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Student Leadership Briefing

What is Leadership?

 Leadership is not about your Personality. It’s about

 Certain Traits of Effective Leaders of which the top 4 are
 Honest

 Competent

 Forward Looking
 Inspiring
What is Everyday Leadership?

 Leadership is something that can be done daily

 Everyday leadership is about serving those around you and working to make the
world around you better
 Simple things like cleaning a class, helping someone, making the environment
better for those around you, helping keep the class quiet, helping to organise
things. These are all examples of everyday leadership.
 In Henry Park we believe that every student is a leader. We ensure that each
student must be given at least one leadership position.
 Please use the skills you learn and put it into practice to be an EVERYDAY
Leader. You do not need a title to be a leader.
 Through Exposure to leadership
positions we will help you see the
importance of SHINE (striving to
serve, having healthy habits,
increasing positive emotions,
nurturing meaningful relationships
and engaging in lifelong learning).
 This will help you achieve the desired
Henry Park Primary School outcomes
of Th.R.I.V.E. (being a critical
thinker, reflective learner, informed
digital native, values-driven innovator
and an effective communicator).
Mission and Vision

Vision : Every Henry Park student to lead

with character

Mission : To harness the leadership potential

in every Henry Park student
Tier 1A1: Personal (Understanding the Leadership Model, Showing
RICE Values) Opportunities of practice as Beginning Leaders (subject
reps, row reps) Leads small groups of students in a class

Tier 1A2: Personal (Understanding the Leadership Model, Showing

RICE Values) Opportunities of practice as Beginning Leaders AT
Tiered FOR TIER 2

Tier 2: School : Action Leaders (Prefects, Peer Supporters, CCA

Approach Leaders, Green Monitor (p3-p6), cyber wellness ambassador, librarian
etc) do more then lead just their classmates. Contribute to more then
class activities .

Tier 3: School/Community : Inspirational/Change Making Leaders

(Prefect Exco) Need to do projects for school improvement and
community improvement. Involved in planning of major school
Selection of Tier 1A1:
 P1-P6 students will be selected in the first 3 weeks of school. The following
will be considered during the selection process:
 Candidate should be a willing party who volunteers themselves or are
volunteered by their classmates/teachers.
 Teachers to guide student and look out for students who exhibit strong
leadership qualities so they can be pushed up to a 1A2 position in the future.
 Student Leadership Position Rotation

Tier 1A1
 Subject Rep (Semesterly/Yearly)
 Class Librarian (Semesterly/Yearly)
 Row Leaders (Termly)
 Group Leaders (Termly/Project Based)

What are they expected to do?

 Lead in collection and monitoring of submission
 Assist teacher during lesson in distribution and collection of material
 Lead in subject based discussion
Selection of Tier 1A2:
 P1-P6 students will be selected in the first 3 weeks of school. The following
will be considered during the selection process:
 candidate must be a role-model of school values and respected by class
 students may vote but form teacher reserves the right to veto.
 Teachers to guide student and look out for students who exhibit strong
leadership qualities so they can be pushed up to a tier 2 position in the future.
 Student Leadership Position Rotation
 Monitor (Semesterly)

Tier 1A2
 IT Monitor (Yearly)
 Green Monitor (Yearly)
 Training : 1 Generic Training Yearly by the Leadership Committee for
Whole School
What are they expected to do?
 Able to handle and manage students and resources in the absence of a teacher
 Able to lead the class in discussions related to their areas of focus (monitors
should be able to lead in class survey collation or class events)
 Assist teacher when teacher is in class and also assist when teacher is away
 Nomination of Tier 2 leaders will take place in Term 3 of previous year,
based on teacher recommendations (must be the Form Teacher)
 Criteria for selection of tier 2 leaders:
 stable academic results
 Minimum of 4 stars for all RICE Values.
 Conduct Grade – Very Good
 minimum of 2 teachers’ endorsement over and above FT
 Each Tier 2 group will have their own interview and training
 All names to be submitted to Student Leadership coordinator upon
Tier 2 confirmation. Any changes to be updated accordingly.

Training : 1 Generic Training by Leadership Committee and Specific

Trainings will be carried out by Specific Departments

What are they expected to do?

 Able to handle and manage students and resources who are not from
their class
 Assist teacher when teacher in areas of planning and implementation
out of class events or activities
Selection of Tier 3:

 Nomination of Tier 3 leaders will take place in Term 3 of previous year,

based on student leader recommendations, trial/probation period and
form teacher recommendations
 Criteria for Selection of tier 3 leaders
 Attain at least 4/5 starts for all Rice Values
 Conduct Grade – Very Good/Excellent
 endorsement of teachers
 principal’s veto

Tier 3  
Training : Training by Leadership Committee and Mentoring Process for
Students to Learn and Grow as a leader and eventually Mentor their
What are they expected to do?
 Able to handle and manage students and resources at a whole school
 Participate in event planning for the whole school
 Able to review and implement school wide projects
Values to
In The End in Life who have you Helped?
“ Leadership is About Making
Things Better For Others.

Use your skills and knowledge to serve others.

Everyday leadership should be a part of our daily
 Next Week on Monday, 6th March 2023, all P1 – P6
Important Classes will go to class to put their bags and then report
to the hall before 0720am for morning assembly.
Announcements  Students who are late (after 0725) will report straight to
the hall with their bag
 Tier 1 Leadership Training SLS Package will be
allocated to all students to be completed over the March
holidays. As every student should have been given at
least a class position, the SLS Package is compulsory
for everyone.

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