Spy Bird Poster

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Guide: Prof. SUNIL MP

The Spy Bird is a cutting-edge system developed for military
reconnaissance and surveillance missions. It is a miniature bird-
shaped drone that is equipped with a high-quality camera capable
of capturing real-time images and videos from different
perspectives .The Spy Bird is designed to operate in various
environments and can be controlled remotely by its operator. It is
capable of flying at high altitudes and low speeds, allowing it to
capture detailed images and videos of targets of interest while
remaining undetected.

• The Spy Bird is based on the design and principle of an
• Ornithopters differ from conventional airplanes by not having
a propeller, but rather flapping wings. 
• Ornithopters resemble birds, therefore it is considered as a
best option for a military spying operation through robotic
• Other than for military operation it can be used in the
agriculture sector to scare flying pest which is destroying the
crops and it also can be used in airports to scare away birds
without harming them, preventing too many of them.

• All the aerial vehicles are weight sensitive, especially the
ornithopters. Because of the unavailability of exact materials,
we had to compromise with other materials. This has caused
to increase the weight of the ornithopter.
• The unavailability of gears has necessitated a change in the
design of the ornithopter.
• Due to the increased weight it is more difficult for the
ornithopter to achieve lift. CONCLUSION
• Heavier weight make the ornithopter more difficult to provide A review on flapping wing micro-aerial-vehicle ornithopter has
enough lift, increasing the wingspan might solve the issue but been conducted. The contribution ornithopter kinematics and
the motor we are currently using are unable to provide such membrane wing structures have been summarized and presented
amount of force. systematically. General guidelines have been presented as well to
aid in narrowing the scope of research and to determine specific
approaches. As a conclusion from the guidelines, a possible scope
OBJECTIVES for future Spy Bird development has been determined. 
1 – To complete the design and structure of the bird and make it The spy bird with proper modification and development can be
fly. used in the defense for various useful and important purposes.

2- To make the bird to be able to do surveillance REFERENCES

. Abas, Mohd Firdaus Bin, et al. "Flapping wing micro-aerial-vehicle:
METHODOLOGY Kinematics, membranes, and flapping mechanisms of
ornithopter and insect flight." Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 29.5
Principle of an ornithopter: Flight is a phenomenon that has long (2016): 1159-1177.
been a part of the natural world. Birds’ fly not only by flapping
their wings and gliding with their wings outstretched for long Abas, M.F.B., Rafie, A.S.B.M., Yusoff, H.B. and Ahmad, K.A.B.,
distances but based on principles of physical science. 2016. Flapping wing micro-aerial-vehicle: Kinematics, membranes,
The ornithopter must be heavier than the air flight, which is made and flapping mechanisms of ornithopter and insect flight. Chinese
possible by the balance of the four fundamental forces: lift, thrust, Journal of Aeronautics, 29(5), pp.1159-1177/
drag and weight

Department of Robotics and automation

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