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What is Kodi?

 Have you heard of the "Kodi" app? It was formerly known as XBMC. Since they
changed their name – in 2023 – their popularity increased, until it became a
more complete multimedia center. The good news is that it is available on
different platforms and from Firmware10 we will teach you everything. You
already know that we are experts in set-top boxes and everything related to
Kodi Characteristics

 – It is a free and open source application, which allows its source code to be
accessible to any user and adaptable to all existing operating systems and

 -It has versions for different operating systems and hardware platforms, such
as Windows Linux, macOS, iOS, Raspberry Raspberry Pi and Android.

 – By having a modular add-on system, you can add a wide range of

functionalities, according to your interests and needs, to make it more
 Currently Kodi is compatible with Python 2 and soon Python 3, Python, to give
greater versatility and performance to the application. This multi-paradigm
programming language favors readable code of different programming styles.

 How do we get here? Not bad? That's great! Because we were almost done. This is
a simple tutorial on how to use Kodi, in addition to providing some important facts
about this application, in which you can enjoy all kinds of multimedia content.

 We're done. We hope this article has been to your liking. Do you have a question?
Comment and we will answer you. Thank you for being part of this community of
 Actualmente Kodi es compatible con Python 2 y próximamente Python 3,
Python, para darle mayor versatilidad y rendimiento a la aplicación. Este
lenguaje de programación multiparadigma favorece el código legible de
distintos estilos de programación.
 ¿Cómo vamos hasta aquí? ¿Bien? ¡Genial! Porque casi terminamos. Esto es un
tutorial sencillo de cómo usar Kodi, además de proporcionar algunos datos
importantes sobre esta aplicación, en la cual podrás disfrutar todo tipo de
contenido multimedia.
 Ya terminamos. Deseamos que este artículo haya sido de tu agrado. ¿Tienes
una duda? Comenta y nosotros te responderemos. ¡Gracias por ser parte de
esta comunidad de lectores!

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