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Student Management System

 The database was designed so that the School can easily store their data into a reliable database which
is easier to maintain.
 Its purpose of creation was to save the information of students so that school can keep the record of
students and also the teachers.
 This will help the school maintain a record that can be viewed by students,teachers
but only updated by the admin of database.
 The main goal of this system is to provide eligible information and details so that the school can keep
track of their information with ease.
Problem Background
 Perviously, the school was using excel sheets and also manual files to store their
 The information had too many repetitions.
 Their was no way of creating relations in tables of student,teacher etc.
 Updation of data was an issue as well.
 The lead to many problems which we are going to solve in our database.
 Its purpose of creation was to store information of students,teachers,course and
 Adding new students ,updation of their information and deletion as well.
 Same goes for subjects,teachers.
 To make separate views for students,teachers.
 To give admin full access of database
Software System
 This will be a software product that will be client server application used by
multiple users at several locations. Users will be able to interface with the system
using Microsoft SQL Management Studio.The system will provide
communication to a centralized MySQL database system.
 They can use queries to add,update and delete information in the Table.
System Requirement

This requires a modern day Pc with atleast

4 gigs of ram
And it should be powerful enough to easily run 2014 sql management server.
Non-Functional Req

 Performance:
Query Response time
Query Processing time
 Availabilty: 24/7
 Maintainability : should be easily maintainable
Conceptual Schema

 Student: An entity representing the person that is a student. Attributes of a

student include their name, last name , id, phone no, DOB,subject.
 Teacher: An entity representing the person that is a teacher. Attributes of a
teacher include their name, id,DOB,CNIC,age,email etc.
 Admin: An entity that is the main user of database.It has name and id.
Conceptual Schema

 Course : has id,name,credit hours

 Marks : has id,paper number,student name etc
 Exams has id subject name and marks .
Convert into Relational Schema

 Student(name, id, phone no, DOB,subject.)

 Teacher(name, id,DOB,CNIC,age,email ).
 Admin: (name and id)
 Course : (id , name,credit hours)
 Marks : (id , paper number,student name)
 Exams (id , subject name and marks) .
Primary key is underlined.
Table Design

Column Data Type Nulls Reference

StudentID int N Unique identifier for a

customer table

NAME Varchar(20) N Student name.

DOB Varchar(20) Y Date of birth.

MOBILE_NO Varchar(11) Y Student mobile no

Structure of Table

Table structure for table customer

1. CREATE TABLE `student` (
2. `studentid` int(10) primary key NOT NULL,
3. `Name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
4. `DOB` varchar(20) ,
5. `Mobile_no` varchar(11)
6. );

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