(Non Trauma) 07-07-2023 - Ny. Rubakiyah - 64 TH - Ca Mammae Metastase Tulang - Dr. Dana, SP.B

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Juli, 2023

● Name : Mrs. R
● Age : 64 years old
● Gender : Female
● Address : Batu
● Arrival Date : 07 Juni 2023
● Patient Type : Non-Trauma

Main Complaint: Pain on the left shoulder and thigh

The patient came to the RSKH ER with complaints of pain in the shoulder and left thigh with a VAS score of 7-8 which was
exacerbated by movement and improved when the patient's arms and legs were rested. The patient fell from a motorbike 3 months
ago with her husband and the left side of the patient's body was crushed by the husband's body. After the incident, the patient went
to Punten Hospital and was given pharmacological therapy so that the pain was reduced but still came and went. During these 3
months the patient can still walk and can still lift things. However, since 3 days before the MRS, the patient complained of severe
pain so that the legs felt heavy and could not walk and pain in the left shoulder so that the left hand hurt when moved. Dizziness (-),
nausea (-), vomiting (-), edema (+), weakness (+) in the right arm.

Past Medical History: The patient has a tumor mammae since 26 years ago
Family History: -
Medicine History: -
: CM
GCS : 456

BP : 131/55mmHg

HR : 95/minute
RR : 24/minute
SpO2 : 98% on RA
Tax : 36.7 c
Head Inspection: ictus cordis invisible
Eyes: Anemic conjunctiva (-/-), icteric Palpation: ictus cordis palpable at ICS 5 MCL S
Percussion: Right heart border at ICS 4 PSL D, Left
sclera (-), Isochor pupil diameter heart border at ICS 5 MCL S
3mm/3mm, Light reflex direct and Auscultation: S1 S2 single, regular, murmur (-),
indirect +/+ gallop (-)

Ears : bloody Otorea (-/-) Pulmo:

Nose : epistaksis (-/-) Inspection: normal chest wall shape, retraction (-)
Palpation: symmetrical D/S chest wall movement
Percussion: sonor
Neck : Auscultation:
Inspection: tracheal deviation (-)
Ves + + Wh - - Rh - -
Palpation: enlarged lymph nodes (-) + + - - - -
Auscultation : Bruits (-) + + - - - -
Abdomen Localist stat
Inspection: Flat, inflammation (-)
scar (-) eritem (-) Reg Mammae S:
Auscultation : Bowel Sounds (+) - Look: a red-brown brownish mass measuring +- 5 cm x 4 cm
is visible above the breast nipple
Abdominal Percussion: Timpany
Abdominal Palpation: Defans (-) - Feel: palpable mass, unclear boundaries, fixed, hard lumpy
Superficial and profundus pain (-) masses around the papilla mammae, retraction (+),
tenderness (-)
Dry red warm akral +/+/+/+, Reg Humerus S
CRT< 2, Pitting oedem (-)
- Look : edema (+), erythema (-), scar (-)
- Feel: palpable edema 4-5cm in diameter, clear boundaries,
tenderness (+), deformity (+)
- Movement : ROM (+) abduction 30 degrees max. adduction
Problem list Devinitive Diagnosis Planning Planning Therapy

Main Complaint: - General Weakness • Blood count - Inf NS 0,9% 20 tpm

• Pain on the left shoulder and thigh since 3 months ago - Susp Ca Mamme S • X-Ray Thorax - Inj Ketorolac 2x30mg
after fell of from the motorcycle - Susp Pathologic Fractur APX-Ray - Inj Ranitidin 2x5mg
• Since 3 days before the MRS, the patient complained of severe Humerus S Humerus S - Drip KCL 25 mcg dalam
pain so that the legs felt heavy and could not walk and pain in the - Low back pain A/PX-Ray 500cc
left shoulder so that the left hand hurt when moved
Femur S A/P - NS 20 tpm
• History : Tu mammae since 26 years ago T4N1M1
• Biopsy - D40 2 fl, D10 12 tpm
- Cek GDA
- tramadol drip 100 mg/8

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