27th Amendment To The U.S. Constitution: By: Bermudez

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27th Amendment to the U.S.

By: Bermudez

Declaration of independance
What: Document made, by the second continental congress that stated the thirteen colonies, free from the Brittish rule because King George was trating the colonies terribly. When: July 4th 1776 Who: The delegates from thirteen colonies were gathered at independance hall, 56 members from the continental congress Who: every member signed and agreed too the declaration from the second continental congress witch over all was 56 people

Were: Philadelphia at Independance Hall.


-It was written by delgates from thirteen colonies at the time. There was a total of 56 signers, and Thomas jefferson, was the initial writer. It was written in Philadelphia at Independance Hall.

Pennsylvania had the most delegates with 8 signers, -George Clymer -Ben Franklin -Robert Morris -John Morton -Benjamen Rush -George Rush -James Smith -James Wilson and George Taylor

While Rhode Island however,only had two, -Stephen Hopkins -William Ellery

Articles Of Confederation
what: The Articles of Confederation were written too create a set of rules for colonists too abide by. what: It had low stability, and lacked government structure, which made it weak. who:This is why later the delegates from all thirteen states rejoined too write the US Constitution, and after that the bill of rights. when: Congress agreed on articles on November 15, 1777. when: Articles confirmed and were inforced on March 1, 1781.

The Preamble
what: The preamble, is the introductory or opening statement in the Declaration Of Independance.
"...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people too alter or abolishit, and to institute new Government"

what:Told great Britian the three unalienable rights too all men, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
what:They mentioned that all humans are created equally and no one man is better than any other.

-This sentence means when the country is not in a suitable shape due too the Government, that people can come togeather and make any needed changes.

What: part of the declaration, giving reasons too King George why they were declaring there independance from the colonies. Who: the signers of the declaration, too all of Britian, King George and the world. Why: that way the british people will understand that The people of the United States have tried multiple times in trying too maintain peace and stability, among Britian and themselves. What: some reasons involved lots of taxes on US specifically, and they couldnt vote for changes in Britian.

What: "has assembled troops (red coats) in US too instore order" shows that King George didnt trust America, which is why we replied saying we wont trust him any further.

The 27th ammendment

(Also known as, the Congressional Pay Ammendment)
The 27th ammendment is in my opinion the simplist ammendment to date. what: It states "No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened." This means, that no congressmen, has the right too change there salary in any way until the next general election has passed.

who and when: James Madison of Virginia, brought the idea of an ammendment and it was also one of the first twelve submited too the first congress for Ratification on September 25th 1789.

when: However it wasnt touched, until more than two centurys later.
were and when: Wyoming ratified this ammendment too there state in 1987 in oppose too Congressional pay raise. In 1992 after multiple states were doing so congress looked over the ammendment idea and it was ratified by the last of the 41 states too curently use this ammendment.

www.Wikipedia.org Usconstitution.net Naval Science 1 text book

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