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(1902 - 1987 )

Bren da C hoi
• Born in Chicago, the fourth of six
children, F: civil engineer,
M: housewife, devout Christian
• 12 years old
• University; agriculture
• Marriage, New York City, Union
Theological Seminary
• Columbia University (Clinical
Psychology), PhD( 1931)
• Provide therapy, gave speeches,
wrote, research
Four periods of Development
1940s, nondirective counseling vs counselor
knows best, reflecting & clarifying verbal &
nonverbal communication ---gaining insight into the
feelings expressed by clients
1950s, client-centered therapy, emphasis on
client vs method, phenomenological world, internal
frame of reference
Late 1950s’research, process and outcomes,
client-therapist relationship
1980s to 1990s, expansion, person-centered
Vi ew of hu man nat ure

• Trustworthy, resourceful, capable of self-

understanding, self-directions, able to
make constructive change, able to live
effective and productive lives
• Growth promoting climate, congruence, unconditional
positive regards (acceptance and caring) , accurate
empathic understanding (an ability to deeply grasp the
subjective world of another person)
• Growth force, internal source of healing
The th erape uti c g oa ls
Provide a safe climate
conducive to clients’ self-
exploration : An openness to
experience; A trust in
themselves; An internal
source of evaluation ;A
willingness to continue
The the ra peutic
rela tionship
The qualities of the
therapist (attitudes) are
stressed. Client use this
real relationship with the
therapist to help them
transfer what they learn to
other relationship
y n
T attitudes Diagnostic testing
Reflection of F interpretation
Active listening Case history
Clarification Questioning….
• Individual, group
• Marital, family
• Community program
• Administration,
human realtion
Pros an Cons
• Lack of
• direction • C active
• Subject to
• Open system

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