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• Objective
• Introduction
• Concept of Linguistic Chauvinism
• Importance of Language
• Historical Events when Linguistic Identity was threatened:
• Franco-Prussian War(1870)
• Japanese Invasion of Korea(1910-1945)
• Annexation of Tibet by People’s Republic in China(1951)
• Conclusion
• Student Reflection
• Bibliography
This project is based on LINGUISTIC CHAUVINISM inspired by the theme of
“THE LAST LESSON” – by ALPHONSE DAUDET. The objectives of selecting
this topic are:
• Explaining Linguistic Chauvinism.
• Highlighting the importance of language.
• Describing the concept of freedom of speech and expression.
• Relationship between language and culture.
• Historical events when freedom of speech and expression was threatened.
Freedom of Speech is a principle that supports the freedom
of an individual or a community to articulate their
opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship,
or legal sanction. The right to freedom of expression has
been recognized as a human right in the Universal
INTRODUCTION Declaration of Human Rights and international human
rights law by the United Nations. Many countries have
constitutional law that protects free speech. The freedom
of expression includes any activity of seeking, receiving,
and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the
medium used. Linguistic chauvinism is a dire threat to
freedom of speech and expression as it restricts a
particular group/community from communicating in their
language and forcefully imposing a foreign language on
them. Incidents of linguistic chauvinism have been
witnessed many a time in history in different areas of the
world which will be discussed in a later part of this
"Chauvinism" is a devotion for or against something, just based on
what you feel (not necessarily what you may know). Linguistic
Chauvinism is the inordinate love for one’s language. This love is so
much strong that the considers one's language superior to all be
other languages of the world and imposes one language on others.
This theme is effectively brought out by the writer Alphonse Daudet
who teaches people to hold on fast and guard their language which
is the key to their freedom and symbolizes their identity. This
happens generally when the language imposed is that of the ruling
class. But it could be something as simple as Tamil speakers who
start talking in Tamil as soon as they see non-Tamilians around or
Japanese colonizers in the early 20th banned the Koreans from
using their language and even forced them to use Japanese names.
Also, sometimes it can lead to partition as in the case of Pakistan
and Bangladesh which lead to the BENGALI LANGUAGE
MOVEMENT which resulted in the partition.
Language matters a great deal as this is what helps to distinguish the sayings of one individual from the other. If
used efficiently it is a powerful and strong weapon that will leave memorable impressions on the listener. The
importance language in our society is clear as it has helped to smooth social contacts, preserve our culture and
convey our thoughts to individuals and people in groups effectively. Language is considered an important tool that
helps to create cultural ties, friendships, and relationships. It is a medium used to offer shape to the thoughts, ideas
and emotions depending upon the perception of reality and portray it to others in manner that the people listening
can understand and relate to them. A common language is a symbol of social solidarity and gives the impression of
cultural kinship.
The importance of language is that it shapes the thought process and perception of how an individual
views the world. It also helps to define the concept of culture in society because culture and
language are closely connected. It is the language that helps others to understand the culture of a
place. It conserves our culture and helps to spread it as a culture carrier. When you know
the language, it signifies that you are aware of the culture and can connect with people in
that language.

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