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• Nguyễn Đình Tuấn Phong - 46.01.751.149
• Nguyễn Khánh Huỳnh - 46.01.751.076
• Huỳnh Lê Nhường - 46.01.751.145
• Lê Nguyễn Ngọc Vy - 46.01.751.231
• Trần Hiêu Trúng - 46.01.751.055

dys- : difficult
dyslexia (n.): a condition affecting the brain that
causes difficulty in reading and spelling, for
example, but does not affect intelligence.
E.g. He had not flourished at school, largely
due to undiagnosed dyslexia.
dermatitis (n.) /ˌdɜːməˈtaɪtɪs/
dermat(o)-: skin
-itis: inflammation
dermatitis (n.): a skin condition in which the skin
becomes red, swollen (= larger or rounder than
normal) and painful.

E.g. Turning Tucker's hand, he examined the

small red patch of dermatitis.
contraception (n.)
contra-: against
contraception (n.): the practice of using
artificial methods to avoid becoming pregnant
when having sex; the methods of doing this.

E.g. With today's more efficient contraception women can plan their
families and careers
gonadotrophic (adj.)
-trophic: nourishing, stimulating
gonadotrophic (adj.): pertaining to substances
formed in the anterior pituitary gland that affect the
activity of the ovary or testis.

E.g. According to modern research, velvet

antler has shown gonadotropic activity.
hypocritical (adj.)
hypo-: under
hypocritical (adj.): behaving in a way that
does not meet the moral standards or match
the opinions that you claim to have.

E.g. It would be hypocritical of me to have a church wedding when I don't

believe in God.
asymmetric (adj.)
a-: without, lack of
asymmetric (adj.): with two halves, sides, or
parts that are not exactly the same in shape and

E.g. His slightly asymmetric features make his

face more interesting.
antenatal (adj.)

ante-: before, forwards

antenatal (adj.): relating to the medical care given
to pregnant women before their babies are born.

E.g. Each woman receives a minimum of 13

antenatal check-ups during pregnancy
pseudonym (n.)
pseudo-: false
pseudonym (n.): a name someone uses instead of
their real name, especially on a written work

E.g. George Orwell was a pseudonym - his real

name was Eric Blair.
phagocyte (n.) phago-: pertaining to eating, ingesting or
/ˈfæɡ.ə.saɪt/ engulfing
-cyte: cell
phagocyte (n.): a type of cell in the body that
can surround things and swallow them,
especially a white blood cell that protects the
body against infection by destroying bacteria

E.g. After Metchnikoff discovered phagocytes, he plunged into

researching human immunity, hopeful to find ways to extend lives.
carcinogenic (adj.)

-genic: causing
carcinogenic (adj.): causing cancer, or
relating to things that cause cancer.

E.g. Residents believe the furnace emitted

carcinogenic gases for 25 years.
osteoporosis (n.)

osteo- : combining form meaning bone

osteoporosis (n) a disease that causes the
bones to become weaker and easily broken.

E.g. Although osteoporosis is widely known as a common disease of

women, many people are unaware that it is also a common disease
of men.

polymorph (n.)
poly-: multi, many
morph(o)-: shape or form
Polymorph (n): an organism or object that
takes various forms
E.g. He was bewitched and transformed into a
Heterotroph (n.)

hetero-: different or other

troph(o)-: nourishment or nutrition
heterotroph (n.): a living thing or organism that
get its food from other plants or animals

E.g. Cereal seedlings begin as heterotrophs,

depending totally on food mobilized from the
lumpectomy (n.)
-ectomy: relating to surgery removal
lumpectomy (n.): a surgical removal of a
discrete portion or "lump" of breast tissue,
usually in the treatment of a malignant
tumor or breast cancer.
E.g. Five years after diagnosis, disease-specific
survival rates were: 97% for women who got
lumpectomy plus radiation.
anaemia (n.) -emia or -aemia: relating to the condition of
an-: not or without
anaemia (n.): a condition in which the
number of red blood cells in your body is
lower than normal or insufficient to get
oxygen to your body’s tissues.

E.g. Iron deficiency anaemia is caused

by lack of iron, often because of blood
loss or pregnancy.

mono-: one
monochrome (adj.): using only black, white
, and grey, or using only one colour

E.g. The park in winter is a depressing

monochrome grey.
circumambient (adj.)
circum-: around, about
circumambient (adj.): surrounding, on all sides

E.g. He could not see them clearly by

reason of the circumambient water.
autochthonous (adj.)

auto-: self
autochthonous (adj.): indigenous

E.g. The islands have been inhabited by

their autochthonous people.
thermostat (n.)

therm-: pertaining to temperature

thermostat (n.): a device that keeps a
building, engine, etc. within a limited
temperature range

E.g. The building’s thermostat has been out of order for weeks,
leading to its employees feeling cold most of the time.
myalgia (n.)/maɪˈæl.dʒə/
-algia: pertaining to pain
myalgia (n.): pain in the muscles

E.g. He still complained of weakness and

myalgia, but his pneumonia had been cured.

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