Alumni Siddharthsingh Pgp23235

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AUTOMATED SQL: (structured query language)

putting entries and making tables on MS excel can be hectic tasks if

we have to update the huge chunk of info every then and now
regarding alumni hence this database management system is
designed to form, update and manage data in a very efficient
manner, with just one query we can fill thousands of Entries
e.g.: create table name (column 1entry, column 2 entry, And so on);
it becomes more efficient when it is automated with query being
triggered by end user through application and auto triggering of
quires generates desired results from database so when ever there is
a need of data updation the end user can request the data with
single query and the updation process will happen automatically,
where user will just write the updating data in text fields and coding
work like java scripts will process the updation tasks


unfortunate time of corona, finding a data about active cases of
corona around the nation and their various other information related
to their locality, place, age, family, health condition was very crucial
to keep the record of number of cases so, thus COWIN app was a
biggest resource at that time
Similarly, we can make an application in which alumni’s can make and
update their profile with all the data automatically being saved in a
form of database similar to their file which later on can be organized
in an analytical manner through various powerful tools like tableau
and power BI, the major issue of manual work of keeping the data is
we have to fill the entries on MS excel , having an overall profile of
alumni on our app can directly provide us with organized database
which we can excess using various tools.
ALUMNI PORTAL: In IIM Shillong website there is student portal
where we can take a record of our exams, transcripts and fees etc. to
curb the problem of updating the information of also to fetching the
information manually, We can update the student portal to have
certain more fields in it like company in which they are placed and
other column which they can update by accessing their batch’s
student portal even after graduating from here, there on timely basis
they can provide their data with what is their position in xyzzy
company, phone number, emails etc. this will solve the problem of
fetching data and updating it manually as it will be done on timely
basis by the esteemed alumni this way we can approach almost all of
the alumni’s journey after IIM SHILLIONG since many a times keeping
a track of all the alumni is a bit difficult task which begins with giving
cold calls or sending emails to seek their information , by this student
portal updating the, necessary track can be kept in an efficient
manner without much manual work of filling excel sheets

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