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What are the measures of
Central Tendency?
• Summary statistics that represent the center
point or typical value of a dataset

• Indicates where most values in distribution fall

• Central location of a distribution

• Mean, median and mode

• Calculated by adding all the numbers in a given data set and
dividing it by the total number of items within that set
• Also called as “Average”
X̄: Mean
∑x: Sum of all observations or data values
N: Number of observations in the sample

Or, simply:
MEAN for Ungrouped data
Ungrouped data is the raw data gathered from an experiment or study. In other words, an ungrouped set of data
is basically a list of numbers.

Find the mean or average score of students in a math test:
Students Score
A1 18
B2 36
C3 27
D4 54
E5 72
F6 81
G7 99
H8 90
I9 45

The average score is:

Sum of all the observations/total number of observations
= 522/9
= 58
So, 58 is the average Score.
MEAN for Grouped data
Grouped data is a set of given data that has been bundled together in
categories. For a mean of grouped data, a frequency distribution table is
created, which shows the frequencies of the given data set.
Direct Method
Assumed Mean Method
Step Deviation Method

X̄: Mean
f: Frequency of each class
x: mid-interval value of each class/class marks
∑fx: Sum of the mid-interval values and their
corresponding frequency
∑f: Sum of frequency
There are 100 members in a basketball club. The different age groups of the
members and the number of members in each age group are tabulated below.
Calculate the mean age of the club members.
Number of
Age Group

10-20 17

20-30 22

30-40 20

40-50 21

50-60 20

In this case, we first need to calculate the Class Mark for each age group.
We will use the formula given below and calculate the Class Mark for each age
Class mark = (Upper Limit + Lower Limit)/2. For example, for the first interval 10-
20, class mark = (10 + 20) / 2 = 30/2 = 15.
Class Frequencie = Σfx
Mark s fi xi
(x) (f) = 255 + 550 + 700 + 945 + 1100
= 3550
10-20 15 17
f1 x1=17 ×
15 = 255
= Σf
f2 x2= 22 × = 17 + 22 + 20 + 21 + 20
20-30 25 22
25 = 550 = 100
f3 x3 = 20 ×
30-40 35 20
35 = 700 Using the formula
x̄ = Σfx/Σf
40-50 45 21
f4 x4 = 21 × The mean age = 3550/100
45 = 945 = 35.5
f5 x5= 20 ×
50-60 55 20
55 = 1100 So, 35.5 is the mean age of the members
• Simple to understand
• Depends on all values
• It gives us an idea of where the center value is located
in a dataset

• Cannot be found graphically
• Not suitable for qualitative data
• Not suitable for skewed distribution
Thank you!


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