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Health and Safety

in the Laboratory

This material was produced under grant number SH-17035-08-60-F-11 from the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. These
materials do not necessarily reflect views or policies of the U.S. Department of
Labor, nor does mention of any trade names, commercial products, or
organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

After this session, you will know:

• How to identify health and safety hazards of

school laboratory work
• Health and safety measures your lab
should have in place
• How best to protect yourself from
hazardous exposures
• The requirements of OSHA’s Laboratory Standard

Laboratories in the News

Two dozen fire departments responded yesterday Detroit’s Miller Middle School
to Rocky Point High School after a science will be closed today and
teacher was burned when a chemical reaction in possibly Wednesday while
a science lab touched off a small explosion. The health and environmental
teacher, Anthony Nobre, 26, of Medford, suffered officials finish cleaning up a
burns over his arm, neck and face. He was taken small amount of mercury that
to University Hospital in Stony Brook, where he students spilled in a science
was listed in satisfactory condition, according to a class just before school was
spokeswoman. The blast erupted as Nobre put
crystallized sodium into a container holding a dismissed Monday. Students
small amount of water. The Brookhaven fire apparently were playing with
marshal was conducting an investigation and about an ounce of the toxic
recommended that the building be closed today. substance in a sealed vial
when it spilled, said a district
spokesman Stan Childress.
About 30 students and a
teacher were present, he said.
There is a possibility that
students may have tracked
through the mercury
because some beads of
the substance were found in
the hallway, Childress
Why All the Fuss?

Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals Can

Result in acute or chronic health effects

 Acute – occurring within hours or days of


 Chronic – occur after exposure over

many years

Engineering: Removes or
Separates Hazard from
Person i.e.:
• Local Ventilation (Fume Hoods)
• Chemical Substitutions

Administrative: Procedures that

Limit Contact with Hazard i.e.:

• Job Rotation
• School Staff Training
• Good Housekeeping
Personal Protective Equipment

PPE Should Be Considered Only After

Administrative and Engineering Controls
Have Been Applied.

Minimum Recommended PPE:

Chemical Resistant Gloves, Splash Proof Goggles,
Lab Coat, Face Shield, and Rubber Apron when Necessary 6
PPE: Glove Selection
Should be based upon:

• the chemical composition of the

substance you are working with

• the properties of the glove material.

Find Out More about Glove Selection by Reviewing

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or from Glove Supply
OSHA’s Laboratory Standard
• Protects staff who use and handle
hazardous chemicals in laboratories

• Requires your School to:

– Determine staff exposure to any
substances regulated by the standard
– Conduct initial training & additional
training if a new hazard is introduced
into the lab
– Develop a Chemical Hygiene Plan

Training Requirements
•Specific Work Practices
•Chemical hygiene plan/lab manual
•Location & availability of MSDSs
Labs are •Specific lab safety work practices or SOPs
required to •Training whenever new hazards are used in the lab

supplement •Personal Protective Equipment

course •Instruction on appropriate PPE & how to use it

material •Location & availability of PPE & maintenance of reusable PPE

with site- •Lab Equipment

specific •Location & operation of eyewash &/or shower stations

information •Use of fume hoods, storage cabinets, refrigerators & other

engineering controls
& training
including: •Waste Handling and Spill Response
•Chemical waste handling & disposal procedures
•Location & availability of spill kits & emergency checklists
•Spill response procedures

Chemical Hygiene Plan
• Must Include:
• Designation of a Chemical Hygiene Officer
• Exposure control measures
• Measures to ensure properly functioning
fume hoods & equipment
• Staff training on hazard awareness &
measures available to protect themselves
• Provisions for medical consultation &
• Respiratory protection program
• Recordkeeping procedure
• Hazard identification system

Safe Practice: Maintain a
Chemical Inventory!
Conduct a yearly inventory of chemicals and
update the file of material safety data sheets
(MSDS) to prevent the accumulation of orphaned

Some of these chemicals become

unstable, react with the container, slowly
degrade or evaporate

You Have the
Right to Know!
OSHA’s Hazard Communication
Standard requires that
ALL Containers Must be Labeled With:

Name &
Physical/He Name &
alth Address of the
Hazards Manufacturer
& Emergency

100 Main St., Philadelphia, PA

Types of Labels

NFPA Diamonds and

HMIS Bars are Color &
Number Coded with
Hazard Information

DOT Symbols Are

Usually Found on
Shipping Cartons

Material Safety Data Sheets
• An MSDS Must Be on File & Available for
Each Chemical in the Lab.
• An MSDS lists:
– Product Identity
– Hazardous Ingredients
– Physical Data
– Fire & Explosion Hazard Data
– Reactivity Data
– Health Hazard Data
– Precautions for Safe Handling & Use
– Control Measures

What Should the Ideal
Laboratory Look Like?
• Practices • Equipment &

General Ventilation
Supply Air Diffusers & Room Air Exhausts Should be
Located So As to Avoid Intake of Contaminated Air
Windows Should be Operable

Local Ventilation
Fume Hoods Used For Operations that Give
• Noxious Odors
• Flammable or Poisonous Vapors


Safety Showers
and Eyewashes
Must Be Available in All Lab Areas That
Use or Store Chemicals Which Are
Corrosive or an Irritant to the Eyes or Skin

Combination Eye Wash & Drench Hose

Units at the Sink are Now Available

Match the Extinguisher to the Risk!

Fire Extinguishers Must Be:

 Clearly labeled to indicate the

types of fire they are designed to
 Visibly inspected monthly and
maintained annually.

 Class ABC Extinguishers Should Be

–At the Laboratory Exit
–Within 50 Feet of Any Point in
the Lab.
 Class D Extinguishers Are Required for
Combustible Metals.
Means of Egress/Exit

Two or more well- marked &

unobstructed evacuation exits are
recommended in a lab.

It’s Shocking!

 There should be no accessible live, exposed electrical


 Consideration should be given to

installing ground-fault circuit
interrupters on electrical circuits within
6 feet of water sources.

Electrical Safety in the High School Lab

Chemical Storage
Safe Storage of Chemicals is a
Necessity in Every School Laboratory!

 Minimizes Exposure to Students and Staff to Corrosive

and Toxic Chemicals
 Lessens the Risk of Fire
 Prevents the Mixing of Incompatibles & the Creation of
an Emergency Situation

The “Don’ts” of Chemical
 Avoid storing any chemical above eye level

 Don’t store incompatible chemicals together

 Don’t store chemicals near sources of heat or sunlight

 Don’t store chemicals in the hoods or acids on

metal shelves

 Avoid storing anything on the floor, especially

glass bottles

Biology Storage

So, You’re in Charge!

• How would you organize and store

chemicals in your perfect lab?

Ideal Storage Area Set-
NA, LI Acids
Room Should Have:
•Eye Wash
•Safety Shower
•Emergency Phone Chemicals
•Fire Extinguisher
Materials Metal Salts Flammables
Nitrates Cabinet
Be Prepared for Small
Incidental Spills
Chemical Categories Found in
Most Secondary Schools
– Organic
Proper Incidental Spill Control
– Acids Equipment Includes:
 Spill Control Materials Such As Spill
Control Pillows, Pads, Booms, etc.
– Alkalis  Scoops, Brooms, Pails & Bags
 Absorbent – such as Diatomaceous Earth
 Neutralizers – for Acids & Alkalis
– Mercury  Mercury Spill Control Kit
Certain Spills Aren’t for
Quick Clean-up
• As a science teacher or lab specialist, you should only
respond to incidental chemical releases, or small spills.

• For large or especially hazardous spills:

– Quickly assess whether there are any
injured persons and attend to any
person who may have been
– Follow the notification, evacuation
and emergency medical treatment
procedures for your school.
– Evacuate the immediate area
until the hazardous release has
been characterized and

Waste Chemical Disposal
• Requires:

– Proper storage– same rules apply – make

sure waste chemicals are compatible
– Proper labeling – tags should be placed on
bottles name of chemical
– Pre-planning – know what waste you’re
creating prior to carrying out experiments;
minimize purchases
– Record-keeping – of all waste chemicals on
hand and those already picked up for disposal

How to Assess Your
Classroom for Hazards
• Using the Checklist
• Working with Your Union


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