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Communication Skills

Iqbal Amin, B.O.M, M.D

 Basic human Interactions
 Verbal and Non Verbal
At a Glance  ↓Communication = ↓Social Life
 Good Communication = Best Relationship
 To do something effectively = communicate effectively
 Communicare = to Share
 The activity of conveying information through the
exchange of ideas, feelings, intensions, attitudes,
Definition expectations, perception or command, as by speech,
non verbal gestures, writings, behavior and possibly by
other means such as electro magnetic, chemical or
physical phenomena and smell (Wiener, Norbet 1948)
Thought Concept, Idea, Information or

Components Encoding Message is sent to a receiver

Coding Concept, Idea, Informations or

1. Assertiveness
2. Authenticity
6 Keys for 3. Open-Mindedness
Powerful 4. Empathy
Communication 5. Clarity
6. Listening
 Confident in behavior or style
Assertiveness  Needs Repetitions and Persistence
 Undisputed origin or veracity, genuine
Authenticity  True to Yourself
 Avoid sense being hesitate of something
 Willing to consider other perspective
Open  No Blocking
Mindednes  Honesty
 Understand feeling of another
Empathy  Special Skill for boost intimate relationship
 The state or quality of being clear, distinct, and easily
perceived or understood.
Clarity  Receiver problem
 Giving feedback
 Avoid too much talking
 Asking Question
Listening  Expression

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