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Presented by:

Tim O’Brien
Senior Systems Engineer
Fujitsu Software Corporation

Data Access in the .NET

Fujitsu Software Corporation

Customer Training Series

Fujitsu Computer Systems

Data Access in the .NET Environment
■ Types of file I/O available

■ .NET file I/O classes

■ SQL in the .NET Environment


■ Create a COBOL application using standard

COBOL file I/O

PAGE 2 Fujitsu Computer Systems

Data Access in the .NET Environment
■ Create a COBOL application using .NET data
streaming classes

■ Create a COBOL application using SQL

■ Create a COBOL application using ADO.NET

PAGE 3 Fujitsu Computer Systems

Types of file I/O available
■ Traditional Standard COBOL file I/O is available
– Sequential, Relative and Indexed file I/O

■ .NET provides data streaming classes for file I/O

that are accessible from COBOL

PAGE 4 Fujitsu Computer Systems

Types of file I/O available (Cont…)

■ Embedded SQL is supported for ODBC access

■ ADO.NET classes are available to COBOL

PAGE 5 Fujitsu Computer Systems

.NET file I/O classes
■ Found in System.IO.File namespace

■ Complete set of functions for manipulating the

file system

■ Provides support for creating, managing and

deleting files and directories

PAGE 6 Fujitsu Computer Systems

SQL in the .NET environment
■ Embedded SQL may be coded directly in
COBOL programs

■ Both static and dynamic SQL are supported

■ Makes use of ODBC to access data sources at


PAGE 7 Fujitsu Computer Systems

■ Preferred mechanism for accessing relational

■ Technology focus on scalability, performance,

and interoperability on multiple platforms

■ Implements a disconnected data access


PAGE 8 Fujitsu Computer Systems

ADO.NET (Cont…)
■ Integrated with XML

■ Grouped in content component classes and

managed provider classes to separate data
manipulation from database access

PAGE 9 Fujitsu Computer Systems

ADO.NET (Cont…)
■ Content components encapsulate data and
consist of DataSet, DataTable, DataColumn,
DataRow, DataView, and DataRelation classes

■ Managed provider classes provide the actual

connection to the database being accessed
along with data reader and data adapter classes

PAGE 10 Fujitsu Computer Systems

ADO.NET Diagram

PAGE 11 Fujitsu Computer Systems

Standard COBOL file I/O
■ Illustrate that standard traditional COBOL file I/O is
available in the .NET environment

■ Create a COBOL Class

■ Read a Sequential file

■ Show the difference between Static and Instance

Methods accessing files

■ Implement Exception Handling

PAGE 12 Fujitsu Computer Systems


PAGE 13 Fujitsu Computer Systems

.NET data streaming classes
■ Illustrate that .NET data streaming classes are
accessible from COBOL

■ Create a sequential file

■ Write data to the new file (StreamWriter)

■ Read data back from the new file


PAGE 14 Fujitsu Computer Systems


PAGE 15 Fujitsu Computer Systems

COBOL application using SQL
■ Illustrate that embedded SQL is available
from COBOL
■ Illustrate how to set up an ODBC data
■ Create, Load and Read a table in
Microsoft Access
■ Display the data retrieved to the console

PAGE 16 Fujitsu Computer Systems


PAGE 17 Fujitsu Computer Systems

COBOL application using ADO.NET

■ Illustrate that ADO.NET is available from

■ Illustrate how to set up an ADO.NET
■ Access a table in SQL Server retrieving
■ Display the data retrieved to the console

PAGE 18 Fujitsu Computer Systems


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PAGE 20 Fujitsu Computer Systems

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