2.0 European Impacts On Indigenous Australians

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Today we’ll be looking at…

Learning Intentions – To understand
1. Immediate effects of European the impact that European arrival had
arrival in Australia on Indigenous Australians.

2. Long-term consequences of
European arrival in Australia Success Criteria – I can identify and
explain how European colonialism
3. A case study of how European has impacted Indigenous Australians
colonialism affects Indigenous
upon arrival and in the 21st century.
Australians in the 21st century. 1

• If you see text in this colour, it is just me giving my thoughts

on something or explaining a point in more detail. (Sorry
I’m not here today, we have been rather unlucky in timing +
scheduling as I have had other commitments. This month I
have plenty of graduating ceremonies to attend!)
• If you see text in this colour, you should probably write it
down in your doc or exercise book as notes
• If you see text in this colour, then these are discussion points
I would like to you to have with the people on your table.
Remember to put you and your mental health first.
Otherwise, if you don’t feel like talking today, just have a
think about these questions 
Terra Nullius meant ‘no man’s land’. The British saw Australian land as Terra Nullius.
But this is simply because Indigenous Australians used it differently to the British. How
do you think the lands were used differently?


 Terra Nullius  The word culture can cover many things – economy,
 People of the main language groups around NSW family, religion, language.
(Darug, Kuringgai and Dharawal) saw European  Introduction of new diseases
arrivals do the following below • smallpox
• Clearing land  Direct and violent conflict with colonisers.
• Fencing waterholes • Rushcutters Bay conflict
• Hunting grounds • Indigenous Australians were shot at when they
• Fishing without permission crossed European farmland for food
• Trampled around sacred sites  Europeans could not understand Indigenous 3

Australian culture.

What does the term ‘hunter – gatherer’ suggest? What kind of connotations are associated with ‘nomads’?

In our very first lesson about Ancient Australia, I got everyone to write that Indigenous Australians
were known as a nomadic group who adopted the hunter gatherer lifestyle approach. What I did not
mention was that Indigenous Australians also used farming techniques too, however, not many
people know this today.

Why aren’t many of us taught that Indigenous Australians also used farming techniques?

 Assimilation to European culture ASPECTS
During the early 1900s martial law (aggressive
• Denied access to traditional foods law) was declared in Tasmania which meant there
• Indigenous Australian were forced to eat more was effectively a war on Indigenous people.
European like foods – foods that were high in carbs
 It became legal to shoot Indigenous people on
and saturated fats
 Their bodies weren’t use to the change. For generations,
 Assimilation to European culture
Indigenous Australians had their own diet. It takes time for
a body to adjust to new foods. • Converting to Christianity. (Not an
immediate effect but still worth mentioning).
 When I go to Cambodia, my body cannot handle fresh fruit
and vegetables. But my mother can eat them without 5

getting sick – because she has grown up there and she is

use to it while I am not.

Generational trauma Systematic racism

 Stolen generation  Black Lives Matters Movement
• Forced removal of children • Indigenous Australians have died while detained in
Australian prisons. Why do we rarely hear about this?
 People who experience trauma are more likely
• Did you know that last year, an Indigenous Australian
to engage in self-destructive behaviours, man passed due to shot wounds by a police officer in
develop life-style diseases and enter and remain Darwin. Why do we get more U.S coverage about
in the criminal justice system. police rather than Australia?

• There is a stigma that surrounds Indigenous  https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/indigenous-

Australians today. Why do you think these australian-racism-tiktok-video-black-lives-matter-sho
stereotypes about Indigenous Australians exist? pping-trolley-a9568271.html
 Watch the video!

 Download the Vickie Roach Document on Compass

 Resources  Colonial Australia
 Answer the questions below in your workbook.
1. What long term impacts of colonisation are
present in Vickie’s story?
2. Describe Australia’s criminal justice system.
Do some research on Norway’s criminal
justice system and compare how they are the
3. Using a quote from Vickie Roach herself, 7
what do you think is her perspective on the
Australian criminal justice system?
1. You should have written notes in your exercise book / word doc. If you haven’t please go back
and do so .

2. When finished, write 2 – 3 paragraphs about how European colonialism has not only affected
Indigenous Australians today, but think about how it may have impacted your upbringing. This is
a very informal task – I want you to focus more on the ideas and concept of how colonialism can
affect our views and values of everyday life. Don’t stress about using fancy words.
3. Its okay if you don’t finish everything. If you don’t finish everything it is NOT homework. We
will continue to work on this next lesson.

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