Name Roll No Department Semester Submitted To: Mohsin Raza 03 Mam Nabila

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Name Mohsin Raza

Roll no 03

Submitted to Mam Nabila

Department Bs English literature
Semester 1st

• Comparative linguistics
• Historical linguistics
Comparative linguistics
• Comparative linguistics is the study of similarities and
difference between language

• Comparative linguistics is a branch of historical

linguistics that is concerned with comparing
languages to establish their historical

• Genetics relatedness implies a common origin

or proto-language and comparative linguistics
aims construct language
• To maintain a clear distinction between attested and
reconstructed form comparative linguistics prefixes an
asterisk to any form that is not found in surviving texts

• Every difference between two related languages should be

explicable to a high degree of plausibility and systematic

• The languages L1 L2 L3 are called sister languages

• Proto-Indo-European is one out of many language families

Common ancestor in the Italic
branch of Indo-European
• Spanish. Madre padre amigo
• Italian. Madre padre amico

Common ancestor in English and

• English. Mother father friend

• German. Mutter vater freund

Historical linguistics

• Historical linguistics also called diachronic


• Scientific study of language change over time

Principal concerns of historical

linguistics include to
• describe and account for observed changes in particular
• reconstruct the pre-history of languages and
to determine their relatedness

• develop general theories about how and why

language changes
• describe the history of speech

• Study the history of words i.e

• Modern historical linguistics dates from the
late 18 century

• At first historical linguistics was

comparative linguistics
• Scholar were concerned chiefly with establishing
language families and reconstructing prot-language
using the comparative method and internal

• The focus on the well-known Indo-European lanuages

• The Scholar also studied the Uralic languages

• Comparative linguistics work expanding out of European

language as well i.e Austronesian and families of native
American language
• For the Indo-European languages
comparative study is now highly
specialized field

• Initially all modern linguistics was

historical in orientation
• Even the study of modern dialects
involved looking at their origins

• In the 20th century historical linguistics

successfully extended the application of the
theories and methods of the 19th century to the
classification and historical study of non Indo-
European languages
Thank you

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