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Review test 3

Inglés Básico I - AEF Starter A

Units 5, 6 and Practical English
Teacher: Paula Saavedra
Test 3 - contents

Unit 5
5A Say what you do
5B Say what you have for breakfast
Grammar: simple present: I, you, we, they, Wh-questions
Vocabulary: common verbs (page 122), food and drink (page 123 )

Unit 6
6A Ask and answer questions about other people's jobs
6B Say what you do on a typical day
Grammar: simple present: he, she, it, adverbs of frequency
Vocabulary: jobs and places of work (page 124), a typical day (page 125)

Practical English - What time is it?

What time do you get up?
What time do you go to bed?
Let’s go to Review and check -
pages 38-39
Unit 5A

Ask and answer questions with a partner. Use extended ideas.

1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

2. Do you have a cat or dog?
3. Do you watch the news on TV?
4. Do you read comics?
5. Do you like Sundays?
6. Do you drink coffee?
Unit 5B

Ask and answer questions with a partner. Use extended ideas.

1. What do you usually have for breakfast?

2. What do you usually have for lunch?
3. What do you usually have for dinner?
Unit Practical English - What time is it?

two thirty eight o’clock quarter after ten

Unit Practical English - What time is it?

quarter to six. ten after eleven. twenty to one.

Unit 6A
Look at the chart and complete the sentences with affirmative or negative sentences.
Unit 6A - answers
Look at the chart and complete the sentences with affirmative or negative sentences.
Unit 6A
Complete the sentences with a place of work.
Unit 6A - answers
Complete the sentences with a place of work.
Unit 6B

Write a text of at least 40 words about a typical day in your life. Include the information
below and adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes, never)

1. What time do you get up in the morning?

2. What do you have for breakfast?

3. What time do you go to work/DUOC?

4. What do you do in the afternoon?

5. What do you do in the evening?

6. What time do you go to bed?

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