Power Point - Bedside Teaching

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Prepared by: Ganio, Marc Joseph V. Olave, Bernadette C. Ricafrente, Rochelle L.






No teaching without a patient for a text, and the best is that taught by the patient himself William Osler


* Ninety-six percent of residents and 88% of attending preferred that cases NOT be presented at the patients bedside. * Respondents believed that only 30% of an attendings rounding time should be spent at the bedside.

On Bedside Teaching

Favored Bedside Teaching Preferred not including the Patient Nurses who perform bedside teaching

A study at the Medical College of Wisconsin, 2008

Series 1
88% 88% 87% 87%

86% 85% 85% 84% 84% Patient who preferred teaching at the bedside Series 1

AP who do not do bedside teaching

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of the BSN III students in terms of: a. Demographics i. Age

ii. Gender

iii. Civil Status

Statement of the Problem

b. Academics i. Theoretical Grade ii. Clinical Grade

2. What is the baseline Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Score for both treatment and control group?
3. What is the post-test Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Score for both treatment and control group?

4.Is there a significant difference between the Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores pre-test and post-test after the exposure of BST?
5.Is there a significant difference between the the Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores pre-test and post-test to the group without BST exposure?

6. Is there a significant difference between the ICC Scores of BSN III students who have been exposed to BST and those who have not been exposed to it?

Hypothesis H02: There is no significant difference between the ICC score of the BSN II students who have been exposed to BST and those who have not been exposed to it H02: There is no significant difference between the Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) scores of the BSN III students in the pretest and post-test with exposure to Bedside Teaching (BST).

H03: There is no significant difference between the ICC scores of the BSN III students who have been exposed to BST and those who have not been exposed to it

Objectives of the Study This research aims to establish the relationship between Bedside Teaching and the Intrapartal Care Competence of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) III Students of Cavite State University College of Nursing as evidenced by the quantitative measurement of ICC scores. Purposely, it endeavors to: 1.Describe the profile of the BSN III students in terms:

a. Demographics i. Age ii. Gender iii. Civil Status

b. Academic Performance i. Theoretical Grade ii. Clinical Grade 2. Determine the baseline Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores for both treatment and control group. 3. Determine the post-test Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores for both treatment and control group. 4. Determine the significant difference between the Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores pre-test and post-test after the exposure of BST.

5. Determine the significant difference between the the Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores pre-test and post-test to the group without BST exposure 6. Determine the significant difference between the ICC Scores of BSN III students who have been exposed to BST and those who have not exposed to it

Significance of the Study

The results of this research will be of value or meaning to the following: Nursing profession. The Students. The Pregnant Patient. Education System

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research will focus mainly on the measurement of intrapartal care competence of selected nursing students of level III batch 2013 of Cavite State University, College of Nursing as determined by the following criteria: They have completed their theoretical and clinical grade in NURS 50 (Care of the Mother, Child and Family with Normal Conditions) and NURS 55 (Care of the Mother, Child and Family with High-Risk Conditions) They have yet to perform the required number of actual delivery room procedures by PRC through BON

This study focused solely in the intrapartum care of women opting natural spontaneous vaginal delivery (NSVD) and will not include Caesarean Section delivery (CS). The procedure measured is only limited during the entire intrapartum period- the onset of true labor until full dilatation of the cervix essential to allow the delivery of the baby is attained. Antepartum and postpartum periods are not to be graded for this study.

Scope and Limitation of the Study Pregnant patient who are in the intrapartum period was chosen so that observation for evaluation purposes will be done during true labor to the full dilatation essential for the expulsion of the baby and would not include the other stages of perinatal period.

Time and Place of the Study

Three hospital institutional settings were selected for the study following the Related Learning Experience (RLE) schedule in the delivery room rotation of Level III students: Batangas Regional Hospital San Lorenzo Ruiz Hospital Tanza Family Genaral Hospital

Definition of Operational Terms

Bedside Bedside Teaching Clinical Teaching Clinical Teaching Strategies

Definition of Operational Terms

Competence Intrapartal Care Intrapartal Care Competence Intrapartal Care Competence Score (ICC Score) Intrapartum

Definition of Operational Terms

Pregnancy Pregnancy Periods Psychomotor

Religious Affiliation
Teaching Traditional Nurse Experience


Treatment Group

Treatment Group



ICC Score

ICC Score

Exposure to BST

Exposure to BST



ICC Score

ICC Score

Theoretical Framework Jean Watson Lydia Hall Madeleine Leininger Patricia Benner

Ivan Pavlov
John Dewey

Research Design This experimental research design employs a quantitative approach in statistically measuring the difference of Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) scores between the pre-test and post-test phases of clinical competence evaluation after a significant exposure to Bedside Teaching for the treatment group and the nonexposure to it for the control group. It is basically comparative as it clearly indicates how the ICC Scores of those who have been exposed vary from those who have not been.

Sampling Design Only the third year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) students of Cavite State University (CvSU) who are currently enrolled in the NURS 60 subject and who have taken up NURS 50 (Care of the Mother, Child and

Family with Normal Conditions) and NURS 55 (Care of

the Mother, Child and Family with High-Risk Conditions) will be included in the study.

Slovins formula will be used in estimating the sample size.

Where: n = Number of samples N = Total population e = Error tolerance

Table 1. Random Assignment of Respondent to Treatment Group

With Exposure to Bedside Teaching Pre-test ICC Score Post-Test ICC Score R1 O1 O1
















Table 2. Random Assignment of Respondent to Control Group

Without Exposure to Bedside Teaching Pre-test ICC Score Post-Test ICC Score

R1 R2 R3

O1 O2 O3

O1 O2 O3

R5 R6

O5 O6

O5 O6

Research Instrument The Summary Performance Evaluation for Intra-Partal Care Competency developed by the Philippine Regulation Commission through the Board of Nursing as covered by CHED Memorandum Order No.14, series 2009 will be adopted and utilized in the assessment of student performance as a gauge of measurement of the Intapartal Care Competency Score (ICC) Score. This is an eleven-part tool, consisting of 64 procedures which are scored based on the weight assigned per item totaling to 90 points. The said instrument has been released by PRC-BON in line with the curricular changes made as per CMO 14 as a requirement in completion of the 3 scrub cases and 3 circulating cases.

For the grade equivalence, the Grade Point Scale of (5.00 to 1.00) as written in the Cavite State University Student Handbook will be utilized. Aside from ICC Scores, this tool will delineate pass or fail grade.

Method Of Data Collection

For the implementation of the research study which necessitates a Clinical Instructor be the facilitator and the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) level III students are the participants There will be 6 randomly selected students who will be performing intrapartum care in an actual case in the DR. Another 6 students will not be exposed to Bedside Teaching (BST) (control group) but will be graded as well.

Methods of Data Analysis Mean x = xi i=1 n Where: n xi = sum of observations i=1 n = number of observations

Standard Deviation s = (xi x)2 n-1 Where: (xi x)2 = sum of the squared difference between individual observations and the mean n = number of observations

Furthermore, in the process of drawing conclusions about the target population on the basis of results obtained from a sample, the following inferential statistics will be utilized in proving the relationship between the exposure to bedside teaching (BST) (independent variable) and the Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores(dependent variable) pre and post tests, as well as the Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores (dependent variable) between the students with exposure to bedside teaching (BST) (independent variable) and non-exposure to it (independent variable).

Paired Sample T-Test

In determining the difference of Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores during Pre-test and Post-test of both the treatment and control group, Paired Sample T-test will be used. This is used for comparing the mean difference of two dependent variables in quantitative study. Below is the equation for Paired

Sample T-statistic

In determining the difference between the Post Test Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores of the students who are exposed to bedside teaching (BST) to those who are not, Independent Sample T-test will be utilized. This problem uses two independent variables and the Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores are being compared. This is computed using this equation:

Chi-square test
This is used to test for the existence of a relationship or association between variables. (Mendoza & Borja, 2000) In testing if bedside teaching (BST) (nominal level) is associated with the attained Intrapartal Care Competence (ICC) Scores (interval level), chi-square test will be used to determine variable independence.

X = [(O-E) / E], with df = (r-1)(c-1) Where: O = observed frequency E = expected frequency df = degrees of freedom r = number of rows c = number of columns

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