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Resin Penukar Ion


• insoluble matrix (or support structure)

• Butiran (1-2 mm diameter)
• Diproduksi dari organic substrat polimer
• Punya struktur pori di permukaan yang banyak, tempat
menangkap dan melepas ion
• Umur pakai resin tergantung kualitas air yang akan
diolah. Biasanya 3 sampai 5 tahun
Resin Penukar Kation Asam Kuat

(Strong Acid Cation/Exchanger )

typically, sulfonic acid groups, eg.
Resin Penukar sodium polystyrene sulfonate or
Siklus H
Resin Penukar Kation Asam Lemah
(Weak Acid Cation/Exchanger )
Resin mostly, carboxylic acid groups
Ion Resin Penukar Anion Basa Kuat

Resin Penukar (Strong Base Anion/Exchanger )

Anion quaternary amino groups, for
Siklus OH example, trimethylammonium
groups, eg. polyAPTAC

Resin Penukar Anion Basa Lemah

Resin Penukar Kation
(Weak Base Anion/Exchanger )
primary, secondary, and/or ternary
Siklus Sodium (Na)
amino groups, eg. polyethylene
 SAC resins can neutralize strong bases and convert
neutral salts into their corresponding acids. SBA
resins can neutralize strong acids and convert neutral
salts into their corresponding bases
 WAC resins remove cations that are associated with
alkalinity, producing carbonic acid as shown:

 WAC resins are not able to remove all of the cations in most
water supplies. Their primary asset is their high regeneration
efficiency in comparison with SAC resins. This high efficiency
reduces the amount of acid required to regenerate the resin,
thereby reducing the waste acid and minimizing disposal
 Strong acid cation exchangers function well at all pH ranges
Pertukaran Ion
 Proses pelunakan (softening)
 proses pengolahan air untuk mengurangi
kesadahan Ca atau Mg.
 Melibatkan hanya resin penukar kation
 Biasanya digunakan resin siklus Sodium
 Peralatan hanya satu jenis kolom resin
 Di produk air banyak garam sodium yang
berbahaya kalau dipakai air minum

 demineralisasi
 ditujukan untuk mengambil semua kation
dan anion dalam air
 Melibatkan dua jenis resin penukar yaitu
kation dan anion
 Biasanya digunakan resin siklus H/OH
 Peralatannya lebih dari satu kolom,
biasanya 2 kolom
Pertukaran Ion
Contoh aplikasi
penukar ion untuk
merecovery ion logam
Reaksi Pertukaran Ion
Penukar Kation Siklus H

Reaksi Pertukaran:
Ca 2HCO3 2 H2CO3
Mg SO4  R Mg  H2SO4
R – H2
2Na 2 HCl
2Na 2Cl
2 HNO3

Indikator Kejenuhan:
FMA turun : pH mendekati netral (saat in service pH
efluent rendah  4) atau Hardness mulai naik

Ca Ca
 H2SO4 
R Mg R – H2 Mg SO4
(4 %) Na2
Sulfuric acid is normally used due to its affordable cost and its availability. However, improper use
of sulfuric acid can cause irreversible fouling of the resin with calcium sulfate. To prevent this
occurrence, the sulfuric acid is usually applied at a high flow rate (1 gpm per square foot of resin)
and an initial concentration of 2% or less. The acid concentration is gradually increased to 6-8% to
complete regeneration
Penukar Anion Siklus OH
 Reaksi Pertukaran:
2 H2CO3 2HCO3
H2SO4  R – OH R SO4  2H2O
2 HCl 2Cl
2 HNO3 2NO3

 Indikator Kejenuhan:
Kandungan silika (maksimum 0,12 ppm)
 Regenerasi:

Cl NaCl
 NaOH
R SO4 (4 %)
R – OH  Na2SO4
CO3 Na2CO3

The above reactions indicate that demineralization completely removes the cations and anions from
the water. In reality, because ion exchange reactions are equilibrium reactions, some leakage
occurs. Most leakage from cation units is sodium. This sodium leakage is converted to sodium
hydroxide in the anion units. There-fore, the effluent pH of a two bed cation-anion demineralizer
system is slightly alkaline
Demineralization using strong anion resins removes silica as well as other dissolved solids. Effluent
silica and conductivity are important parameters to monitor during a demineralizer service run
 To improve the removal of silica from the resin bed, the regenerant
caustic is usually heated to 120°F or to the temperature specified by
the resin manufacturer. Silica removal is also enhanced by a resin bed
preheat step before the introduction of warm caustic
Penukar Kation Siklus Na

Reaksi Pertukaran:
Ca 2HCO3 Na2CO3
Mg SO4  R – Na
R Mg
 Na2SO4
2Cl NaCl

Indikator Kejenuhan:
Hardness mulai naik di effluent
R Mg  2NaCl R – Na 
Mg 2Cl
(4 %)
Penukar Kation Siklus Na
H2CO3 = H2O + CO2
Selektifitas Ion pada larutan Selektifitas Kation dan
suhu rendah dan encer
Kation Anion
 pertukaran ion meningkat Fe3+ CrO4-2

dengan peningkatan valensi Al3+ SO4-2

ion yang dipertukarkan Pb2+ SO3-2

 Th4+ > Al3+ > Ca2+ > Na+ Ba2+ HPO4-2

 PO43- > SO42- > Cl- Sr2+ CNS-

Cd2+ CNO-
Zn2+ NO3-
 pertukaran ion meningkat Cu2+ NO2-
dengan peningkatan berat Fe2+ Br-
atom ion yang dipertukarkan Mn2+ Cl-
Ca2+ CN-
Mg2+ HCO3-
 Cs+ > Rb+ > K+ > Na+ > Li+ K+ HsiO3-
 Ba2+ > Sr2+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > NH4+ OH-
Be2+ Na+ F-
H+ , Li +
 Kapasitas Penukaran
Kemampuan resin untuk menukarkan ionnya merupakan ukuran
penting dalam aplikasi ndustri. Dengan mengukur kapasitas resin
maka kita dapat memilih resin yang terbaik dengan harga murah. Selin
itu, dengan mengetahui kapasitas resin maka kita dapat mendesain
alat serta mengevaluasi kerusakan resin. Kapaitas penukaran adalah
jumlah ion yang dapat ditukar oleh resin per satuan volume atau berat.
 Untuk kation : 2-3 meq/ml
 Untuk Anion : 1-2 meg/ml
Data kapasitas resin mutlak diperlukan dalam setiap aplikasi
pembuatan atau desai peralatan untuk menentukan jumlah resin
Peralatan Kolom Resin
 Usually, the softener tank is a vertical steel pressure
 Major features of the softening vessel include an inlet
distribution system, free-board space, a regenerant
distribution system, ion exchange resin, and a resin-
retaining underdrain collection system
 The inlet distribution system is usually located at the top of
the tank. The inlet system provides even distribution of
influent water. This prevents the water from hollowing out
flow channels in the resin bed, which would reduce system
capacity and effluent quality. The inlet system also acts as
a collector for backwash water.
 The volume between the inlet distributor and the top of the
resin bed is called the free-board space.. The free-board
allows for the expansion of the resin during the backwash
portion of the regeneration without loss of resin It should
be a minimum of 50% of the resin volume (80% preferred)
 A minimum bed depth of 24 in. is recommended for all
 The underdrain system, located at the bottom of the
vessel, retains ion exchange resin in the tank, evenly
collects the service flow, and evenly distributes the
backwash flow
The equipment used for cation-anion
demineralization is similar to that used
in zeolite softening. The primary
difference is that the vessels, valves,
and piping must be made of (or lined
with) corrosion-resistant materials.
Rubber and polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
are commonly used for ion exchange
vessel linings
Permasalahan Resin Penukar Ion
Permasalahan Resin Penukar Ion
strong acid cation resin fouled with iron


strong base anion

exchanger Fouling karena senyawa organik
1. In service

2. Back washing

3. Aliran regeneran

4. Slow rinsing
5. Fast rinsing
6. Stand by
 Anion resin is much lighter than cation resin. Therefore, the backwash flow
rates for anion exchange resins are much lower than those for cation resins,
and anion resin expansion is affected by the temperature of the water more
than cation resin expansion. The water used for each step of anion resin
regeneration should be free from hardness, to prevent precipitation of
hardness salts in the alkaline anion resin bed.
 Due to increasing boiler operating pressures and the
manufacture of products requiring contaminant-free water,
there is a growing need for higher water quality than cation-
anion demineralizers can produce. Therefore, it has become
necessary to modify the standard demineralization process to
increase the purity of the treated water. The most significant
improvements in demineralized water purity have been
produced by mixed bed exchangers.
 A mixed bed exchanger has both cation and anion resin
mixed together in a single vessel. As water flows through the
resin bed, the ion exchange process is repeated many times,
"polishing" the water to a very high purity
1. In service
2. Back washing Regenerasi Mix Bed
3. Regenerasi resin
4. Regenerasi resin anion
5. Rinsing
6. Drain
7. Air mixing
8. Refilling
9. rinsing
Inspection and Cleaning.
pengawasan dan pembersihan secara regular diperlukan agar resin

Prosedur Pembersihan resin:

•Warm (120°F) brine and caustic.

•Hydrochloric acid. When resins are also fouled with significant
amounts of iron, hydrochloric acids are used.
•Solutions of 0.25-0.5% sodium hypochlorite. This procedure destroys
the organic material but also significantly degrades the resin.
Hypochlorite cleaning is considered a last resort.

It is important to clean an organically fouled resin before excessive

permanent degradation of the strong base sites occurs
konfigurasi sistem demineralisasi
Sistem Aplikasi Tipikal efluent Keuntungan-
Demineralisasi kelemahan

Silica tak di- DHL 10 – 20 regenerasi

S W permasalahkan mhos/cm murah
A B D Pemisahan CO2 Silica tak berubah memerlukan
diperlukan repumping

Air baku DHL 5 – 15 mhos/cm

alat murah
alkalinitas rendah Tak ada repumping
S S Silica 0,02 – 0,1 ppm
A B Perlu penghilangan Biaya chemical
silica tinggi

Alkalinitas tinggi DHL 5 – 15 mhos/cm Biaya chemical

S S Memerlukan Silica 0,02 – 0,1 ppm rendah
A D B penghilangan silica Memerlukan

Alkalinitas, sulfat, DHL 5 – 15 mhos/cm Biaya chemical

S W S cloride tinggi Silica 0,02 – 0,1 ppm rendah
A B D B Penghilangan silica alat mahal
Hardness, alka- DHL 5 – 15 Biaya chemical
linitas, sulfate, mhos/cm paling rendah
A A D B B cloride tinggi Silica 0,02 – 0,1 alat mahal
Penghilangan silica ppm repumping

alkalinitas, sodium DHL 1 – 5 Biaya chemical

tinggi mhos/cm rendah
A D B A B air kualitas tinggi Silica 0,01 – 0,05 alat mahal
ppm repumping

Total solid rendah DHL kurang dari 1 Chemical mahal

M Air kualitas tinggi mhos/cm Peralatan murah
B Silica 0,01-0,05

Alkalinitas, TDS DHL kurang dari 1 Biaya chemical

S S M tinggi mhos/cm lebih rendah
A D B B Air kualitas tinggi Silica 0,01 – 0,05 alat mahal
ppm repumping
Kekurangan & kelebihan
 Keuntungan
 air terolah menjadi nonscaling (hardness efluen kurang dari
2 ppm)
 operasional mudah dan handal
 regenerasi mudah dan murah
 tidak ada limbah sludge
 tidak tergantung pada variasi debit

 Batasan/Kendala
 kandungan total solid, alkalinitas dan silica tak berubah
(untuk penukar kation)
 air dengan kekeruhan tinggi mengganggu efisiensi resin
 kekeruhan influen lebih 1 JTU secara kontinu bisa jadi
fouling, service run pendek, kualitas efluen jelek
 logam berat (iron dan aluminium) bisa menyebabkan fouling
 zat pengoksidasi kuat dapat menyerang dan mendegradasi
resin, seperti clorine.
 Fe2+ dan Mn2+ dapat juga dipisahkan dengan resin penukar ion, meskipun
harus hati-hati karena proses oksidasi dengan adanya oksigen akan
mengubah senyawa tersebut menjadi Fe3+ dan Mn4+ yang bisa mengendap
dan menyebabkan fouling
 Like other ion exchange systems, demineralizers require filtered water in order
to function efficiently
 Resin foulants and degrading agents, such as iron and chlorine, should be
avoided or removed prior to demineralization.
PID Demineralizer

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