ML - End Term Project - Group 10

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Nowadays, a vast array of data is readily accessible. As a result,

analyzing this data in order to derive any valuable information and
developing an algorithm based on this research is critical. Data
processing and deep learning can be used to do this. Machine learning
is a branch of artificial intelligence that is used to construct algorithms
based on data patterns and historical data relationships. Machine
learning is used in a number of areas, including bioinformatics,
intrusion detection, information processing, games, marketing,
malware detection, and image deconvolution.
Intro to Dataset: Mobile Price
Bob has established his own mobile company. He aspires to take on
major corporations such as Apple, Samsung, and others. He has no idea
how to quantify the expense of the smart phones his organization
manufactures. You can't just say something in today's tough cell phone
industry. He gathers sales data from different corporations' cell phones
to solve this issue. Bob is looking for a correlation between a cell
phone's functionality (e.g., RAM, Internal Memory, etc.) and its sale
price. He is, however, not very good at Machine Learning. As a
consequence, he demands your assistance in resolving this issue. You
are not required to estimate the exact price in this issue, but rather a
price range showing how high the price is.
Techniques Applied
The various machine learning techniques or models applied on this
dataset to classify the dataset are:

i. SVM
ii. Random Forest
iii. Logistic Regression
iv. Gaussian Naïve Bayes
v. Multinomial Naïve Bayes
vi. Decision Tree
Results based on Grid Search CV
Model Performance Score Best Parameters
SVM 97.69% 'C': 1, 'kernel': 'linear'
Random Forest 79.62% 'n_estimators': 10
Logistic Regression 78.94% 'C': 5
Gaussian Naïve Bayes 79.25% -
Multinomial Naïve Bayes 52.00% -
Decision Tree 83.44% 'criterion': 'entropy'
For me the winner is SVM (C=1, kernel=linear) with 97.69% score. It co
uld be different for you as I have limited my parameters to be certain 
values only
• Code:

• Dataset:

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