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Climate change

Warm up
• Is climate change caused by humans? ...
• What are the main threats of climate change? ...
• How is climate change affecting animals, people,
ocean, etc?
• How is climate change affecting farms and our
Definition of climate change

It is a change and disturbance in the usual climatic conditions

such as temperature, wind direction, and the level of
Precipitation for each region of the earth and a
continuous deterioration of vegetation cover and biodiversity.
Causes of climate change

- industrial activities

- The emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and


- Global Warming
- Burning coal, oil and natural gas releases millions of tons of carbon
every year.

- More carbon dioxide is emitted when trees are cut down.

- Deforestation

- Methane is also emitted from rice paddies and landfills.

Paddy = a field where the rice is grown
Consequences of climate change

- Occurrence=appearance of climatic phenomena like volcanoes, floods,

hurricanes, heavy rains, typhoon, tornado...)
- Destruction of plants and micro-fauna, (small animals in the soil)
- Occurrence of the sea tides (tsunami)
- The change in the temperature of the planet
- Air pollution
- Food and health crises
- Global warming
- Earthquakes
Global Warming: It is the increase in the temperature of the
Earth’s atmosphere as a result of the emission of greenhouse
gases (carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, etc.), which leads to:

- The occurrence of natural disasters (fires, floods, hurricanes,


- Rise in the level of seas and oceans, ozone hole widening and
acid rain as well as ice melting.
What impacts will global warming have in
the future? effects
- Hotter temperatures
- Higher sea level rise
- Heat waves
- Droughts and floods
- Hurricanes
- Agriculture: Food production
- Extinctions of animals, people, micro-fauna
Some solutions to reduce climate change

Raising environmental awareness for all members of society.

Encouragement to save energy.

Reduce pollutants before they spread into the atmosphere.

Reducing our dependence on oil as a primary source of energy.

Exploiting renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy.

Helping developing countries move forward in reducing pollutant


Creating environmentally friendly factories and machines.


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