Divine Religions Session 5

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Exploration of the similarities and differences

among Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

•Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are historically and organically linked

as Monotheistic religions that trace their origins to their common
ancestor, Abraham.
•1.A brief introduction to Judaism establishes the foundation for
understanding the common ties and distinctive features of these
Abrahamic religions.
•2.A brief introduction to Christianity reveals both the deep roots in, and
the clear departure from, the religion of biblical Israel.
•3.A brief introduction to Islam clarifies the close ties with the other
“People of the Book” (Jews and Christians); Muslims understand that all
these religions began with the same revelation from God.
. Abrahamic religions include belief in the supernatural (God)
or belief in some other Ultimate Reality beyond, yet connected
to, human experience and existence.
Christians consider themselves Monotheists, but Muslims
reject the doctrine of the Trinity as a dangerous possible form
of Polytheism.
Religions distinguish between the sacred and profane (or
ordinary) in terms of time, space, objects, and people.
1.Mecca is different from Milwaukee for Muslims.
2.Christmas and Easter are the most sacred days in the
Christian calendar.
In Abrahamic religions, Religious life engages and
incorporates common emotional and intuitive human
1.These feelings include a sense of the wonder and mystery
of existence, joy, guilt, and the bond experienced in the
2.Religious worship often appeals to feelings of guilt and
remorse, as well as joy and thanksgiving.
Religions both encourage communication and provide ways
to communicate or connect with the divine.
1.Individual and corporate prayers are visible among
Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
Through sacred stories, the religions provide a
coherent worldview.
1.The meaning of creation has to somehow fit into
a logical pattern that explains how we get from
where we are to where we hope to be.
2.Stories about the lives and teachings of the great
leaders underscore the nature of the human
predicament and offer guidance on how to realize
the fullness of a hopeful future.
Abrahamic religions organize life for
individuals—including dress codes, personal
sacrifices, and appropriate occupations—in
the context of their respective worldviews.
.A Muslim woman wears the hijab, a
traditional, loose-fitting covering that may
include a veil.
Thank you for your kind
Qorban Elmi: University
of Tehran

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