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Lesson 11 - Women in

Women and Sport:
Do you think the questions asked of the athletes were inappropriate? Explain why/why
No because sometimes they get asked something off topic to their sport

Do the questions asked of the athletes provided insight into their sport? Explain
No theyre all personal questions

Do you think the questions marginalise (treat as insignificant or peripheral) women?

How? What perspective does this portray about women in sport?
Nearly 27 per cent of comments on well-read Facebook posts by major Australian
broadcasters were negative towards sportswomen compared to 8 per cent for
male athletes.

Of the negative
comments directed at
women, 23 per cent
were sexist and 20 per
cent belittled their
sporting abilities.

Remarks like "stick to

netball" and "women
should be in the kitchen"
were some of those
captured on pages
belonging to
broadcasters including
the ABC, the Seven, Nine
and 10 networks and
Fox Sports.
Womens advertising

Charlotte Caslick- Highest try

scorer in the Australian Rugby 7’s

Won Gold in Rio Olympics 2016

Do you think female athletes feel

pressured to use their body for
exposure? Why/ why not?

No because they chose to be in the

Women Sexualised in sport
Read the article: The Sexualization of Female Olympiads

What are the differences in uniforms

between men and women? Why?

The women are wearing more open clothes

What message does this send?

People can sometimes watch it to watch

women and they get more viewers that

Using the stimulus on the last slide, what conclusion can you draw on the media's
portrayal of women in sport?

They should use their body to get more publicty and more money.

How can media representations of female athletes contribute to the construction of

harmful gender stereotypes?

They are trying to use the player’s bodies to generate more money in some sports as
mentioned in the above slides.
Research task- Australian Women Leagues

Australia has many Women Leagues that you may be unaware of

because they do not get the coverage. Pick from one league below
to research and compare to the men’s league.Complete this on the
next slide




Which Women’s League have you

Women’s League Mens League

High Profile Player Breanna Stewart LeBron James

How much do they get paid? $228,094 44.47 million USD

When do they get When they have a games to When they have a games to
broadcasted? play play

How many viewers do they The WNBA the average NBA regular
get? averaged 372,000 season game drew 1.6
viewers across 25 WNBA million viewers across ABC,
Women’s League
● What do your findings on the previous slide reveal about women’s league?
The women’s legues are significantly behind on viewers and income.

● What can be done to raise the profile of women’s league without marginalising or
sexualising women?
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