebuilding, such as the postmodern high-rise,
Bibliothèque Nationale de France and the neighboring
new quartier of Paris Rive Gauche.
But there are still the traditional Parisian street
markets, an historic train station, a swimming pool
floating on the Seine, and a dynamic new arts and
entertainment and activities scene, often re-purposing
former industrial buildings
Mairie or town hall - 14th
140,000 Parisians can't be wrong about the
attractions of this southern district. That's how many live,
work, shop, and play in the 14th Arrondissement. Although
this is another area not normally on travelers' list of places
to visit in Paris, we find there's a lot to like about the 14th
— including these twelve suggestions.

Dining al fresco in the 15th

This large arrondissement tucks up against the
Seine on the Left Bank across from the 16th. You're
probably familiar with the train station Gare Montparnasse
and its accompanying skyscraper, Tour Montparnasse,
but you may not have visited some of our favorite 15th
Arrondissement spots like Rue du Commerce, Grenelle
Market, and Parc André Citroën.
The view from Trocadero in
the 16th Arrondissement
The 16th is the westernmost arrondissement, stretching
from the Arc de Triomphe to the the vast Bois de Boulogne,
running like a spine along the edge of the bois. It's a large,
wealthy residential neighborhood where we go to visit Musée
Marmottan to view the Monets, do some luxury shopping, and
stroll through the food markets.
A well-known and much-visited section of the 16th is just
across the Seine from the Eiffel Tower, where some of the best
views of that monument are to be had from the Trocadero. But
you may not realize that the 16th is also home to two of the
newest and plushest luxury hotels in Paris, and also where you
can find a couple of our favorite Michelin-starred restaurants. Fishmonger & customers,
Poncelet market streets, 17th
This large arrondissement holds down the northwest
corner of Paris, and it's the place than many Parisians
call home. Here you'll find great street markets, cheese
shops, boulangeries, boucheries, and all the other shops
and services the residents need. The 17th is another
arrondissement not on the route of most visitors, but we'd
like to share four great hotels, two favorite restaurants,
and other secrets of this residential area.
Streets of Montmartre village
- the 18th Arrondissement
The quartier of Montmartre was formerly a village of
the same name, high up on the hill above Paris. It
encompasses the 18th Arrondissement, which runs up
from the border of the 9th right up to the northernmost
edge of the city.
This historical and artistic quartier has been home to
famous (and not-so-famous) painters and writers, most
notably Picasso, Renoir, and van Gogh. Since it's set atop
a hill, Montmartre has spectacular views, especially from
the big white church of Sacre Coeur and Place de Tertre. Night view of Parc de la Villette,
It's also home to the Dali Museum and Moulin Rouge. But, 19th Arrondissement
there's a whole lot more of life in Montmartre than this brief The 19th Arrondissement is home to two of the largest
description indicates. Learn more in our guide. parks in Paris. Parc de la Villette, up in the very northeastern
corner of the city, features the Cité des Sciences science
museum, Cité de la Musique music museum, and the new
Philharmonie de Paris, one of the world's great concert
halls. The other large park, Buttes Chaumont, sports a tall
waterfall, lots of paths, and a pedestrian bridge.
It's a bustling neighborhood, with one of the largest
populations in Paris, and still growing. The 19th
Arrondissement has a lot to explore, so we'll tell you what
makes this neighborhood tick.
Pere Lachaise and Bellville -
The 20th Arrondissement

Dining on the terrace of Restaurant Moncoeur, with the Eiffel Tower in the distance

While the 20th Arrondissement is on the eastern edge of Paris, and a half-hour Metro ride
from monument central, it's also where you find the fascinating Pere Lachaise Cemetery, final
resting place of the rich and infamous. The 20th is also worth visiting for the bustling community of
Belleville. Come along as we visit eight things we love about this district of Paris.

For centuries Paris has been one of the world’s most important and attractive cities. It is
appreciated for the opportunities it offers for business and commerce, for study, for culture, and
for entertainment; its gastronomy, haute couture, painting, literature, and intellectual community
especially enjoy an enviable reputation. Its sobriquet “the City of Light” (“la Ville Lumière”),
earned during the Enlightenment, remains appropriate, for Paris has retained its importance as a
centre for education and intellectual pursuits.
Paris’s site at a crossroads of both water and land routes significant not only to France but also
to Europe has had a continuing influence on its growth.

Under Roman administration, in the 1st century BCE, the original site on the Île de la Cité was
designated the capital of the Parisii tribe and territory.
The Frankish king Clovis I had taken Paris from the Gauls by 494 CE and later made his capital

Under Hugh Capet (ruled 987–996) and the Capetian dynasty the preeminence of Paris was
firmly established, and Paris became the political and cultural hub as modern France took shape.

France has long been a highly centralized country, and Paris has come to be identified with a
powerful central state, drawing to itself much of the talent and vitality of the provinces.

Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly

known as Washington or D.C., is the capital city and federal district of
the United States.[10] The city is located on the east bank of the
Potomac River, which forms its southwestern border with Virginia, and
borders Maryland to its north and east. The city was named for George
Washington, a Founding Father, commanding general of the
Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War, and the first
president of the United States,[11] and the district is named for
Columbia, the female personification of the nation.
The Washington Monument
The Washington Monument, designed by Robert Mills and
completed by Thomas Casey and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
honors and memorializes George Washington
at the center of the nation's capital.

The structure was completed in two phases of construction,

one private (1848-1854) and one public (1876-1884).
Built in the shape of an Egyptian obelisk,
evoking the timelessness of ancient civilizations,
the Washington Monument embodies the awe,
respect, and gratitude the
nation felt for its most essential Founding Father.
When completed,
the Washington Monument was the tallest
building in the world at 555 feet, 5-1/8 inches.
US CAPITOL A For more than two centuries, the United States
legislature has met in Washington, D.C. at the
Capitol building. It is a symbol of the American
democracy. In addition to being a functioning
meeting hall, it also houses important American
art, and stands as an architectural symbol in its
own right.

Construction of the Capitol building began in

1793. Using ancient architectural models, the
young American republic sought to connect its
radical experiment in democracy with familiar,
stoic building forms that projected strength and
stability. The building would continue to evolve,
change, and be added to in order to meet the
needs of a growing Congress and an evolving
American public over the course of the next two
hundred years under the care of dozens of
THOMAS JEFFERSON MEMORIAL The National Park Service has undertaken a
project to restore the roofs, repair the stone, and
clean the marble at the Thomas Jefferson
Memorial. The memorial will remain open for the
duration of the project, although some areas will
be inaccessible.

The roof restoration and repair will consist of

replacing the two flat upper and lower roofs that
circle the dome to keep the building watertight
and dry. Additionally, the large marble “tiles”
covering the portico, the dramatic front entry that
projects towards the Tidal Basin, will be lifted to
replace the deteriorated water-proofing below.
Stone will also be repaired under the portico and
along the colonnade ceilings. Improvements to
roof drains, downspouts, and gutters will also be
LINCOLN MEMORIAL The grand Lincoln Memorial towers over the
Reflecting Pool, anchoring the western end of the
National Mall. The best way to approach the
memorial is from the east, by the Washington
Monument and the National World War II
Memorial. This will put you at the edge of the
Reflecting Pool, a shimmering expanse which
best illuminates the grand structures honoring
our most storied leaders.

Take a stroll toward the memorial and watch as it

gradually gets larger. When you stand directly in
front, gaze at the handsome marble columns
surrounded by greenery, part of a design inspired
by ancient Greek temples. There are 36 columns,
each one representing one state in the U.S. at the
date of President Lincoln’s death. The memorial
itself is 190 feet long and 119 feet wide, and
reaches a height of almost 100 feet.
Pentagon, large five-sided building in Arlington
county, Virginia, near Washington, D.C., that
serves as the headquarters of the U.S.
Department of Defense, including all three
military services—Army, Navy, and Air Force.Take
a stroll toward the memorial and watch as it
gradually gets larger. When you stand directly in
front, gaze at the handsome marble columns
surrounded by greenery, part of a design inspired
by ancient Greek temples. There are 36 columns,
each one representing one state in the U.S. at the
date of President Lincoln’s death. The memorial
itself is 190 feet long and 119 feet wide, and
reaches a height of almost 100 feet.

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