Health Ed 2ND

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EDUCATION –is an interactive process of imparting
knowledge through sharing, explaining, clarifying
and synthesizing the substantive content of the
learning process in order to arrive at a positive
judgment and well-developed wisdom and
Health – sense of being physically fit, mentally
stable and socially comfortable

WHO definition:
Health is a state of complete physical, mental,and
social well-being, not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity
Learning – acquisition of knowledge of all kinds,
abilities, habits, attitudes, values and skills to create
change in an individual
Patient teaching – dynamic interaction between the
nurse the teacher and the patient as the learner
Teaching – the process of providing learning
materials, activities,situations,and experiences to
enable clients or learners to acquire knowledge,
attitudes, values and skill to facilitate self-reliant
Education process- a systematic,sequential,logical,
Scientifically-based, planned course of action
consisting of teaching and learning.
It is a cycle that involves the teacher and the
Nursing process- this emphasizes the need to
manage and maximize health by preventing risk
factors and by encouraging healthy behaviors
Steps in the education process:
Assessment - gathering of data about the learner’s
demographic profile, skills and abilities needed in
identifying the most appropriate teaching strategy
for a particular learner
Planning-a carefully organized written
presentation of what the learner needs to learn
and how the nurse educator is going to provide
the teaching
Steps in the education process:
Implementation and application of the Teaching
The point where theoretical and practical aspects
of the teaching-learning process meet as the
teacher applies the plan to the learners
Evaluation –the measurement of teaching-
learning performance of both teachers and
Steps in the nursing process:
Assessment- data collection and recording of all
Planning-setting priorities, goals and objectives
and treatment options
Implementation-putting the plan into action
Evaluation- assessing the patient, if the desired
outcomes have been met
Difference between the education process and
nursing process
a. The nursing process focuses on the planning
and implementation of care based on
assessment and diagnosis of the physical and
psychosocial needs of a patient
b. The education process focuses on planning and
implementation of teaching based on
assessment an prioritization of learner’s needs,
readiness to learn and learning styles.

ASSESSMENT Ascertain learning needs,

Appraise physical and
readiness to learn, and
psychosocial needs learning styles

Develop care plan Develop teaching plan

based on mutual goal based on mutually
setting to meet PLANNING predetermined behavioral
individual needs outcomes to meet
individual needs

Perform the act of

Carry out nursing care teaching using specific
interventions using IMPLEMENTATION instructional methods and
standard procedures tools

Determine behavior
Determine physical changes (outcomes) in
and psychosocial EVALUATION knowledge, attitudes, and
outcomes skills
Robin Orr (1990) noted that illness can
become an educational opportunity…
a teachable moment when ill health
suddenly encourages clients to take a
more active role in their care.
Overall, clients are more satisfied
with care when they receive
adequate information about how to
manage for themselves.
Teaching and Instruction

•They are both components of

•Teaching is a deliberate intervention
that involves the planning and
implementation of instructional
activities and experiences to meet
intended learner outcomes according to
a teaching plan.
•Instruction, a term often used
interchangeably with teaching, is
one aspect of teaching.
•It is a component of teaching that
involves the communicating of
information about a specific skill in
the cognitive, psychomotor, or
affective domain.
•Teaching and Instruction are often
formal, structured, organized activities
prepared days in advance, but can also
be performed informally during
conversations or incidental encounters
with the learner.
•They are deliberate and conscious acts
with the objective of producing
•The fact that they are intentional does
not necessarily mean that they have to
be lengthy and complex tasks, but it
does mean that they comprise
conscious actions on the part of the
teacher in responding to an individual’s
need to learn.
What are the cues that someone
has a need to learn?

•Verbal request
•A question
•A puzzled or confused look
•A gesture of defeat or frustration
•Teaching therefore, is a highly versatile
strategy that can be applied in
preventing, promoting, maintaining, or
modifying a wide variety of behaviors in
a learner who is receptive, motivated,
and adequately informed.
•Defined as a change in behavior
(knowledge, skills, and attitudes) that
can occur at any time or in any place as a
result of exposure to environmental
•An action by which knowledge, skills,
and attitudes are consciously and
unconsciously acquired such that
behavior is altered in some way that can
be observed or measured.
“ The success of the nurse
educator’s endeavors at
teaching is measured not by
how much content has been
imparted, but rather by how
much the person has learned.”
Patient Education
•A process of assisting people to learn
health-related behaviors (knowledge,
skills, attitudes, and values) so that
they can incorporate those behaviors
into everyday life.
•The purpose of which is to assist clients
to achieve the goal of optimal health
and independence in self-care.
Staff Education
•The process of influencing the behavior
of nurses by producing changes in their
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values.
•Its purpose is to help nurses maintain
and improve their competencies as
required for the delivery of quality care
to the client.
•Both patient and staff education
involve forging a relationship
between learner and educator so
that the learner’s information
needs can be met through the
process of education.
• A useful paradigm to assist nurses to organize
and carry out the education process created by
Rega in 1993. The acronym stands for:
A – nalyze the learner
S – tate the objectives
S – elect instructional methods and tools
U – se teaching materials
R – equire learner performance
E – valuate/revise the teaching and learning
“Teaching is not a matter of chance,
it’s a matter of CHOICE. It is not
something you are destined or
obliged to do but something you have
chosen to do.
Blessed are the teachers for they are
God’s gift to EVERYONE.”
-William Jennings Bryan
Definition of nurse educator and her roles

The nurse educator is:

1. The primary source of knowledge of learners in nursing
2. The primary catalysts for the learning process
3. A role model for learners
4. An active facilitator, who demonstrates and teaches
patient care to nsg students in the classroom and
clinical settings
5. A source of health care information and care to clients
6. Is diligent, keeps abreast of developments in his/her
Functions of a health educator
1. Collaborates with health specialist and civic
groups in determining community health needs,
the availability of services, and goals for meeting
2. Designs and conducts evaluation and diagnostic
studies to assess the quality and performance of
health education programs
3. Develops and implements health education and
promotion programs such as training workshops,
conferences and school or community
Patient Teaching
The process of influencing patient behavior and
producing changes in knowledge, attitudes and
skills necessary to maintain or improve health.
Is also a holistic process with the goal of changing
or affirming patient behavior to improve health
Purposes of Client Teaching
a. Increase health awareness
b. increase client satisfaction
c. Improve quality of life
d. Ensure continuity of care
e. Decrease patient anxiety
f. Effectively reduce incidence of illness and
g. Further adherence to healthcare treatment plans
h. Maximize independence in performance of ADL
i. Energize and empower consumers to become
actively involved in planning their care
Role of the nurse in Client Teaching
Health teaching is an essential role of today’s nurses
Using knowledge of growth and development, and
from nursing theories, nurses teach individuals and
their families at various levels of understanding
Education is essential to promote health
The nurse applies the principles of teaching and
learning to change the behavior of clients and their
family members
Factors that influence client’s learning
1. Stage of development- teaching must be adapted to the
client’s developmental level rather than their chronological
2. Cultural values – nurse’s teachings can be most effective
when norms, traditions and cultural beliefs are considered
and incorporated into their teaching plan
3. Language used- the ability of the client to understand the
language of teaching determines how much they learn
4. Physical environment- consider privacy, confidentiality when
discussing sensitive issues
5. Previous experiences- clients with past experiences similar
to current may need less education
6. Knowledge and skill of the teacher-teacher must determine
objectives of subject matter to be taught
Principles of client teaching and learning
1. Assess teaching needs of the patient or the
teaching that is required in a particular situation
2. Assess what the patient knows and begin from
what she/he knows
3. Consider language barriers, literacy, ethnic and
cultural background, age and emotional status of
the patient, otherwise, teaching and learning can
be impaired, placing the patient at risks

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