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Expressing Permission,
Obligation, and
Prohibition using modals
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Complete the following sentences using appropriate modal verbs. Choose the correct
answer from the box and write your answer on your paper.

must can’t have to

mustn’t can

• When you are a driver, you _________ stop on red lights.

• Children ________ stay in their rooms during playtime.
• We ______ be there before the contest starts or else we will be
• I can’t get a connection in my phone. ______ I borrow yours?
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5. The rules state that you ____ invite only one guest to the party.
6. People _____ smoke in public places.
7. Students _____ manage their time carefully when taking a timed test.
8. People _____ turn off their mobile phones at the movie theater.
9. Men and women _____ be treated equally.
10. If you are going to drive, you ______ consume alcoholic drinks.
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• When you are a driver, you must stop on red lights.
• Children musn't stay in their rooms during playtime.
• We have to be there before the contest starts or else we will be disqualified.
• I can’t get a connection in my phone. Can I borrow yours?
• The rules state that you have to invite only one guest to the party.
• People mustn't smoke in public places.
• Students must manage their time carefully when taking a timed test.
• People must turn off their mobile phones at the movie theater.
• Men and women must be treated equally.
• If you are going to drive, you mustn't consume alcoholic drinks.
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Directions: Tell whether the underlined phrase expresses Permission, Obligation or

________1. Passengers must not play music or talk on this part of the train.
________2. You can’t rent a car without a credit card.
________3. You have to show your ID before you can enter the place.
________4. You can sit here. The seat is free.
________5. I must hand in all requirements before Friday.
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Directions: Tell whether the underlined phrase expresses Permission, Obligation or

Prohibition 1. Passengers must not play music or talk on this part of the
Prohibition 2. You can’t rent a car without a credit card.
Obligation 3. You have to show your ID before you can enter the place.
Permisission 4. You can sit here. The seat is free.
Obligation 5. I must hand in all requirements before Friday.
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Directions: Guess the words described below. Use the boxes as your clue. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. This is a type of modal which indicates that something should not be done
or that someone must not do something.

2. This type of modal is used to express responsibility or commitment.
Examples of this modal are must and have to.

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Activity 1: Guess What?
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Directions: Guess the words described below. Use the boxes as your clue. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

3. This is a type of modal which is used to express consent or approval.

Examples of this modal are can and could.


4. This verb form is use to express a degree of certainty about an outcome or

the possibility of something

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Activity 2: SIGNing in!
Directions: Match the picture to its appropriate description. Write the letter of your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

A. You can’t smoke in this area.

B. You must smoke in this area.
C. You mustn’t smoke in this area.
D. You don’t have to smoke in thisarea

A. You can turn right.

B. You must turn right.
C. You have to turn right.
D. You don’t have to turn right.
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) A. You can use mobile phones inside the classroom.
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B. You can’t use mobile phones inside the classroom.
C. You mustn’t use mobile phones inside the classroom.
D. You don’t have to use mobile phones inside the classroom.

A. . You must throw garbage anywhere.

B. You can’t throw garbage anywhere.
C. You mustn’t throw garbage anywhere.
D. You don’t have to throw garbage anywhere

A. You can maintain 25 KPH speed.

B. You must maintain 25 KPH speed.
C. You have to maintain 25 KPH speed.
D. You mustn’t maintain 25 KPH speed.
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Activity 2: SIGNing in!
Directions: Match the picture to its appropriate description. Write the letter of your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

A. You can’t smoke in this area.

B. You must smoke in this area.
C. You mustn’t smoke in this area.
D. You don’t have to smoke in thisarea

A. You can turn right.

B. You must turn right.
C. You have to turn right.
D. You don’t have to turn right.
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) A. You can use mobile phones inside the classroom.
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B. You can’t use mobile phones inside the classroom.
C. You mustn’t use mobile phones inside the classroom.
D. You don’t have to use mobile phones inside the classroom.

A. . You must throw garbage anywhere.

B. You can’t throw garbage anywhere.
C. You mustn’t throw garbage anywhere.
D. You don’t have to throw garbage anywhere

A. You can maintain 25 KPH speed.

B. You must maintain 25 KPH speed.
C. You have to maintain 25 KPH speed.
D. You mustn’t maintain 25 KPH speed.
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MODALS are helping verbs that denote

• MODALS are auxiliary or helping verbs.
intention or feeling of the speaker. They
They may be used in expressing
indicate likelihood, permission, ability,
permission. obligation and prohibition.
possibility, suggestions, prohibition, advice,
• When we want to express permission,
order or request. It is always accompanied with
prohibition (not allowing something),
a verb in its base form:
obligation or no obligation, we use
modal verbs.
modal + V (base form) = can eat, should walk,
may pay
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• I believe I can fly.

• khodly must call the police after the incident.
• Janine has to prepare for her exams.
• Bernadette doesn't have to to secure a permit for her to go out
of the class.
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In this lesson, you will learn how you can use words that will
help you:
• win someone’s consent to do things -- modals of
• how one realizes one’s duties and responsibilities –
modals of obligation, and
• how some things are not permitted to be done because of
social norms and laws – modals of prohibition.
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is an act of giving consent or authorization. In stating permission, modals to be used
include CAN, COULD and MAY.

A. Can is used to ask for and give permission.

Can you give me your phone number?
Can you help me with this?
I can do it you want me to.
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is an act of giving consent or authorization. In stating permission, modals to be used
include CAN, COULD and MAY.

A. Can is used to ask for and give permission.

Can you give me your phone number?
Can you help me with this?
I can do it you want me to.
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b. Could is also used as a more polite and more formal modal in asking permission
(which may not be given).

I could possibly ask my mom to cook it for us.
Could I interview the mayor?
Could you lend me your book?
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c. May is the most polite and formal modal used in asking and giving permission.

Medical practitioners affected by COVID-19 may now claim their financial support
from the government.
Teachers may now distribute the modules to the learners.
May I borrow your book, please?
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Prohibition is the act of disallowing or prohibiting someone in performing or doing
something. Modals showing prohibition include can't and must not/ mustn't.

a. Can't is used in dealing with something against rules, laws and signs. This is used
when the speaker is not the one who sets the rules.
You can't go out during the community quarantine. (Quarantine Policy)
The company can't apply for motion for reconsideration. (Legal Proceeding) You can't
buy any alcoholic beverages due to liquor ban. (Liquor Ban Policy)
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b. Must Not/Mustn't is used in dealing with something that is not permitted. In this
context, it is the speaker who sets the rules.

You must not turn off your camera during online class. (Teacher-students) Mustn't you
eat the fruits inside the fridge? (Mother to child)
Salome must not tell my secrets to her friends. (Boss to a colleague)
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Obligation expresses commitment or duty. Modals used in expressing obligation include
have to (has to) and must.

a. Has/Have to is used when obligation comes not from the speaker. The obligation is
set by an authority, rule or law
I have to be in the airport before the flight departure.
She has to submit her report on time.
The company has to pay retrenchment benefits to its
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b. Must is used when expressing obligation comes from the speaker or from an

I must call my husband now.
We must finish the report on time.
I must stay away from them.
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No obligation expresses the absence of commitment or duty as one may do it or not.
Don't (doesn't) have to is used to express no obligation.

She doesn't have to attend the funeral if she is not feeling well.
You don't have to come to my office in person.
You may submit it online. The employees don't have to come this morning as the
activity will start in the afternoon.
Activity Time
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Directions: Write a 2-3 paragraph essay about giving an

advice to tourists when coming to Philippines for a visit or
for a vacation. Use modals to express your ideas. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper. You may use the
following categories: food, house rules, security, greetings,
celebrations, hospitality, formality and greetings

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