G11 Business Proposal

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Entrepreneurial Mind
With Sir Ant Sum !
How will you ask someone for a date?
Informal proposal !

Is it...
 “ Hoy, date ta!
Hi ! Pwede makig-date?
Good morning ! Date ta unya !
Hello! Chill-chill ta unya!
Hey ! Shat ?
* "Hi, Harold! I've really enjoyed getting to know
you and spending time together. I was
wondering if you'd be interested in going out
on a proper date with me? I think it would be a
lot of fun and a great opportunity to continue
getting to know each other."
 "Hey Rics, I've been wanting to ask you
something. Would you like to go out on a date
with me? I've had a fantastic time whenever
we've hung out, and I think it would be
wonderful to take things to the next level and
have a special evening together."
 "Hey Jhon, I've been thinking about you a lot
lately, and I can't help but feel a strong
connection between us. I'd love to take you
out on a date and see where this could lead.
Are you open to the idea? Let's create some
amazing memories together!"
Hot to make a good business
proposal ?

Presenting a Clear Vision :

 allows you to articulate your vision, goals, and

strategies to stakeholders.
 helps stakeholders understand your concept and how
it aligns with their needs.
 Outlines the problem you aim to solve, and the
unique value you bring to the market.
Securing Funding or Investment :

 It outlines the potential return on investment.

 Increases your chances of securing funding or
investment for your venture.
 Demonstrates the viability and profitability of your
business idea.
Building Partnerships and Collaborations :

 Initiate partnerships or collaborations with other

 Attracts potential partners who can contribute resources,
expertise, or distribution channels.
 Demonstrates the mutual value and sets the foundation for a
successful collaboration.
Winning Clients and Contracts

 A comprehensive proposal showcases your

understanding of the client's needs, presents a
tailored solution, and highlights your competitive
Guiding Decision-Making:

 Reference document during decision-making

 Evaluates the feasibility and potential risks of your
business idea objectively.
 Makes informed choices based on the outlined
benefits, costs, and risks.
Title Page

Include the name of your company or organization, the

title of the proposal, the date, and the names of the
individuals or companies to whom the proposal is being
Title Page

Antonio A. Sumabat Jr. LPT

Moonlight Coffee Shop
June 28, 2023
Executive Summary

 Provide a concise overview of your proposal.

Summarize the key points and benefits, highlighting
why your proposal is worth consideration. Keep it
brief but compelling, as this section is often read first
and should grab the reader's attention.
Executive Summary

Moonlight Coffee is a specialty coffee shop dedicated

to providing exceptional coffee experiences for
customers. We offer a cozy atmosphere, personalized
service, and premium coffee sourced from around the
world. By focusing on quality and customer
satisfaction, Moonlight Coffee aims to become the go-
to destination for coffee lovers in the local community.

 Introduce your company and provide background

information. Explain your industry, your expertise,
and any relevant achievements or projects that
demonstrate your capability to deliver on the
Hello, I am Antonio A. Sumabat Jr., the proud owner of
Moonlight Coffee. With a deep passion for coffee and a
desire to create a unique coffee shop experience, I am
presenting this business proposal to share the vision
and potential of Moonlight Coffee. This proposal
outlines our commitment to delivering high-quality
coffee and building a strong presence in the local
Problem Statement

 Clearly define the problem or opportunity your

proposal aims to address. Describe the current
challenges or gaps in the market, highlighting the
main points experienced by your target audience or
potential clients.
 The coffee industry is saturated with generic and
mediocre options, leaving coffee enthusiasts craving
for more. Moonlight Coffee aims to address this
problem by offering specialty coffee that showcases
the unique flavors and characteristics of carefully
sourced beans. Our goal is to provide a warm and
welcoming environment where customers can
indulge in a memorable coffee experience.

 Outline the specific objectives and goals of your

proposal. What do you aim to achieve? Be clear and
specific about the outcomes you intend to deliver.
 Deliver Exceptional Coffee Experiences: Our primary objective is to provide customers
with exceptional coffee experiences that go beyond their expectations. We strive to
create a welcoming environment where customers can relax, savor their favorite coffee
beverages, and engage in conversations about coffee.

 Source and Serve Premium Coffee: We are committed to sourcing and serving the
highest quality coffee beans from renowned coffee-growing regions around the world.
Our objective is to offer a diverse range of specialty coffees that showcase the unique
flavors and profiles of these carefully selected beans.

 Create a Welcoming and Cozy Atmosphere: We aim to create a warm and cozy
atmosphere at Moonlight Coffee, where customers feel comfortable and inspired. Our
objective is to design the space with attention to detail, combining comfortable seating,
soothing lighting, and tasteful decor to enhance the overall coffee experience.
 Build Customer Relationships: We value the importance of building strong relationships
with our customers. Our objective is to engage with them on a personal level, learn their
preferences, and provide personalized recommendations. By fostering customer loyalty
and satisfaction, we aim to create a supportive community of coffee enthusiasts.

 Establish a Strong Local Presence: Moonlight Coffee's objective is to become a prominent

coffee destination within the local community. Through strategic marketing initiatives and
active participation in community events, we aim to build brand awareness and develop a
loyal customer base.

 Ensure Sustainable Operations: We are committed to operating in an environmentally and

socially responsible manner. Our objective is to implement sustainable practices
throughout our operations, including waste reduction, recycling programs, and ethically
sourced coffee beans. By doing so, we strive to contribute to a more sustainable future.

 Explain your proposed approach to solving the

problem or meeting the opportunity. Describe the
strategies, techniques, or methodologies you will
employ. Showcase your expertise and provide a step-
by-step plan of action.
 At Moonlight Coffee, we take a meticulous approach
to craft exceptional coffee beverages. We start by
sourcing premium coffee beans from renowned
regions worldwide. Our baristas undergo rigorous
training to master the art of brewing, ensuring that
each cup of coffee is prepared to perfection. We
prioritize customer service and create a friendly
atmosphere where patrons can engage in meaningful
conversations and appreciate the intricacies of coffee.
Resources and Budget:

 Outline the resources you will need to execute the

proposal, such as personnel, equipment, technology,
or materials. Include a budget that breaks down the
costs associated with each resource and explain the
value or return on investment your proposal offers.
 To establish Moonlight Coffee, we require several key
resources. This includes securing a prime location that
attracts foot traffic and provides a cozy ambiance.
Additionally, we will invest in state-of-the-art coffee
brewing equipment, furniture, and decor to create an
inviting atmosphere. Furthermore, we will carefully select
and source high-quality coffee beans, and hire skilled
baristas who share our passion for coffee. Our estimated
budget for startup costs and initial operations is Php. 25,
Benefits and Value Proposition:

 Clearly articulate the benefits and value your

proposal will provide to the client or organization.
Highlight the advantages, cost savings, increased
efficiency, or revenue generation potential.
 Moonlight Coffee offers numerous benefits to coffee
enthusiasts. We provide a diverse menu of specialty coffee
beverages, including espresso-based drinks, pour-overs, and
cold brews, catering to different preferences. Our emphasis
on quality ensures that each cup is a delight for the taste
buds. Additionally, our friendly and knowledgeable staff will
guide customers through the coffee journey, making
personalized recommendations based on individual
preferences. By choosing Moonlight Coffee, customers can
enjoy a truly memorable and satisfying coffee experience.
Advantages: The advantages refer to the unique features,
qualities, or benefits that set your business apart from
competitors. These could include factors such as high-
quality products, exceptional customer service, a
convenient location, personalized experiences, unique
offerings, or a strong brand presence. By highlighting
these advantages, you demonstrate why customers
should choose your business over others in the market.
Cost Savings: Cost savings refer to the potential
financial benefits that your business can offer to
customers or clients. This could include offering
competitive pricing, discounts, promotions, loyalty
programs, or bulk purchase options that help customers
save money compared to alternative options. By
emphasizing cost savings, you showcase the value
proposition and the potential for customers to get
more for their money by choosing your business.
Increased Efficiency: Increased efficiency refers to how your
business operations or processes can be optimized to save
time, effort, and resources. This could involve streamlining
workflows, implementing automation or technology
solutions, reducing waste, improving inventory management,
or enhancing supply chain logistics. By highlighting increased
efficiency, you demonstrate how your business can deliver
products or services more quickly, reliably, and with higher
productivity, ultimately benefiting both your business and
your customers.
Revenue Generation Potential: Revenue generation potential
refers to the opportunities your business has to generate
income and increase profitability. This could involve
diversifying revenue streams, expanding into new markets or
customer segments, creating innovative products or services,
or implementing effective marketing and sales strategies. By
showcasing the revenue generation potential, you
demonstrate the growth prospects and financial viability of
your business, attracting investors or stakeholders who are
interested in the potential return on their investment.

 Reiterate the key points of your proposal,

emphasizing the value and benefits. Restate your
objectives and your confidence in delivering
successful results.
 In conclusion, Moonlight Coffee is poised to become the
premier specialty coffee shop in the local community.
Our commitment to exceptional coffee, personalized
service, and a welcoming atmosphere sets us apart from
generic coffee options. With your support, we can bring
Moonlight Coffee to life and make a positive impact on
the coffee culture in our area. We welcome the
opportunity to discuss this proposal further and explore
potential partnerships or investments.
 In conclusion, Moonlight Coffee is poised to become the
premier specialty coffee shop in the local community.
Our commitment to exceptional coffee, personalized
service, and a welcoming atmosphere sets us apart from
generic coffee options. With your support, we can bring
Moonlight Coffee to life and make a positive impact on
the coffee culture in our area. We welcome the
opportunity to discuss this proposal further and explore
potential partnerships or investments.

 Include any supporting documents or additional

information that may be relevant to the proposal,
such as resumes, case studies, testimonials, or
financial projections.
 Business Plan
 Market Research Data
 Financial Projections
In summary !

 Remember to tailor your proposal to the specific

needs and preferences of your audience. Use a
professional and persuasive tone throughout, and
ensure that your proposal is well-structured, visually
appealing, and free of errors.

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