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Research Proposal

Strategies of English Teachers in Teaching Reading

Comprehension to Grade XI Students at SMAN 1

Dr. Mawardin M.Said, M.Hum.
Anjar Kusuma Dewi, S.Pd., M.Ed.

A121 17 219
Reading is the process of getting information from the writer to the reader. The goal of all reading is the
comprehension of meaning that is conveyed in the written text.

According to Dean (2013), reading is more than seeing words clearly, more than pronouncing printed words
correctly and more than recognizing the meaning of isolated words. Reading requires you to think and feel.
Reading is not just looking pronouncing words in the text. But comprehending all the components of a text.

According to Harmer (2007) has said that a strategy is an action that the teacher takes to attain one or more of her
teaching learning goals.

In teaching reading comprehension , teachers must use various strategies to improve the students reading
comprehension. The english teacher must have the best strategy for their students to make a reading process in the
classroom more effective by using suitable strategies.
Problem Statement

What the strategies are used by English teachers in

teaching Reading comprehension to grade XI
Students at SMAN 1 Sirenja-Donggala?
Objective of Scoope of the Significance of
the Research Research the Research

focuses on find out the

Find out the strategies
strategies used by the • For English Teachers
used by English teachers
English teachers in • For other researchers
in teaching Reading
teaching Reading
comprehension to grade
comprehension to grade
XI students at SMAN 1
XI Students at SMAN 1
Operational Definition of Key Terms
In order to make this research understandable and to avoid
ambiguity, the researcher presents some definitions of key terms as

• Strategies

• Teacher

• Teaching

• Reading Comprehension


Septi duwi yanti (2019), investigated about ‘’

’English Teachers Strategies in Teaching Reading Yulia enggar wigati wibowo (2020), investigated
at the eighth grade of the Islamic Junior High About ‘’An Analysis of English Teachers Strategies in
School MTsN Muaro Jambi’’. The Result showed Teaching Reading Comprehension’’. He found that,
that the strategies used by the teachers were The teachers applied three kinds of strategy in teaching. Those are
translation strategy and scaffolding strategy. And Question generating strategy, Question answering strategy, and use
most of the students responded positively to those of dictionaries strategy. This strategy is very helpful for students in
strategies the learning process.
Research Design

Subjects of the Research

Procedure of Data Collection
Instruments of Data Collection

Technique of Data Analysis

Tentative Research Schedule
Research Design Subjects of the
In this research, the There are two
researcher will use subjects in this
descriptive qualitative research, they are
design because this English teachers in
study focused on teaching reading
certain phenomena in comprehension at
the school SMAN 1 Sirenja-
environment. Donggala.
Procedure of
Data Collection
In this research, to make the data more accurate, researcher will use data collection
techniques, such as interview and documentation. The researcher makes a list of interview
question to the teachers. The researcher will use a semi-structured interview method. In
this case, the semi-structured interview method will be carried out with 9 questions that
have been prepared in advance. To complete the data, researcher also use documentation
is carried out as evidence that the researcher conducted the research and also to support
the result of the interview.

Instruments of
Data Analysis
In order to get the result of the research, the researcher use some instruments, as follow
interview question list, recorder and documentation to help the work more effective and
efficient. In this research, The researcher use interview question list to find out what the
strategies used by English teachers in teaching reading comprehension. Then the researcher
use recorder to record the conversation. Furthermore, to complete the data, the researcher
also uses documentation.
Technique of Data Analysis
Conclusion and
Data Reduction
In this research, the researcher
will make a conclusion from the
Data reduction is the process of
data display.
selecting, identifying, classifying,
Data display is the process of
and coding the data that are
simply the data in the form of a
considered important. In
sentence, narrative, or table. In
conducting research, the
displaying data, the researcher
researcher will get a lot of data.
describes data that has been
reduced into sentence form.

Data Disply
Tentative Research Schedule
No Activities Month in 2022

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Writing Proposal                                        

2 Proposal Seminar                                        

3 Data Collecting                                        

4 Data Analysis                                        

5 Research Finding                                        


6 Skripsi Examination                                        

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