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Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

 Ambedkar was born on 14
April 1891 in the town and
military cantonment
of Mhow.
 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was an
Indian jurist social reformer
and political leader.
 He headed the committee
drafting the Constitution of
1. Early Life
2. Education
3. Doctorate In Economics
4. The Mahad Satyagraha
5. Role In Establishment Of RBI
6. Poona Pact
7. Political Career
8. Drafting India’s Constitution
9. Chairman Of Drafting Committee
10.Fight For Women Rights
11.Second Marriage
12.Conversion To Buddhism
13.Last Breath
14.Some Famous Quotes
Early life:
 Born on April 14, 1891, to parents Ramji
Maloji Sakpal and Bhimabai Murbadkar Sakpal
in a military cantonment in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh
 Ambedkar came from humble beginnings but he went on to
become one of India’s greatest leaders.
 His family was of Marathi background from the town
of Ambadawe in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra.
Ambedkar was born into a Mahar (dalit) caste, who
were treated as untouchables and subjected to socio-
economic discrimination.
 In 1897, Ambedkar became the only untouchable
enrolled at Elphinstone High School.
In 1906, his marriage was arranged to
a 9 year old girl, Ramabai.
 In 1912, Dr. Ambedkar obtained degree
in economics and political science from
Bombay University.
  In 1913, he moved to United States.
Where he had been awarded a Baroda State Scholarship
11.50$ per month for three years.

Dr. Ambedkar received the opportunity for postgraduate

education at Columbia University in New York City.
First Indian to pursue a doctorate in
economics abroad :
 B.R. Ambedkar was the first Indian to pursue a
doctorate in economics abroad.
 He is also the first Ph.D. in Economics and the first
double doctorate holder in Economics in South Asia.
He was also among the highest educated Indians of his
 During his three years at Columbia University,
Ambedkar took twenty nine courses in economics,
eleven in history, six in sociology, five in philosophy,
four in anthropology, three in politics and one each in
elementary French and German.
The Mahad Satyagraha
of 1927:
 The Mahad satyagraha of 1927 was one
of the defining moments in Ambedkar’s
political thought and action. Held in the
small town of Mahad in Maharashtra.
This satyagrahawas held three years
prior to Gandhi’s Dandi March.
 By leading a group of Dalits to drink
water from Chavadar lake in Mahad,
Ambedkar didn’t just assert the right of
Dalits to take water from public water
sources, he sowed the seeds of Dalit
Ambedkar’s Role In Establishment
of Reserve Bank of India in 1935:
 RBI was conceptualized as per the guidelines, working style
and outlook presented by Dr B.R. Ambedkar in his book. It
was titled "The Problem of the Rupee Its origin and its
solution" and presented to the Hilton Young Commission.
The bank was set up based on the recommendations of the
1926 Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance,
also known as the Hilton-Young Commission.

 It was Dr. Ambedkar's tireless efforts due to which the

Reserve Bank of India came into existence. On this day we
pay our hearty tributes to the master of Economics and the
champion of Human Rights, who's vision shaped today's
Modern India.
Poona Pact:
The Poona Pact is an agreement between Mahatma Gandhi And
Dr. B.R.Ambedkar on the reservation of electoral seats for the
depressed classes in the legislature
 In 1932, the British colonial government announced the
formation of a separate electorate for "Depressed Classes" in
the Communal Award. Mahatma Gandhi fiercely opposed a
separate electorate for untouchables, saying he feared that such
an arrangement would divide the Hindu community.
 Gandhi protested by fasting while imprisoned in the Yerwada
Central Jail of Poona.
 Following the fast, congressional politicians and activists such
as Madan Mohan Malaviya and Palwankar Baloo organised joint
meetings with Ambedkar and his supporters at Yerwada.
Political Career:
 In 1935, Ambedkar became the principal of the Government
Law College, Mumbai.
 Ambedkar in Mumbai, constructed a house, and stocked his
personal library with more than 50.000 books.
 In 1952, Baba Saheb contested in the Indian General Election
but lost to the Congress candidates.
  Ambedkar became the member of Rajya Sabha, an appointed
 He tried to enter Lok sabha again in 1954, but was placed third
by Congress.
  By the time the second general election was held in 1957,
Ambedkar had already passed away.
Drafting India’s Constitution:
 Upon India's independence on 15 August 1947, the
new Congress-led government invited Ambedkar to
serve as the nation's first Law Minister, which he
accepted. On 29 August, he was appointed as
Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee,
and was appointed by the Assembly to write India's
new Constitution.

 Ambedkar, chairman of the Drafting Committee,

presented the final draft of the Indian Constitution
to Dr. Rajendra Prasad on 25 November 1949.
During the period of B.R. Ambedkar as a
Chairman of the Constitution Drafting
Ambedkar had opposed Ambedkar was the first to
Article 370 of the Indian suggest the division of
constitution Bihar and Madhya Pradesh
Ambedkar refused to draft In his book (published in
Article 370 of the constitution 1995), Thoughts on Linguistic
(which gives special status to the
States, Ambedkar suggested
state of Jammu & Kashmir) on
the grounds that it was splitting Madhya Pradesh and
discriminatory and against the Bihar. A good 45 years after
principles of unity and integrity he originally wrote the book,
of the nation. Article 370 was the split finally came with the
eventually drafted by formation of Jharkhand out of
Gopalswamy Ayyangar, former Bihar and Chhattisgarh out of
Diwan to Maharajah Hari Singh Madhya Pradesh in the year
of Jammu and Kashmir.
Ambedkar’s Fight For The
Women Rights:
Ambedkar resigned from his post of the
first law minister of India when the
comprehensive Hindu Code Bill was
dropped by the Indian parliament.
Some of the key features of
this bill were:
 Women could now inherit family property,
permitting divorce and adoption of girls
 The code gave both men and women the
right to divorce if the marriage was
 Widows and divorcees were given the right
to remarry.
 Polygamy was outlawed
 Intercaste marriage and adoption of
children of any caste would be permitted.
Second Marriage of
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
 Ambedkar’s first wife Ramabai died in 1935.
 After that, when he went to Delhi for his treatment of
lack of sleep & diabetes, there he met with Dr Savita
Kabir who he married on 15th April 1948.
Conversion to Buddhism
 In 1955, He founded the Buddhist Society of India.
 In 1956, He completed his book “The Buddha and His Dhamma”.
 Ambedkar completed his conversion to Buddhism along with his
wife & later, his supporters followed his path.
Last Breath
 B.R. Ambedkar Since 1948, Ambedkar had been
suffering from diabetes.

 Three days after completing his final manuscript The

Buddha and his Dhamma, Ambedkar passed away in
his sleep on 6 December 1956 at his home in Delhi.

 A Buddhist cremation was organised for him on 7

December, attended by half a million sorrowing
Some Famous Quotes
Given By
Babasaheb Ambedkar
 I measure the progress of a community by the
degree of progress that women have achieved.
 I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality
and fraternity.
 Humans are mortal. So are ideas. An idea
needs propagation as much as a plant needs
watering. Otherwise, both will wither and die.

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