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 C99 (previously known as C9X) is an informal name for ISO/IEC
9899:1999, a past version of the C programming language
 Standard Library Functions are basically the inbuilt functions in the
C compiler that makes things easy for the programmer.
 As we have already discussed, every C program has at least one
function, that is, the main() function. The main() function is also a
standard library function in C since it is inbuilt and conveys a
specific meaning to the C compiler.
 In order to access the standard library functions in C, certain header
files need to be included before writing the body of the program.

Standard input-output Used to perform input and output operations like scanf() and

header printf().

Used to perform string manipulation operations like strlen and

<string.h> String header

Used to perform console input and console output operations like

Console input-output
<conio.h> clrscr() to clear the screen and getch() to get the character from the

Standard library Used to perform standard utility functions like dynamic memory
header allocation using functions such as malloc() and calloc().

Used to perform mathematical operations like sqrt() and pow() to

<math.h> Math header
obtain the square root and the power of a number respectively.

Used to perform character type functions like isaplha() and isdigit()

<ctype.h> Character type header to find whether the given character is an alphabet or a digit.

Used to perform functions related to date and time like setdate() and
<time.h> Time header getdate() to modify the system date and get the CPU time

Used in program assertion functions like assert() to get an integer

<assert.h> Assertion header data type as a parameter which prints stderr only if the parameter
passed is 0.

Used to perform localization functions like setlocale() and

<locale.h> Localization header localeconv() to set locale and get locale conventions

Used to perform signal handling functions like signal() and

<signal.h> Signal header raise() to install signal handler and to raise the signal in the
program respectively.

<setjmp.h> Jump header Used to perform jump functions.

Used to perform standard argument functions like va_start

Standard argument and va_arg() to indicate the start of the variable-length
header argument list and to fetch the arguments from the variable-
length argument list in the program respectively.
 <stdio.h>
 This is the basic header file used in almost every program written in the C language.
 It stands for standard input and standard output used to perform input-output functions,
some of which are: 
 printf()– Used to display output on the screen.
 scanf()– To take input from the user.
 getchar()– To return characters on the screen.
 putchar()– To display output as a single character on the screen.
 fgets()– To take a line as an input.
 puts()– To display a line as an output.
 fopen()– To open a file.
 fclose()– To close a file.
 <string.h>
 We have already discussed the various string manipulation functions in C in detail. 
 <stdlib.h>
 Functions such as malloc(), calloc(), realloc() and free() can be used while dealing with
dynamic memory allocation of variables. 
 It should be clear that these functions are used for dynamic memory allocation of
variables, that is in contrast to arrays that allocate memory in a static (fixed) manner.
 <math.h>
 The math header is of great significance as it is used to perform various mathematical operations such as:
 sqrt() – This function is used to find the square root of a number
 pow() – This function is used to find the power raised to that number.
 fabs() – This function is used to find the absolute value of a number.
 log() – This function is used to find the logarithm of a number.
 sin() – This function is used to find the sine value of a number.
 cos() – This function is used to find the cosine value of a number.
 tan() – This function is used to find the tangent value of a number. 
 <ctype.h>
 This function is popularly used when it comes to character handling. 
 Some of the functions associated with <ctype.h> are: 
 isalpha() – Used to check if the character is an alphabet or not.
 isdigit() – Used to check if the character is a digit or not.
 isalnum() – Used to check if the character is alphanumeric or not.
 isupper() – Used to check if the character is in uppercase or not
 islower() – Used to check if the character is in lowercase or not.
 toupper() – Used to convert the character into uppercase.
 tolower() – Used to convert the character into lowercase.
 iscntrl() – Used to check if the character is a control character or not.
 isgraph() – Used to check if the character is a graphic character or not.
 isprint() – Used to check if the character is a printable character or not
 ispunct() – Used to check if the character is a punctuation mark or not.
 isspace() – Used to check if the character is a white-space character or not.
 <conio.h>
 It is used to perform console input and console output operations like
clrscr() to clear the screen and getch() to get the character from the
 Note: The header file <conio.h> is not supported in Linux. It works
fairly well on Microsoft Windows.
 <assert.h>
 The assert.h header file of the C Standard Library provides a macro
called assert which can be used to verify assumptions made by the
program and print a diagnostic message if this assumption is false.
 The defined macro assert refers to another macro NDEBUG which is
not a part of <assert.h>. If NDEBUG is defined as a macro name in the
source file, at the point where <assert.h> is included, the assert macro is
defined as follows −
 #define assert(ignore) ((void)0)
 <time.h>
 The time.h header defines four variable types, two macro and various
functions for manipulating date and time.
Sr.No. Variable & Description

1 size_t
This is the unsigned integral type and is the result of the sizeof keyword.

2 clock_t
This is a type suitable for storing the processor time.

3 time_t is
This is a type suitable for storing the calendar time.

4 struct tm
This is a structure used to hold the time and date.
 <stdarg.h>
 The stdarg.h header defines a variable type va_list and three
macros which can be used to get the arguments in a function
when the number of arguments are not known i.e. variable
number of arguments.
 A function of variable arguments is defined with the ellipsis (,...)
at the end of the parameter list.
 Library Variables
 Following is the variable type defined in the header stdarg.h –

Sr.No. Variable & Description

1 va_list
This is a type suitable for holding information needed by the three
macros va_start(), va_arg() and va_end().
 <setjmp.h>
 The setjmp.h header defines the macro setjmp(), one function
longjmp(), and one variable type jmp_buf, for bypassing the
normal function call and return discipline.
 Library Variables
 Following is the variable type defined in the header setjmp.h –

Sr.No. Variable & Description

1 jmp_buf
This is an array type used for holding information for
macro setjmp() and function longjmp().
 <unistd.h>
 The <unistd.h> header defines miscellaneous symbolic

constants and types, and declares miscellaneous


 Factorial of a positive integer n is product of all values from n to
1. For example, the factorial of 3 is (3 * 2 * 1 = 6). 
 Algorithm
 Algorithm of this program is very easy −
Step 1 → Take integer variable A
Step 2 → Assign value to the variable
Step 3 → From value A upto 1 multiply each digit and store
Step 4 → the final stored value is factorial of A
 Fibonacci Series generates subsequent number by adding two previous numbers.

Fibonacci series startsfrom two numbers − F0 & F1. The initial values of F0 & F1 can
be taken 0, 1 or 1, 1 respectively. 
Fibonacci series satisfies the following conditions −
Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
So a Fibonacci series can look like this −
F8 = 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 
or, this −
F8 = 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
Algorithm of this program is very easy − 
Step 1 → Take integer variable A, B, C
Step 2 → Set A = 0, B = 0
Step 3 → DISPLAY A, B
Step 4 → C = A + B
Step 5 → DISPLAY C
Step 6 → Set A = B, B = C
Step 7 → REPEAT from 4 - 6, for n times

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