Causative S

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Have sth done Get sb to do sth

Make sb do sth Let sb do sth

Have sth DONE

She’s having her hair cut

Is the little girl cutting her own hair?

Who is cutting her hair?

I’m having my roof fixed.

Who is fixing it?

What am I doing?
We use ‘have sth DONE’ to show services that we
pay other people to do for us.

 Have sth DONE We can change the tense by changing ‘have’.

I had my car washed yesterday.

I have my car washed every day.
I’ve just had my car washed.
I’m having my car washed right now.
I’m going to have my car washed tomorrow.

The ‘DONE’ part is always the past participle (verb3) It cannot change.

What about you? What have you hade done recently? Or What are you having done right
now or what are you going to have done?
Get sb to DO sth

 Alice: Can you do the dishes, please?  Alice: Can you do the dishes, please?
 Bob: Sure, no problem.  Bob : No, I did it last time.
 Alice : Please, I’m busy tidying the living
Alice got Bob to do the dishes. room.
 Bob: Okay then
Who did the dishes?
Alice got Bob to do the dishes
How did Alice get Bob to do the dishes?
Who did the dishes?

ASK- she asked him and he did it How did Alice get Bob to do the dishes?

PERSUADE- she persuaded him to do it

We use get sb TO DO sth if we ASK or PERSUADE sb to do sth for us

Form get sb TO DO sth

 ‘get’ will change to show the tense and we always use it with the infinitive ‘to do’.
 I got my friend to take me to the airport.
 I’m going to get my friend to take me to the airport.
 I haven’t got my friend to take me to the airport yet.
 I should get my friend to take me to the airport.

Can you give some examples using Get sb TO DO sth that are true for you?
Make sb DO sth Form
Alan: Tidy your room! I make John take out the rubbish every day.
Ela: Okay. I’m making John take out the rubbish now.
I’ve just made John take out the rubbish.
I’m going to make John take out the rubbish.
I made Ela tidy her room. Etc…

How did I do it? Again ‘make’ changes to show the tense but DO
(the infinitive without to) stays the same.
Talk about your life using Make sb DO sth
If you ORDER or FORCE sb to do sth
we use ‘make sb DO sth
Let sb DO sth Form
Ela: Can I stay out late tonight? I let the dog play in the park every day
Alan: Okay I’m letting the dog play in the park now.
I have just let the dog play in the park.
I let Ela stay out late tonight? I let the dog play in the park yesterday.
I’m going to let the dog play in the park this afternoon
Who stayed out late?
Let changes to show the tense but DO
does not change
What did I do?
Let is an irregular verb and is the same in
PERMISSION- we use let sb DO sth to show present, past and its past participle.
permission Let-Let-Let

Talking about your life, how could you use let sb DO sth?

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