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Cancer Free
Cells-battery of the body

 Cells generate potential energy by individual

electric charges
– electron transport mechanism
 Cells communicate through current, voltage
and frequencies
 Cells create electromagnetic frequencies-
used successfully in health care for centuries
Charge Generation
 The cell membrane separates the opposite charges.
 Through an ion channel, a hole in the membrane,
ions pass through
 The opposite charges are drawn together
 When they come together Energy results! and the
body functions optimally!
 H+ out from inner cell membranes and OH-
– goes into the cell and causes mitochondrial energy=ATP
Caltech Research
 Rhodium, Palladium, ruthenium found
in nucleus of cells
– They work like a light switch
 Our cells have superconductive
 Proper frequencies stimulate these
 Electromagnetic fields stimulate these
Disease occurs…
 When the energy communication is
disrupted = disease results

 Heart, Nerve and Endocrine system

– all function by energy, biochemical,

 How does the body protect itself?

Inflammatory Attack
 Neutrophils-*-First on site

 Leukocytes

 Monocytes

 Eosinophils

 Basophils

 (Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas)

Inflammation Mechanism
 Mounting research leads to chronic inflammation
linked with aging
– Alzheimer’s-filled with inflammatory cells and
cytokines (chemical communicators)

– Free radicals:
 Free radical damage-caused by reactive
oxygen compounds, natural by-products of
Discover Magazine
 As it (inflammation) simmers in the
background, over years and
decades, collateral damage
accumulates-on the heart, in the
brain, everywhere.
 Harvey Jay Cohen-chairman of the department
of medicine and the director of the Center for
the Study of Aging at Duke University Medical
Center-Discover Magazine Dec. 2007
Chronic Inflammation-
 Persistent presence of pathogens, toxins or genetic

 Affects any tissue; skin, organs etc

 Spurs illness, from heart disease to cancer

 B cells (memory), T cells-killer

Chronic Inflammation, cntd
 Alzheimer’s disease
– Free radicals and cytokines are released from
microglial cells (~neural macrophages)
This results damaging inflammation

 Depression and Schizophrenia

– High levels of inflammatory molecules
interleukin -6 and C-reactive protein found in
depressive patients
Scientific American July
and Cancer: The Link Grows Stronger

 Research into a long-suspected

association between chronic
inflammation and cancer reveals how
the immune system may be abetting
– Jean Marx Science Magazine November 5, 2004
Cancer Mechanism
 Cancer reacts more like an individual organ
than a mindless lump of cells
 This may explain why past approaches to
chemotherapy have had limited success
 Slowing inflammation provides a supplement
to existing cancer treatments
 Scientific American July 2007
The Growth of Cancer
 Cancer is the abnormal and unregulated
growth of otherwise normal cells called a
tumor or neoplasm

 Metastasis-is the process of these renegade

cells spreading to other parts of the body

 This growth takes over other tissues until

their function is impaired
Blockage of Cancer
 Caffeine, i.e. coffee, tea, blocked the ability
of adenosine to promote the synthesis and
accumulation of VEGF, HIF-1 and IL-8-
powerful angiogenesis factor in cancer cells
 Over expression of these three factors are
the fundamental role in the growth and
development of all cancer

 Angiogenesis is the physiological process involving the growth of new

blood vessels from pre-existing vessels
 Glutamine blocks Ft-lb, macrophages,
which promotes cancer cell growth and
 Glutamine inhibits Motor, which
controls the signaling of cell growth
and proliferation
– Other nutrients policosanol, caffeine,
metformin (prescribed) methyljasmonate
and lithium
 Glycolysis to glucose oxidation
 promotes oxidative stress, necrosis, apoptosis
Experts agree
 That although there may be several
combining factors that may cause cell

 The mutations occur at the level of

the DNA-thus disrupting the healthy
“blueprint” from which normal cells
are made.

 What is a protective mechanism of cells?

Protective Inhibition
 The two main states of nerve cells are
excitation and inhibition

 When cells are overexcited pathology can


 Protective Inhibition is the process of cells

“quieting” or “turning off” stimulation to
preserve their healthy functioning
Protective Inhibition-key
principle in biology

 Cell hypersensitivity and hyperactivity result from

overstimulation-chemical or electrical

 Causing damage to cell tissue-

 cells
stabilize nerves, nerves stabilize
muscles, organs…

 This process causes disease and aging

Over stimulation causes
cellular disruption
 This leads to…
 Pathology (cellular mutation) and Aging

 Environmental stress leads to cellular damage

– Toxins , lack of nutrients, harmful frequencies leads

to defect of protective inhibition in our cells

– Mitochondrial and respiratory damage also result

DNA disruption
Protective Inhibition
 Protective inhibitions are supported by
GABA, progesterone, glycine + collagen,
MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides)-coconut
– Thyroid support leads to protective inhibition
– Tissue renewal and defenses

– In the nerve cell, GABA receptors

respond to the neurotransmitter y-
aminobutyric (GABA), which is the
chief INHIBITORY neurotransmitter
in the central nervous system
Protective Inhibition cont’d
 PUFA’s esp. Omega 3’s, decompose into toxins
and arachidonate which enzymatically convert to
prostaglandins-which leads to excitatory damage
 Pepicelli 2005
 DHA and polyunsaturated fats are released by
cellular excitation which cause mitochondrial
 Chan and Fishman 1980,82; Hillered, Chan 1988,89
 Aspirin neuroprotective effects inhibits
prostaglandin synthesis including nitric oxide
(inflammatory agent) and Interleukin’s-They
cause excessive excitation
-Cellular loss of magnesium and increased
intracellular calcium Riepe 1997
Protective Inhibition cont’d
 GABAergic agents restore mitochondrial

 Piracetam (like other GABAergic agents)

very effectively decrease lipid peroxidation
despite increasing metabolic activity

 Piracetam increases oxygen consumption to

the mitochondria
 Novikov, et. al., 1996)
 Neuroprotective and neurotrophic
actions of the mood stabilizer lithium

 Can it be used to treat

neurodegenerative diseases?

 ALS, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimers-all

contain a high GSK (inflammatory
– Lithium blocks GSK
Lithium and GABA
 Lithium replaces sodium from the cell
and in turn activates the removal of
– Glutamate is an excitatory chemical
 Menaker, et al., 2006 Chuang, 2004

 Niacinimide B3 can suppress

circulating free fatty acids, reducing
their interference of the use of glucose
 Glucose is found in all tissue aging
The Balance of Life
 Maintaining the balance between
oxidation and reduction is the key in all
living systems

– Mitochondrial function is controlled by this

Preventing Oxidative Damage
 The cell must be kept in an oxidative state,
meaning a low ratio of NADH to NAD, and
this involves consistent mitochondria
 Niacin maintains NAD
 Ray Peat 2008, Shen 2003 et. al, Sing 2005 et. al.,
Kang 2006 et. al.,Watanabe, Koa, et. al. Su 2007
 To minimize damage, keep low the intake of
tryptophan, methionine and iron.
(Polyunsaturated fats, Omega 3)
 Vitamin K with CoQ10, vit E, progesterone,
thyroid, magnesium - nutrients protecting
mitochondrial damage
 When the DNA is protected from the
causes of mutation, i.e. over
stimulation, free radicals,… then
healthy cell replication occurs

 The healthy cell protects itself from

over stimulation by resonating at
healthy frequencies
– Thus rejuvenation also is created by
optimal frequencies
RNA Receiver/Transmitter
 RNA receives information from our
environment and transmits within the cell
and cell to cell

 Current and voltage also key in cell to cell

– liquid medium (seawater)

 What can stimulate healthy cell frequencies?

 A recent discovery made by the
electrochemistry department at a major
university states…

 RNA frequencies are in the ultra-low ranges,

as well as, the voltage and current of the cell

 Frequencies, waves, currents and voltage

effect structures like RNA,DNA,
chromosomes and telomeres-
– How the cell functions on a daily basis
To further explain how
frequencies work …

Our cells are in fact mini-

transmitters and receivers

Organs, groups of cells,

vibrate at certain frequencies
Sine wave communication
 AC sine wave- the earth acts on frequency
communications as do our cells

 The heart beats at 60 beats per minute

– 1 cycle per second

 The rhythmic of heart is 0.1 Hz

– At this rate the heart is susceptible to the
Proteus communicates
 on a frequency that resonates with our

 Once these waves from Proteus are

received by our RNA and DNA
receptors Proper Cellular
Communication is restored
– hence a healthy “blueprint” is again
Bodily Processes
 All biological processes are controlled
by electrochemical magnetic fields
 For example- A thought is a current
 During the day our activity works on a
 At night we access a current for these
 What protein specifically transmits
DNA/RNA frequency?
 NF-κB (nuclear factor-kappa B)is a
protein complex functioning as a
transcription factor
 A transcription factor is a protein group
that is used to bind to exact parts of the
– This factor, NF-kB, is key when it comes
to transcribing the genetic information
from DNA to RNA
 NF-kB is active when the cell responds to
stimuli such as free radicals, toxins, stress
– NF-kB is a main link in the response to
cellular dis-ease

 When a dis-harmonious frequency occurs NF-

kB stimulates proliferation, invasion and
metastasis of tumor cells
– NF-kB is activated in all damaged cells

 NF-kB Inhibits cell apoptosis

– Lipid products which are correlated with
cancer growth
 Healthy DNA/RNA frequencies lead to
cellular repair

 Repair can be from direct frequency

regeneration “reprogramming”
and by…

 The proper nutrition

– Anti-tumor function
– Enhances immune funciton
– Improves assimilation of all nutrients
– Reduces inflammation in the colon
– Provides friendly intestinal flora
– Enhances calcium absorption and other minerals
and increases bone density
 Collagen makes up the scaffolding of our cells and thus,
our bodies

 Anti-inflammatory function

 Cyto-protective

 Role in prolonging quality of life

– Aids in brain development
– Anti-inflammatory
– Aids in joint/cartilage
– Anti-stress mechanisms
– Aids in healthy CV function
Reducing Inflammation/Stress
 Proteus and Positive attitude

 Healthy diet/nutrition-collagen, probiotics…

 Proper exercise

 Eliminate electromagnetic pollution

 StetzerTM
 Unplugging electronics near head upon sleeping
 Eight feet, plus, away from TV sets, alarm clocks
The New Cytotoxic
Stress/Autophagy Cancer
Treatment Protocol. Revised
 This protocol is based on the cellular
process of autophagy.

 Autophagy is a process of breaking down

the cell's own components through
lysosomes-the cells own garbage disposals
(Pac men).

 Oxidative stress is also induced. Oxidative

stress is an imbalance in the rate of cellular
– is a normal process that maintains normal
functions. This is also a major process by
which a starving cell relocates nutrients from
unnecessary processes to more imperative

– The key to this process is that it is non-

inflammatory and relatively resistant to
mutations (inactivation)in normal pro-cell
death pathways.
Using the body’s optimal
 Autophagy is a better method of
programmed death (apoptosis)
because it is not affected by mutations
in the biochemical pathways
governing apoptosis. Nevertheless,
this protocol will also enhance
apoptosis and necrosis mediated
cancer cell death.
 Inflammation is the process by which the
body heals itself i.e. of a cut, yet if it goes
unchecked may lead to other diseases i.e.
cancer, atherosclerosis etc

 Therefore, using this protocol that instigates

autophagy is the ideal in that this breaks
down the harmful parts of the cell i.e. tumors
without initializing the inflammatory process

 In other words, this protocol removes

the food supply of the, mass, tumor
while also cleaning up the debris
1. Glutamine. 50 grams a day in juice.
25 grams twice a day.

2. Sodium Selenite. 200 micrograms

five times a day. 1 mg total per day.

3. Lithium orotate. Dosages are case

Protocol cont’d
4. Methyl Jasmonate. 2 grams five times a
month via aerosol inhalation. MJ can also
be administered in a 70% DMSO gel
directly into the hair follicles of the arm pit
(for introduction into the lymphatic
system), on the scrotum for the treatment
of prostate cancer, or directly on surface
cancers such as skin and breast cancer.
 MJ is one of the most potent anti-cancer
agents known.
Protocol cont’d
 Methyl jasmonate is a powerful
initiator of cancer cell death. It does so
by specifically interacting with the
outer mitochondrial membranes of
cancer but not normal cells. This
results in a reduction of ATP synthesis
and the initiation of necrosis and
Protocol cont’d
 Methyl Jasmonate and Lithium Inhibit the
Glycolysis of Cancer Cells.
 However, glycolysis, via the pentose
monophosphate shunt, is essential for the
production of nucleotides (DNA and RNA),
phospholipids, fatty acids, and cholesterol.
NADPH is produced by the pentose shunt.
One of the roles of NADPH in the body is the
regeneration of oxidized (inactive)
glutathione into its reduced active form.
Clearly, a rapid and sustained glycolysis is
important for prolonged cellular growth.
Protocol cont’d
 If glycolysis is inhibited, a cell will depend on
respiration for the bulk of its ATP. ATP
generated in the mitochondria produces
superoxide anion, a highly reactive oxygen
free radical. In order to neutralize this
radical, reduced (active) glutathione must be
actively transported into the
mitochondria.Glycolysis, via the pentose
shunt, produces NADPH, a critically
important co-factor for the synthesis of many
pro-growth factors. In addition, NADPH
controls, literally, the reducing potential of a
cell via its ability to regenerate glutathione.
Protocol cont’d
5. Sulindac. This inexpensive anti-
inflammatory prescription drug
powerfully activates a "magic bullet"
death pathway that promotes
autophagy. Sulindac also inhibits
Cox-2, AKT, STAT3 and NF-kappaB
signaling. In addition, sulindac is a
TRUE histone deacetylase inhibitor.
The dose is 200 mgs three times a
day, 600 mgs total.
Protocol cont’d
6. Isoleucine. 10 grams a day. 5 grams
twice a day. This is a minimal dose.
The amino acid isoleucine inhibits the
synthesis of VEGF, a growth factor
which promotes the development of
blood vessels into tumors and sites of
Protocol cont’d
7. Metformin. This common anti-
diabetes drug is a powerful activator
of the AMP kinase. This kinase
activates autophagy, our preferred
form of programmed cell death.
 The dose is 2 grams a day, 1 gram in
the morning and 1 gram in the
evening.The use of metformin must
be accompanied by vitamin B12 and
calcium supplements.
Protocol cont’d
8. Policosanol. This supplement is a powerful
inducer of autophagy via the activation of
AMP kinase. The daily dose is 20 mgs a
day, taken at night.

9. DCA, 12mgs/kilo of body weight every

OTHER day. Take it as one dose in the
morning. Dissolve in juice or water. DCA
should NOT be used to treat brain cancer.
DCA is largely unavailable to US citizens
because the FDA has banned its use.
Protocol cont’d
10. Caffeine. Caffeine enhances the
efficacy of DCA. Consume as much as
you can stand.Caffeine is also an
mTOR inhibitor. The combination of
mTOR and glycolysis inhibitors
powerfully promotes programmed
cell death. MTOR is the natural
inhibitor of autophagy.
Protocol cont’d
 Blocking glycolysis reduces ATP levels
in lymphoma and leukemia cells, but it
does not inhibit the uptake of glucose
into the cells. However, if you add
mTOR inhibitors to the mix, the uptake
of glucose is blocked thereby severly
depleting ATP in these cells. This
results in necrosis, apoptosis or
autophagy depending on the level of
cellular ATP.
Protocol cont’d
11. Vitamin B1. 1 gram a day. Vitamin B1
combined with DCA, and caffeine is
synergistic in their ability to kill cancer

12. Sodium salicylate. 1 tablespoon a day

in water or juice. Take as much as you
can stand. It is a remarkable natural
Protocol cont’d
13. Vitamin D3. 10,000IU a day, 5000IU
twice a day. Vitamin D is a well
established anti-cancer hormone.
Due to our lack of exposure to
ultraviolet light and the lack of
vitamin D in our diet, supplemental
vitamin D is essential for good health.
Protocol cont’d
14. Vitamin A. 50,000IU a day. Vitamin A
promotes the synthesis of TRAIL and other
anti-cancer compounds.
15. Melatonin. The World Health Organization
now considers working the night shift a
carcinogen. Melatonin is a known anti-cancer
agent that is released from the brain at night
in total darkness. Even a night light or a street
light can inhibit melatonin synthesis. Women
who work the night shift are particularly
prone to developing breast cancer. Dose is 30-
50 mgs a day, taken at night. If you have a B
cell lymphoma or leukemia, you should not
take large doses of melatonin.
Protocol cont’d
16. Amino Acids. The mTOR biochemical
pathway blocks autophagy and
promotes cancer cell survival. The
amino acid glutamine inhibits mTOR
while the amino acid leucine activates
Protocol cont’d
 Of course, there are also dietary and
supplement concerns. You cannot use omega
6 oils, such as corn, safflower or soy. They
produce inflammatory prostaglandins in the
body. You must also avoid supplements such
as vitamin C, E, NAC (n-acetylcysteine), ALA
(alpha lipoic acid). And stay away from high
anti-oxidant fruit juices and foods. If you
have cancer, anti-oxidants are not your
friend.Dropping your intake of sugar
wouldn't hurt either.

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