1water Supply9

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Topic I. 9.

Water Supply
Networks Dimensioning

Determination of Design Water Flowrates

(Water Quantities)

Design Flows Division

 Take off (distributed) flow

 Crossover flow

 Fire flow
Determination of Design Water Flowrates
(Water Quantities)

Take off (Distributed) Flow

 Specific water quantity - q0, l/s.m

q0 = (Qmax,h -  Qc) /  lr , l/s.m
Qmax,h - total hourly maximal consumption of the settlement, l/s
Qc - concentrated (big) consumption, l/s
lr - reduced length of the pipe, m
lr = .l , m
l - real pipe length, m
 - reducing coefficient;  = 1 at the pipes with bilateral take
off along its length;  = 0,5 at the pipes with unilateral take
off along its length 2
Determination of Design Water Flowrates
(Water Quantities)
 Design water flowrate - Qd, l/s

Qd = .q0.lr + Qcr, l/s

Qcr - crossover flowrate, l/s

 - coefficient of equivalent distribution flowrate;  = 0,5 - 0,6

 Crossover flowrate - Qcr , l/s

Qcr = q0 . lr +  Qc + Qf, l/s

Qf - fire flwrate, l/s

Design Flows Division

 Qп.р - sum of the take off flows of all the pipes, fed by the one under consideration
Qп.р - the current pipe take off (distributed) flow
Qk - concentrated (big) take off flows, fed by the pipe under consideration
Qпп - fire flow
Qtp - the current pipe crossover flow 4
Qop - design flowrate (water quantity)
Hydraulic Calculations
Pressure Pipe Flow

 Flowrate - Q

 Velocity - v

 Pipe diameter - D

 Hydraulic gradient - I

 Head losses - h

 Coefficient of head losses - 

Hydraulics Relationships

 .D (1) Continuity equation
Q  v.

8.g D
v . .I (2) Chezy equation
 4
1  2,51.  
 2. log   (3) Collebrook - White equation
  v.D.  3,7.D 

l v2 (4) Darcy - Weisbah equation

h  I .l  . .
D 2g 6
Pressure Pipe Dimensioning

 Number of flow parameters - 6

 Necessary number of hydraulics equations - 6

 Available number of hydraulics equations - 4

 Number of flow parameters to be accepted - 2

Branched Distribution Network Dimensioning
Without (a) and with (b) fixed service reservoir position


Branched Distribution Network Dimensioning

Accepted (Known) Flow Parameters

I. Without fixed service reservoir position

 Flowrate - known, calculated in advance according to the definite


 Velocity - accepted in a range, as follows:

• mean economical velocities - v = 0,6 - 0,9 m/s for D < 300 mm;
v = 0,9 - 1,5 m/s for D > 350 mm
• low limit for the velocity - v > 0,3 m/s
• upper limits for the velocity - v < 2 m/s, normally;
v < 3 m/s, with fire
Branched Distribution Network Dimensioning

Accepted (Known) Flow Parameters

I. With fixed service reservoir position

 Flowrate - known, calculated in advance according to the definite


 Mean hydraulic gradient - known, calculated through the service

reservoir elevation and dynamic head at the critical point - M:

I mean 
Branched Distribution Network Dimensioning

Auxiliary Dimension Tools

 Tables

 Graphs

 Equations - hydraulic, empirical

Looped Distribution Network Dimensioning
Main Approaches:
I. Virtual transfer of the looped network into branched one
 Definition of the flows directions (according to the branches lay out)
 Calculation of the design flowrates for every pipe
 Dimensioning of the pipes and calculation of the head losses
 Determination of the dynamic hydraulic head spatial distribution
and the service reservoir elevation (position)

II.Considering the hydraulic connections in the real looped

 Preliminary definition (acceptation) of the flows directions in the
 Considering of the mass conservation low (continuity equation) at
every node of the network
 Considering of the energy conservation low (head losses balance) at
every arbitrary chosen loop (ring) of the network 12
Looped Distribution Network Dimensioning
Continuity equation
 Q - algebraic sum
+Q - flows entering the node
-Q - flows leaving the node
Head losses balance
 h = 0 or  s.Q = 0
s - head losses lump coefficient (Darcy - Weisbah coefficient, where  is a non-
linear function of Q):

If neglecting  dependence of Q,s the

8. .l
 following relationship is valid:
5 2
D .
 s.Q2 =.g0

Looped Distribution Network Dimensioning
Head losses balance
 For the head losses balance keeping, a correction flowrate - q is
introduced, according to the design method of Lobachev - Kross
(Lobachov,1932; Hardy Cross, 1936):
q = h / 2. s.Q , l/s
h - head losses misbalance value at the relevant network loop (ring)
 s.Q - head losses at the relevant network loop (ring)
 The correction flowrate values - q for every pipe in the network
are calculated applying the iterative calculation procedure over
entire the network. Since both the mass and head losses balances
have to be considered simultaneously at every node and loop of the
network, respectively, calculations include simultaneous solution
of system of N-number equations (N = number of nodes - 1, plus
number of relevant loops) at every step of iteration. The number
of unknown (searched for) water flowrates - Q is equal to the
number of the pipes in the loop network and therefore is equal to
N. The calculations are performed by means of computer and 14
relevant software.
Looped Distribution Network Dimensioning

Head losses balance (scheme)


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