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Present tenses (I do / I am doing) Going to Will/shall (Future Simple) Future Continuous Future Perfect

Oba sadanja vremena (Present Simple i Present Continuous) mogu imati znaenje budueg: This is Bens diary for next week: He is playing tennis on Monday afternoon. He is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning. He is having dinner with Kate on Friday. Ovde je P.C. upotrebljen sa znaenjem unapred dogovorene aktivnosti u budunosti.

Im doing something (tomorrow) = I have already decided and arranged to do this. Im not working tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere. Ian isnt playing football next Saturday. Hes hurt his leg. U srpskom jeziku prezent se takoe moe upotrebiti na ovaj nain: Sutra ne radim, u utorak idem kod zubara, itd.

Kada govorimo o utvrenom rasporedu, programu, redu vonje, itd. dakle o planu koji je napravio neko drugi, koristimo Present Simple: My train leaves at 11.30, so I need to be at the station by 11.15. What time does the film begin this evening? Tomorrow is Wednesday.

Present Continuous: za line planove i dogovore What time are you arriving tomorrow? Im going to the cinema this evening.

Present Simple: za raspored, program, red vonje What time does the train arrive tomorrow? The film begins at 9 this evening.

I am going to do something = I have already decided to do it, I intend to do it. A: Are you going to watch the late film on TV tonight? B: No, Im going to have an early night. Im just going to make a quick phone call. Can you wait for me? This cheese looks horrible. Im not going to eat it.

1. Going to oznaava unapred donetu odluku, nameru da se neto uini u budunosti. NE prevodi se kao idem, ve kao budue vreme: Im going to watch the film = Gledau film, ili Hou da gledam film, koje izraava nameru.

Koristimo kao budue vreme kad govorimo o nekom dogovoru, planu: What time are you meeting Anne this evening? (to je dogovoreno) Im leaving tomorrow. Ive got my plane ticket. (isplanirano)

Koristimo kao budue vreme kad govorimo o nekoj odluci, nameri: Your shoes are dirty. Yes, I know. Im going to clean them. (to je namera) Ive decided not to stay here any longer. Tomorrow Im going to look for somewhere else to stay. (odluka)

Present Continuous

Going to

esto je razlika izmeu ova dva naina izraavanja budunosti vrlo mala, pa su mogue obe varijante (zavisi od konteksta, tj. da li elimo da izrazimo postojanje plana ili namere): Im leaving tomorrow. Im going to leave tomorrow.

2. Going to takoe koristimo kada na osnovu situacije u sadanjosti tvrdimo da e se neto dogoditi u budunosti: The man cant see the wall in front of him. Hes going to walk into the wall. Look at those black clouds! Its going to rain. I feel terrible. I think Im going to be sick.

I was going to (do something) = I intended to do it, but didnt do it Moe se koristiti i u prolom vremenu da oznai neto to smo nameravali, ali na kraju nismo uradili: We were going to travel by train, but then we decided to go by car instead. Ili neto to smo mislili da e se dogoditi, ali nije: I thought it was going to rain, but it didnt.

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I shall/will go You will go He/she/it will go We shall/will go They will go

Shall/will I go? Will you go? Will he/she/it go? Shall/will we go? Will they go?

I shall not (shant)/ will not (wont) go You wont go He/she/it wont go We shant/wont go They wont go

Will/shall + infinitiv glavnog glagola naziva se Future Simple Tense (obino budue vreme) Shall se po pravilu koristi samo u prvom licu jednine i mnoine. Meutim, u govornom jeziku i shall i will skrauju se samo na ll: I shall go = Ill go He will go = Hell go Zbog toga se shall malo koristi, obino u pisanom ili formalnom jeziku. Shall + not = shant Will + not = wont

1. za odluku donetu u trenutku govora: Oh, Ive left the door open. Ill go and shut it. What would you like to drink? Ill have an orange juice, please. Did you phone Lucy? Oh, no, I forgot. Ill phone her now. esto se koristi sa I think /I dont think: I feel a bit hungry. I think Ill have something to eat. I dont think Ill go out tonight. Im a bit tired.

Za neto to je ve isplanirano ili odlueno NE koristimo will, ve Present C. ili going to: Im leaving for Spain next Saturday. (ne Ill leave) He has decided hes going to look for another flat tomorrow. (ne Hell look).

2. Will se koristi u sledeim situacijama: Offering to do something (Ponuditi se da se neto uradi) That bag looks heavy. Ill help you with it. Agreeing to do something (Sloiti se) A: Can you give Tim this book? B: Sure, Ill give it to him when I see him this afternoon. Promising to do something (Obeati neto) I wont tell anyone what happened, I promise. Asking somebody to do something (Zamoliti nekog neto) Will you please turn the music down?

Wont ima znaenje nee: Ive tried to give her advice, but she wont listen. Shall I...? Shall se koristi u pitanjima shall I...?/shall we...? Shall I open the window? Where shall we go this evening?

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