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Taking an Audit of Athletic Platform

The athlete platform you want to offer

The characteristic of your primary
Your athletic platform image
The market size of your participants
The market size of your spectators
Market size of television spectators
Prepare a Summary statement
Describe your organization.
What is your event?
What impact do you have on the local
What is the purpose of your event?
How it will you affect local businesses?
How will you involve the community-that is,
local businesses, cultural groups, and local
Prepare a Summary statement
Will our event heighten public awareness
about physical activity and your sport
How does you event allow sponsors to
reach out and touch their consumers?
Is your event based on another similar
successful event?
Why is your event unique?
What is one significant advantage you
offer a sponsor who ties into your event?
Identify Sponsorship Categories.
Exclusive Sponsorship

Primary Sponsorship

Subsidiary Sponsorship

Official Supplies
Summarize your opportunities
Types of sponsorship program available

Brief description of the type of business

that will benefit

Type of services available to sponsor

Brief description of benefit to sponsors

Customizing Sponsorship Packages
Official Status
What is the sponsorship category?
Are there veto rights with this category-a
sponsor dictate who else can be a sponsor?

Sponsorship Fees
What is the fee?
How and when does a sponsor pay the fee? o Is
the fee refundable for any reason
Customizing Sponsorship Packages
Title Right
Will the sponsor's name appear in little?
How will you name the trophies?
Who will present the trophy or prizes?

Public Relation and media exposure

Will the key athletes mention the sponsors name
when press interviews them?
 Will media releases include the sponsor's name
Customizing Sponsorship Packages
Television exposure
Does the sponsor have rights of first refusal on
television advertising spots?
Can the sponsor use TV video footage in its
regular advertising
Does the sponsor need to obtain permission
prior to using video clips for commercial reasons?
Customizing Sponsorship Packages
Logo Use
Under what conditions can the sponsor
use. athletic platform logo trademark
Who owns special logos
Can the sponsor use the logo to promote
its own images and products?
Does the sponsor have merchandising
rights-that is can it make and sell souvenir
Customizing Sponsorship Packages
How many banners, athlete patches, placards,
arena board, or flag can the sponsor use? size?
Where can the sponsor place the banner.
Who is responsible for making and paying for
the banner
Who is responsible for placing the signage on
Customizing Sponsorship Packages
Athlete use
Will athlete make personal appearance on
behalf ob sponsors
Will key athlete wear the sponsor name
during event

Hospitality rights
Access to hospitality
Where can they can place their tent
Do they get free tickets for tie-in contest, to
give clients or for other use.
Customizing Sponsorship Packages
Advertising rights
In what manner can the sponsor use the platform
component for advertising component.
Will the sponsor name be on stationary or in the
Can the sponsor use every photograph for product
promotion and general merchandising
Who give permission to use the photographs in
Are there limitation on the use of photographs.
Customizing Sponsorship Packages
Point of Sale Promotion
Can they sell product on site.
Who get the profit for on-site sale
Can they do on site promotion associated
with the sponsorship
Can they team up with other companies to
form cooperative promotions
Customizing Sponsorship Packages
Direct mail list
Will mailing list of ticket holder or athlete be
made available to sponsor.
What form of promotion that can be done by
mailing list

Product Sampling
Will there be product display and sampling
What type of products can a sponsor display?
Customizing Sponsorship Packages
Legal Liabilities
Who responsible of injuries to spectators,
participants or officials.
What if it rains or there are TV problems?
Who Pay existing expenses.

Future Option
 Does the sponsor have renewal options.
How do you determine the sponsorship fee in
the future.
Preparing Packages
Ready to prepare a written proposal.

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