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• 第一课: Read Aloud ( Pronunciation and Fluency ) & Repeat

• 第二课: Describe Image, retell lecture, Answer short questions
• 练习课
Today ()

• Part 1 考试基础 (Basic) –Part 3 流利度 (Fluency)

– 1.1 试音环节 – 3.1. 语速
– 1.2 题型 – 3.2 节奏感—正确的停顿
– 1.3 打分标准 – 3.3 意群划分基本原则
• Part 2 发音 (Pronunciation) – 3.4. 韵律
– 2.1Read Aloud –Part 4 General Tips考试小技巧
– 2.2 发音 – 4.1 音波线的秘密
– 元音 & 辅音 – 4.2 压低声线
– 2.3 中式发音常见错误 – 4.3 练习方法
– 2.4 连读
– 2.5 重音
– 2.5 单复数 s 的读法
– 2.7 过去式的读法
1.1 试音环节

1. 上下:鼻尖与上唇之间
2. 远近:一指
3. 测试麦克风和耳机:
• 录音清晰,不模糊
• 音量,适中,对比自己的声音与录音音量的大小
• 不喷麦,测试爆破音, population / perspective /possible
Part 1 Speaking & Writing
口语和写作部分考试题型 考试题量 答题时长
Personal Introduction 个人介绍 1 1 分钟
Read Aloud 朗读屏幕上的文本 6-7

Repeat Sentence 10-12
Describe Image 3-4

Re-tell Lecture 用自己的话复述讲座的内 1-2 大约 54-67
容 分钟
Answer Short Question 5-6
Summarize Written Text 1-2
Write Essay 1-2
长度为 200-300 字的作文
1.2 Speaking 题型
1.2 PTE 四项分值占比
1.3 Criteria

• content = Foundation

• Pronunciation = Rebar = 短板

• oral fluency = Concrete = 提分要素

• 准确的内容 + 正确的发音 + 流畅自然的语速 = 稳定的口语高分

2.1 Read Aloud

• 题目长度:至多 60 词
• 准备时间: 30-40 秒
• 评分标准:
– 内容分:每一处替换、忽略或添加算作一处错误
– 发音:满分 5 分
– 流利度:满分 5 分
2.1 Read Aloud

• 40s 准备 -40s 朗读
RA 的做题时间:
• 题目长度从 2 句话到 5 句话不等,字数限制
是 60 词。

• 切忌因为紧张读很快,保证和其他口语部分题目相同。
语速: • 短一点的题目在 25-30s 左右完成,长一点的题目在
35-40s 内。



2.2 RA 发音技巧及纠正

• 1. 元音 :单元音 + 双元音 + 发音纠正

• 2. 辅音常见错误 + 重点发音纠正
• 3. 连读规则
• 4. 重音规则
• 5. 单复数和过去式的读法
2.2.1 元音评分细则

• 元音发音正确, 5 分
• 部分元音发音不清晰, 4 分
• environment /ai/
• 部分元音发音不正确, 3 分
• compound /au/ /ʌ/ found /au/ /ʌ/
• 部分元音发音不正确,并有持续性错误, 2 分
• Kale, became, pace /ei/ /e/
2.2.1 元音常见错误

• 短元音不够短促有力
• Interactive, Statistics,
• 长元音 , 双元音音程过短
• Fourteen-forty, start-stud,
Compound-Come Pond
• 双元音不够饱满(嘴形与发音位
• Face, Fight, Various, Bowel,
2. 2.1 元音

成对元音 短元音 长元音

/iː/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /aː/
Sheep Ship bed father
Skill Chip best scar

/ɔː/ /ɒ/ /æ/ /ʌ/

war Wash badminton Blood
force polish back cup

/uː/ /ʊ/ /ɜ/ /ɜː/

Goose Good tailor nurse ; blurry;
School Cook consider

/iː/ v /ɪ/
• It seems that language appeared from nowhere since no other species has
anything resembling human language. #950

• Stories tell of a rich and glorious empire that was lost to the sea --- where
some hope its ruins still lie, waiting to be discovered. #1043

• The speaker is a marine biologist who became interested in the

Strandlopers, an ancient people who lived on the coastline, because of
their connection to the sea. #1050

• strandloper/ˈstrantˌlʊəpə/
/ʊ/ v /uː/

 In an attempt to lure new students, leading business schools - including Harvard,

Stanford and the University of Chicago #3459

 Since its inception, the UN system has been working to ensure adequate food for all through

sustainable agriculture. The majority of the worlds poorest people live in rural areas of

developing countries. #2227

 The tsunamis could provide crucial information about the habitability of ancient Mars. #984

• /ɜ/ v /ɜː/ , /ɔː/ v /ɒ/

• Yellow is the most optimistic color, yet surprisingly, people lose their
tempers most often in yellow rooms and babies cry more often in them. #951

• Although the turnaround is still in its early stages and the valuation looks
full, given the challenge of turning around such a large and complex. #39

• /a:/ v / ʌ/ v /æ/
• While the republican field is packed with male candidates, so far, some of the
sharpest Clinton critics have come from women. #27

• The reason may be that yellow is the hardest color on the eye. On the other
hand, it speeds metabolism and enhances concentration; think of yellow
legal pads and post-it notes. #951

/æ/ v /ʌ/ v /e/ v /ɒ/

• This program is updated with more colourful interactive elements.

 He was famously macho and spent a lot of time hunting wild animals, going to wars
and getting into fights . #3362

 Both the uninhabited areas of the border and urban areas are where the most drug
trafficking and illegal crossings take place. #29
2.2. 2 双元音

/ei/ bay /aʊ/ cow

/ɔi/ boy /ɪə/ beer
/əʊ / toe /ʊə/ boor
/aɪ/ buy /ɛə/ bear

/aɪ/ v/əʊ/
• And those judgments can predict really meaningful life outcomes

like who we hire or promote, who we ask out on a date.

• These fields used to be sown with oats.

/iə/ v /eə/
• This picture shows a beer-drinking bear.
• I cannot bear his weird comments.

/aʊ/ v /ɒ/ v /ʌ/

• What has been done is what has gone.

• My dressing gown is already gone.

• We came to the down town when dawn broke.

• The gone girl bought a gun to seek revenge.

• done/ down / dawn

• Gun / gown / gone


• /ei/ v /e/ v /ə/

• Helen became increasingly anxious about her husband strange behavior.
• The little boy made no effort to obey.
• The time of training has been changed, as it is going to rain.
• The longest lasting interpretation was that the Revolution was the almost inevitable
outcome of an age-old power struggle between parliament and crown.
2. 2 .3 辅音
2. 2.3 辅音发音纠正

• /m/ mode, model /n/ nose, notify /ŋ/ sink, Singapore

• Even if you don't have to do it, integrating a few quotes into your writing can add life and
persuasiveness to your arguments.
• Yellow is the most optimistic color, yet surprisingly, people lose their tempers most often in
yellow rooms and babies cry more often in them.
• In the United States, three models have evolved regarding the interpretation of the meaning
of the right to bear and keep arms as delineated in the Second amendment.
2. 2.2 辅音发音纠正
– /ts/ its, streets, tsunami /dz/ goods, hands

– /tʃ / teacher, cherish, church /dʒ/ George, gorgeous , garage

– /tr / trade, trace, treasure /dr / drill, drain, drive, street

• He and his team demonstrated the first experimental example of that cross-protective

relationship in drug-resistant microbes, using two strains of antibiotic-resistant E. #4162

• In Australia, Victoria alone sees several hundred thousand hectares burn each year in

both 2004. #3693

• and aid to those countries that did little to cause climate change but are most at risk

from it. #4159

2. 2.2 辅音发音纠正

• /w/ wide, wonderful, world /v/ provide, survive, vibrant /f/ offer, fertilizer, defer

• This trend began in the middle of the 20th century and is one of the major

environmental concerns of scientists and governmental officials worldwide . #25

• Moreover, it is important to mention that Ford Motors provides its employees with

effective and useful services and takes care of their well-being. #4284
2. 2.2 辅音发音纠正
• /ʃ/she, sheep, shade /ʒ/ measure, decision, usually /dʒ/ advantage

• Treasure a visionary art piece not in a casual way.

• there is a huge amount of financial pressure associated with marriage.


• The primary application we’re targeting at first is to give people a

decision aid during rehabilitation, following an acute knee injury #4158

• Welfare has a special political meaning to the United States because it

refers to how the poor receives financial aid. #16

2. 2.2 辅音发音纠正

• /l/ lost, logistic /n/ nice, significant

• the United States has taken a more lenient approach.

• The textbook selected and graded items of language which were

put into content and then practiced intensively.

• /θ/think /s/sink /ð/those

• Although there had been a passionate debate

• All these things got into his books, and the speaker thinks that

this is not necessarily a good thing

2. 2.2 辅音发音纠正

• 定冠词 the 的发音, The + Consonants / Vowels

• The /ði/ apple / the /ðɜ/ tree

Has the bus left the station ?

• /l/ : I really trust my lawyer, as he is very loyal.

• Starting with L:

Light; Valley; Led; Lock ; Like

• Ending with L:

People; School; Level; Bell ; Royal ; Loyal

score , more , four

2.3. 中式发音常见错误
– 中文中没有的音,按中文习惯来

• Th 浊辅音 /ð/ they, them, though, therefore, with 清辅音 /θ/ bath-bus faith-face
• F V fifty-five , /f/ /v/ vivian 薇薇安
• V 和 W 分不清 vibe, wide, vision, width, verse, worth

• R rose 肉丝 roman , road , receive, ride

• Com/Con 康 confirm/kɜn/, complicated /kɒm/, conduct/kɜn/, conflict, /kɒn/,


– 嘴形不到位,不张嘴 (双元音 , 长元音)

• /ei/ behave /ɔi/ toy /əʊ/ cold /ai/ polite /aʊ/ cow /a:/ scar /u:/ clue
/ə:/occur /ɪə/ clear
• The Ford Company provides plenty of opportunities for its employees. It
guarantees not only comfortable and appropriate working conditions, but
also many other advantages. #4284
2.3. 中式发音常见错误
– 长短元音一样长

– Such cross-protection is usually seen between two animals. But Gore studies

the same sort of mutualism in microbes.

– You get such a release when you do the right thing

– 颗粒化单词 (重音) popularity; spontaneously , concentration

– 过度强调尾音: development, population, recently, found

– 吞(尾)音: What, find (fine), white (why), think (thin)

– 不浊化: /p/ /b/ 、 /t/ /d/ 、 /k/ /g/ /tr/ /dr/

• Street , skeptical , spectacle , speed , demon-strate ( trans-port,

2.4 连读 word linking
• 同一意群之内, 辅音 + 元音
• a n-apple / pick-it-up/ a cup-of tea /a piece-of cake /Read-aloud /think-of it

• When countries assess their annual carbon dioxide emissions, they count up their cars and

power stations, but bush fires are not included presumably because they are deemed to be

events beyond human control.

• Food is one of the most important things you'll ever buy. And yet most people never bother to

think about their food and where it comes from. People spend a lot more time worrying about

what kind of blue jeans to wear, what kind of video games to play, what kind of computers to

buy. #2209

• In the past, naming English as a separate subject seemed relatively easy. The textbook selected

and graded items of language which were put into content and then practiced intensively.

New items were carefully controlled so that the student could cope quite easily.
2.4 连读 word linking


失去爆破: /p/ /b/ 、 /t/ /d/ 、 /k/ /g/

• Keep bump

• Need to / important to /important decision

• This is what we need, to make contribution to the environment.

不完全爆破: p/b/t/d/k/g + consonant

• Good night

• Best seller/ a great show on netflix

2.5 stress 重音
• 一个单词一般只有一个重音 or 复合单词 = 次重音 + 主重音 :

biodiversity /ˌbʌɪə(ʊ)dʌɪˈvəːsɪti/

• 没有重音,读音无法被正确识别

• 单词内过多重音往往导致单词颗粒化, population , Akimbo.

• 词性决定重音,放错单词导致单词不内识别或者内容扣分:
– An increase of ……/ The number has been increasing by 500.

– Decrease[v], Decrease[n]/ decreasing

– A record / recording / Environment / Environmental / Politics / Political /

Politician/ photograph/ photographer/ economy/ economic / economical

2.5 巧判多音节词重音

• 多音节词多部分在倒数第三个音节重读。

– 例如: e-le-phant , sig-ni-fi-cant 

• 词尾有 -ic 或 -tion,-sion 的词,在 -ic 或 -sion,-tion 前的一个音节上重读。

– 例如: scien-tific , im-pression , na-tion

• The primary application we’re targeting at first is to give people a decision aid during

rehabilitation, following an acute knee injury, to help them understand when they can perform

particular activities, and when they can move to different intensities of particular activities. A

useful thing to take crack at. #4158

• The core of the problem was the immense disparity between the country's productive capacity

and the ability of people to consume. Great innovations in productive techniques during and after

the war raised the output of industry beyond the purchasing capacity of U.S. farmers and earners.

2.6 单复数 s 的读法

• s 在清辅音后发 s

• /ps/groups , /ts/thoughts , /ks/locks , /fs/beliefs

• s 在浊辅音或元音后发 z

• /bz/carbs , /dz/cards , /mz/moms , /nz/concerns , /rz/

bars , /əʊz/memos

• 以 s , x, sh, ch, y 结尾单词的特殊情况

• Buses , foxes , dishes , watches, stories /iz/

2.7 过去式的读法

The fish was watched, killed, washed, cleaned, heated, cooked, 

and served on the desk.

▲ 重点:以 (e)d 结尾的规则动词过去式

①  -(e)d=/ɪd/ : excited  demanded 以 /t/ 或者 /d/ 发音结尾的单词,读 /ɪd/

②  -(e)d=/t/ : looked  washed 以除 /t/ 以外其他所有以清辅音发音结尾的单词,读 /t/

③  -(e)d=/d/: cleaned   played  studied 以除 /d/ 以外其他所有浊辅音或元音发音结尾的单词,读

/-pt/: helped     jumped /-vd/: lived      moved
/-kt/: kicked  cooked   looked /-zd/: raised    organized
/-ft/:  laughed  puffed  /-dʒd/: changed    arranged
/-st/: kissed   pressed /-md/: named     
/-ʃt/:  washed   dashed /-nd/: listened   learned
/-tʃt/: watched     searched /-bd/: robbed   sobbed
/-gd/: begged
/-ld/: doubled   pulled
/-ɪd/: carried  studied
/-eid/: played
/-tɪd/: planted    repeated /-ɑɪd/: lied
/-dɪd/: recorded   decided /ɝd/: occurred
/ɚd/: answered
3.0 流利度

= 均匀适中语速( speed ) + 节奏感( rhythm )

+ 韵律( intonation )
主要特征 smooth, effortless, natural paced delivery of
3.1 Speed 语速

• Native speaker, 1min = 130-160 words

• 语速不可过慢, 50 字, 18-23’ ; 60 字, 25-30‘
• 语速不需要过快 , 发音模糊,节奏紊乱,容易产生卡顿。
• 前后语速一致 , 生词不拖音。
• 拼读法,准备时前后三个单词一起练习,可以帮助考试时不影响流利度。
• RA/ DI/ RL 语速一致。
• 练习,慢速(单词) + 快速(流利度)
3.2 Rhythm 节奏感—正确的停顿 + 意群划分

2.1. Native speaker 停顿:标点符号 ( , - ; . ) 停顿。

•意群 (thought groups) 划分,意群内单词紧凑,确保正确的语言逻辑。

•Why would you go to school/ when you could work/ and earn money ?

» In any thought group , every sound, every word should be linked closely together.

• Comma, half sec and very quick pause(0.2-0.3s)between thought groups

• For native speaker, full stop, generally 1 sec
• The problem begins/ with the alphabet itself.
• 问题出在字母本身 #5
3.2 Rhythm 节奏感—正确的停顿

 30-40 准备时间,理解材料语义,划分意群。

 This is a present / which is given by my mother.

 Even if/ you don‘t have to do it, integrating a few quotes /into your writing /

can add life and persuasiveness / to your arguments. #953

 结合重读规则朗读语调有自然的起伏和节奏。
 Welfare has a special political meaning to the United States because it refers to how

the poor receives financial aid.

• Welfare has 0.1 a special0.1 political0.1 meaning/ 0. 2 to 0.1 the 0.1United

0.1States/ 0.3 because 0.2 it0.1 refers 0.1to/ 0.2 how the poor/ 0.2 receives

0.1financial 0.1aid.
3.3 thought groups 意群划分基本原则
•介词短语 at a much faster pace, at regulating external reality


–冠词+名词,例:an undeniable fact

–名词+名词,例: reproduction and survival

–形容词/修饰成分+名词: Our psychological resistance. Fitness-faking technology

–动宾短语 regulating external reality, foster real biological fitness

•一些固定的动词词组 even more than

•利用语法结构,主句+从句, when/ what/ why/ that / which/because/although…

•Technology/ can be deemed to be pretty good/ at regulating external reality /to foster real biological fitness, however, /it‘s an undeniable fact that /it’s even better/ at rendering fake fitness/ — subjective

indication of reproduction and survival /without the real-world effects. Fitness-faking technology/ has a proclivity to evolve /at a much faster pace /even more than/ our psychological resistance.

3.3 Thought groups 意群划分基本原

• And those judgments/ can predict really meaningful life outcomes/ like who we hire or

promote,/ who we ask out on a date.

• Free trade is an economic policy under which the government does not interfere with trade.

Supply and demand dictate the prices for which goods and services sell and are the only

factors that determine how resources are allocated to society. #30

• First discovered in 2007, "fast radio burst" continue to defy explanation. These cosmic chirps

last a thousandth of a second. The characteristics of the radio pulses suggested that they came

from galaxies billions of light-years away. However, new works point to a much closer origin-

flaring star within our own galaxy. #18

Thought groups and Rhythm Practice

• Modern buildings have to achieve certain performance requirements, at least to

satisfy those of building codes, to provide a safe, healthy, and comfortable

environment. However, these conditioned environments demand resources in

energy and materials, which are both limited in supply, to build and operate.

• The problem begins with the alphabet itself. Building a spelling system for English

using letters that come from Latin, despite the two languages not sharing exactly

the same set of sounds, is like building a playroom using an IKEA office set.
3.4.Intonations 韵律 -- 音调
 Definition 定义:音调 (Melody) + 重读单词( stress)

 Rising intonation at the beginning of a sentence or to show a contrast ,

 句首音调上扬,做比较时也采用上扬音调

 It is mostly used in yes-no questions

 疑问句通常也要用上扬的音调

 However, sea trade became more widespread when large sailing boats traveled
between ports, carrying spices, perfumes, and objects made by hand.

 名词并列升升降

 Falling intonation before ending the sentence

 句末时语调逐渐降低

 Grammar The most common example is in the use of wh-question (questions

beginning with (questions beginning with who, what, why, where, when, which,
and how), which usually have a falling intonation. 特殊疑问句要采用降调

 The lecture talks about the united states which is based on the real history.
3.4. Intonations 韵律—重读单词
• 重读的目的,自然的体现出句子中的重点信息和语气 , make yourself more clear!
• How to say: the words you stress going to be louder, longer and higher in
• 可重读单词:
• 实词,名词,动词, 修饰名词的形容词
• 修饰形容词和动词的副词
• 疑问词 ( how, what ,when, why) ,否定词 (not, neither )
• 不可重读单词: 虚词,介词,定冠词,连接词……

There is no definite rule, stress different words has slight change in meaning.

Eg: There are three coins in the box.

3.4 intonation & Stress Practice
• Many people believe that employers discriminate against older people because
youths have more energy and creativity. This is not true. The main reason for hiring
younger workers is payroll. In most countries, your salary is dependent on how many
years of work experience you have. It is far more cost efficient to hire postgraduates,
fresh out of university, than senior staff with over twenty years of industry

Charles Darwin published his paper "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. It is one of
the most well-known pieces of scientific literature in human history. In the paper,
Darwin proposes the theory of natural selection. He states that for any generation
of any species, there will always be a struggle for survival. Individuals who are
better suited to the environment are "fitter", and therefore have a much higher
chance of surviving and reproducing. This means that later generations are likely to
inherit these stronger genetic traits. #3359

•节奏感:恰当的意群划分 / 断句处理

• 意群:含有完整意思的单元

• 如: He is standing at the other end of the bridge.

• He didn’t finish his work until after eight yesterday evening.


• He came in and asked for a cup of coffee.

• The other waiter hid the bottle that I’d opened wrongly.
• 如何断句:
• 标点符号:逗号,句号等
• As a historian, | if you really want to understand the sensibilities of those who lived in the past.
• 介词: in, for, with 等
• The border itself spans | over one thousand nine hundred miles.
• 连词: and , but 等
• where the most drug trafficking | and illegal crossings take place.
• 长主句:主语过长
• The border itself | between Mexico and United States is fraught with a mix of urban and desert
• 从句:定语从句,状语从句等
• What the writer is saying is | that a historian needs imaginative sympathy with ordinary people in
the past.

/ /
At the same time, the way we produce, consume and waste food is

/ /
taking a heavy toll on our planet.

• 标点符号,长主语,介词,固定搭配

It is putting historic pressure on our natural resources,
/ /
climate and natural environment – and costing us trillions of
dollars a year.

• 标点符号,介词,名词词组

/ /
On this World Food Day, join us as we commit to take transformative

/ /
action to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals through food

/ / /
systems that deliver better nutrition, a better environment and a better

life for every person.

• 标点符号,介词,从句

• Networking is easy and fun because it taps into this human

predilection to talk about ourselves when asked. Consider

successful networking as little more than the process of guiding

a person to tell you about his life, what he’s doing, the

company that employs him, and his current industry.


预读重点与时间分配 : 心态

• 可准备时间为 30-40s ,根据文 • 整体句子的节奏远远大于单词

章长短变化 本身的发音等
• 技巧: • 内容有容错率
• 通读全文 • 流利度可以短期提高
• 放弃难词生词 *
• 看懂句子结构

蹦 原

词 句子结构内

语 降调


• Ever since I remembered, father woke up at five thirty every

morning, made us all breakfast and read newspaper. After that,
he would go to work. He worked as a writer. It was a long time
before I realized he did this for a living.

• The elephant is the largest living land mammal. During evolution, its
skeleton has greatly altered from the usual mammal, designed for
two main reasons. One is to cope with the great weight of huge
grinding cheek teeth and elongated tusk, making the skull
particularly massive. The other is to support the enormous bulk of
such a huge body.
题训练 真题训练

• Such cross-protection is usually seen between two animals. But Gore

studies the same sort of mutualism in microbes. He and his team
demonstrated the first experimental example of that cross-protective
relationship in drug-resistant microbes, using two strains of antibiotic-
resistant E. coli bacteria: one resistant to ampicillin, the other to
题训练 真题训练

• Certainly, one of the important values of literature is that it nourishes our

emotional lives. An effective literary work may seem to speak directly to us
especially if we are ripe for it. The inner life that good writers reveal in their
characters often gives us glimpses of some portion of ourselves. We can be
moved to laugh, cry, tremble, dream, ponder, shriek, or rage with a character
by simply turning the page instead of turning our lives upside down.

• From a child’s point of view, what is the purpose of TV advertising? Is

advertising on TV done to give actors the opportunity to take a rest or
practice their lines? Or is it done to make people buy things? Furthermore,
is the main difference between programs and commercials that
commercials are for real, whereas programs are not, or that programs are
for kids and commercials for adults?
4.0 General Tips 考试小技

• 停顿三秒话筒自动关闭

• 不要出现语气词

• 不要改正或者重复自己说过的词

• 保证开头正确, avoid false start

• 不会说的词硬着头皮上, 地名/人名 ( 专有名词不扣分)生词练习,经济学人,国家地理杂志

4.1 音波线的秘密
• 均匀的音波线 高低起伏的

• Tip
• 电脑也有偏好
• 找到自己舒适适中的音量
4.2 压低声线

• 紧张时会抬高声音

• 过高的基准音导致语调不自然

• 练习短元音

• 尝试以最放松的方式叹气“啊,哎”或者打哈欠,来感受气息沉下来发声

• Humans need to use energy in order to exist.

4.3 练习方法

– 1. 新概念英语第三册,跟读训练。每日一篇。

– 2. 经济学人,国家地理杂志,生词速度训练。 (

– 3 机经网站

– 4.Aboboo 跟读 ( )
4.3 练习方法
Repeat Sentence
• 评分标准:
• 内容分:
• 100% 且顺序正确 3 分
• 50%-90% 且顺序正确 2 分
• 30% - 50% 1 分
• less than 30% =0
– 发音:满分 5 分
– 流利度:满分 5 分
RS 总体定位

基础对得 技巧对得
分影响: 分的影响:
提分难度: 性价比:
•大 • 中等 • 较大 • 中等 • 较高
• 同时给听 • 需要一定 • 掌握方法
力和口语 的词汇量, 技巧应对
供分。 听力基础。 考试。
Repeat Sentence

• Repeat sentence 同时给听力贡献 30 分

• 题目长度: 10-18 个词
• 准备时间:无
• 3 :内容
• 5 :发音
• 65’ • 5 :流利度
• 2’ every sentence 分数分配:
•3 全部单词,语序正确
• 79’ •2 超过 5 成单词,语序正确
•1 少于 5 成,语序正确
• 2’ long sentence 内容: •0 几乎没有录音单词
• 3’ standard sentence


目标: 2 分,保证

听懂并复述出 50%

1. 考查内容

• RS 听懂并理解句子
• Why > = 50%?
• Sentence = grammatical words + meaningful words

– Meaningful words = 实词:动词、名词、形容词、副词等

– grammatical words = 虚词:冠词、介词、代词、连词等

• You must submit your essay before next Friday.

1.1 影响 RS 评分因素


• 保证不回读,不卡顿
• 语速均匀
• 断句清晰

• 明确:流利度 > 发音 > 内容

2. What makes Repeat Sentence so hard?

• 记忆—信息输入(反应能力)

• 表达—信息输出

• 记忆 (反应能力)
– 生词— 单词发音不熟悉,不理解,被动词汇多于主动词汇

– 句子理解—语法解构能力和常用句式的熟练表达

– 笔记不下来 , 内容不完整— Content

• 表达
– 复述不流利 Fluency

– 发音不识别 Pronunciation

– 没有模仿说话者的语音语调 ---hiding marks--fluency

3. 解题技巧

• 记忆小窍门

– 抓意群而非单词 --- 信息分组

– 尝试把眼睛闭起来,把内容视觉化,排除干扰便于记忆(短句子)

• 考试小窍门

– 听懂之后尝试把意思完整说出来。在不牺牲 Fluency 和 Pronunciation

情况下换一个词 / 或者模仿原词发音,任然可以保证 70% 的分数。

– 练习手脑并用

– 模仿说话者语音语调。
3.1 解题技巧—练习中的思考

• 练习中常问自己以下问题
• 问题出在哪?记忆 vs. 表达
• 尝试使用小窍门

• Few people now are skeptical about alternative power sources, such
as wind power.

• Being a student representative on the union really cut into my study


• Any text or reference you make should be cited appropriately in the

foot notes.
3.2 解题技巧—练习中的思考 ---- 训练语法解构能力 --- 抓意群

Use color blocks to code your RS during revision.

This practice help you identify sentence structure.

• Subject ( 主语 )
• Verb ( 谓语 )
• Link. V( 系动词 )
• Object ( 宾语 )
• Predicate ( 表语 )
• Complement ( 补语 )
• Adverbial ( 状语 )
• Attributive (定语)
Color codes In class practice

• All postgraduate students should participate in the seminar.

• Being a student representative on the union really cuts into my study time.

• Allergy problems do run in the family but we don't understand why.


• Get your own highlighter in rainbow colors and draw when you listen to a recording

• Drag your words into these blocks

• Color helps you to identify your memory patterns ,for example which part you always

Extra Sentence Structure

• 形式主语 I/S

• It is important that you work as a team on this project.


• There be T/B

• There will be a significant rise in tuition fees starting next year.


• In consultation with your supervisor, your thesis is approved by the faculty committee.

– 宾变主,主变宾, by 短语后面跟。谓语动词变被动, be 后“过分”来使用。

Color codes your sentences

• Due to rising for courses, university should increase their staff, too.

 The clear evidence between brain events and behavioral events is


 Few people now are skeptical about alternative power sources such as wind power.
s/a w p

 Would you prepare some PowerPoint slides with appropriate graphs?

 ?
3.1 RS 技巧


• 只抓住三个意群,即可涵盖超过 50% 的内容;

• 确定意群:出现生词或跟不上时; 意群:单词 -> 词组
• 保证得分

3.1.1 RS 技巧 – 影子跟读法

• 滞后录音 1 到 2 个单词 * 不看文本

• 不要模仿发音和语调
• 避免速度太快

• 增加“预读”
• 生词难词筛除

1. Factors such as cost and function influence the design of a bridge. 6/11

2. It’s important that human dispose of their waste in appropriate ways. 6/11

3. If you are unable to complete the task in time please notify me by email. 9/15

4. The financial report for the last quarter will be available this afternoon. 6/12

5. Extra seminars will be scheduled to assist you with revision. 6/10

3.1 RS 笔记技巧

• 笔记
• 记实词和句式
• 首位字母记忆法
– 遇到较为复杂的句子,可以把首字母写下来,提醒自己

• 音节记忆法 Uni = university / Tomorrow = Tmr

• 首尾字母记忆法

笔记: It is important that you work as a team on this project.

3.2 RS 笔记技巧

3. 符号记忆法
• Important ! , more important !+, less important !-
• Increase / decrease
• three days ago 3d three days later 3d
• the same as, equal to =
• Better + / Worse –

• Including {

• Around , about ~
RS 技巧练习

• Please do not bring food into the classroom.

RS 技巧练习

• If you forget your student number, you need to contact

Jenny Brice.
RS 技巧练习

• We are required to submit these assignments before

RS 技巧练习

• What distinguishes him from others is his dramatic

use of black and white photography.
RS 技巧练习

• I expect a long and stagnant debate for a week or

two on this issue.
RS 技巧练习

• To answer/ such a complex question/ with the simple yes or no/ is

absolutely impossible.
+ 听的时候做什么 (练习)

6. Please switch off all electronic devices when you are 8/13
attending a conference session.

7. It is important that you work as a team on this project. 5/12

8. The study showed that people’s mood can be affected by news 8/14
and weather reports.

9. Detailed analysis of population growth has revealed some 7/10

alarming predictions.

10. Please note that the college laboratories will be closed for 6/13
cleaning next week.
心态: 技巧:
• 不要贪心,有失才有得 • 不管语法和词汇
• 不要管语法和词汇 • 毫不犹豫
• 较难或较长的句子,一定要严格按照三 • 生词难词发相似的音
个意群捕捉法。 • 只看三个意群
• 3s 时间准备, • 语速适中
• 不建议记笔记
“ 背”机经不如 “说”机经
• To talk not to recite
• Change your mindset
• Feel that it’s you who need to tell the other person “a piece
of news” you just heard
– For example:
– The pharmacy was closed when I went past this morning.
Cultivate your daily habit

• 每天说一遍流水账

• 起床-洗脸漱口-出门-去哪-做了什么-看到什么-吃饭-吃了什么-下午去


• Using English to express yourself

• 隔壁的那个小姐姐真好看。

• 今天作业超多,做了五小时还没做完,明天接着做!

• 我今天最想吃牛排。

• 我今天发的微信贴有30个赞。

• 周末一定要去看个电影好好放松一下。
Talk with Movies!

• Work with no play make jack a dull boy!

• 边听边说,高频多音节单词越说越顺
• Friends 老友记

• 老托 90 篇 , 精听, 每天一篇。
• 跟读新概念第三册, Aboboo 学美剧 ( Friends/ Big Bang/ Supernatural )
• 科学美国人 Retell lecture , 每天三篇。
• Test Plus, Test Builder Listening Section+ Audio Script
• 用零散时间记忆单词量
• Read aloud: New York times/ Economists /Scientific American (20-30 min / day )


• Describe Image
• Retell Lecture
• Answer Short Question
DI 题型解析

• 评分标准 :
– 内容分:满分 5 分(涵盖至少 4-5 个信息点)
– 发音:满分 5 分
– 流利度:满分 5 分

• 准备时间: 25 秒
– 笔记 ,数字
– 难词和利用模版串词

• 回答时间: 40 秒
(注:目标 65 分,回答到 25 秒以上即可, 79 分,需回答 35 秒 -40 秒左右)

• 每题总分 5 分
• Introduction:1 分
• Main Body: 3 分
• Development&Implication:1 分
• 不过分考虑语法正确和词汇的多样性
• 运用模板,正确输出模板中的发音,停顿和重音

• 1. overview: This graph shows/gives information about/ talks about

• 2. period: from….to …./ between. …And..

Pronunciation: xx00 , 19xx , 200x , * 2010 , 2018

• 3. unit :measured in (pounds / millions of dollars) per person per


Example: This graph gives information about the fruit consumption

from 1750 to 2000, measured in pounds per person per year.
Main Body

• 概括 3 个信息点,每个点 1 分

• Highest , Lowest

• Comparison, higher, lower

• Trend: decrease, increase

– Gradual/significant/dramatic+n

– V+gradually/significantly/dramatically

• Group 把具有共同特征的选项分组,一组一组来说

• Pie chart ( 比例区间) , age group, gender, time period , etc

Development & Implication

• Paraphrase the introduction/summarize the striking feature

• To conclude

• In conclusion

• To sum up

• Generally speaking

• In general

• 1. Line chart

• 2. Pie chart

• 3. Bar chart

• 4. Map

• 5. Flow chart

• 6. Table

• 7. Picture
Exam skills

• 分类整理经典趋势表达模版,熟练模版,力求发音精准

• 建立自己的语言库,以不变应万变

• 积累常识 -----map , diagram , picture

• 练习数字(条件反射,百分比,年份,多数位数字)

– 一千万,十亿,一亿,十万, 20 , 000 , 200 , 000 , 2000 , 000

• 练习模拟考试状态
 分数 percent
   1/3 读作: a /   
one third  年代及日期的读法
   2000B . C .读
 2/3 读作 : two 作: two thousand
   1/8 读作: an / BC
one eighth    1558
fifteen 读作:
   1/4 读作: a /
one quarter(fourth)    1603 读作: six
 小数 teen(hundred
three sixteen ohand)
   0 . 5 读作: three
(zero/nought) *   
  。 2003
0 . 25 读作:   英 1999 年l999
(nought) point two 日
  美 =6th April
1999 年1999
   93.64m 读作: 日 =April 6 ,
ninety-three point   
April the
six four meters sixth
• 百分比 ninety-nine
The sixth of
 25 %读作 twenty- April
11 percent
. 3 %读作 ninety-nine
eleven point three   
1. Pie chart

1. Introduction: The pie chart shows _title_ , measured in_.

2. Firstly, the largest proportion (maximum) can be found in
_, which is _%
3. However, this is closely followed by the second largest
proportion, which goes/applies to _at _ %.
4.Finally, __displays/accounts for the lowest ratio/proportion
(minimum) _, which is _%.
5.In conclusion, _ is the most popular one among all the other
choices/countries/ items.

Other sources
• 具体数据比较复杂的时候可以说区间, around x x
2. Line Graph

• 笔记
• 2 V st. abv 330 ed. Abv 380
• 3 F st. abv 230 ed. Abv 250
2. Line Graph
1.This line chart shows_ title __ ( which is
measured in_. ) The horizontal axis shows__, and
the vertical axis shows __.
2. Firstly, _ was much higher than_ throughout this
3. Secondly,_ start from about_, and end at_,
(which__ )
4. However,_ start from about_, and end at_.
5.In conclusion, both the vegetable and fruit
consumption have an upward trend.
(Vegetables increased more rapidly/showed a more
dramatic increase between 1980 and 2000.)
xx Fluctuate between figure A and figure B 来表示变化不大的趋势
1.This line chart shows_ title __which is measured in_.
The horizontal axis shows the time span/time in years
And the vertical axis shows __.
2. Firstly, USA shows a much higher consumption
than all other countries throughout this period.
3. Secondly, Brazil start from about_30 , and end
at_80, (and China start from above 0_, and end
at_60. )
4. However, Liberia fluctuates between 0 and 20,
which didn’t change much.
5.In conclusion, Brazil and China share a similar
upward trend.
(both Brazil and China increased more
rapidly/showed a more dramatic increase than other
• The maximum can be found in 2000 at 70.

• The minimum can be found in 2001 at 15.

• The figure remains quite stable between

1995 and 1997 at around 60, and

fluctuate more frequently between xx and

xx/after 1998

• In conclusion, this line chart shows ___,

which increased dramatically in the year

of 1995.
3. Map

• Color
• Names of continents, countries and ocean

• 1 countries around equator, North Africa, South Asia

• 2
• Russia, North and South America, Oceania

• More areas showing

3. Map

1. This map gives information about

2. The precipitation decrease between the level of _%

and _% is mainly found/ distributed in areas, such
as_,_ and _.

3. The precipitation increase between the level of _%

and _% is mainly found/ distributed in _ and_.

4. Additionally, there are more areas showing a

increasing level of rainfall all over the world.

5. In conclusion, different places have different

precipitation changes.
Precipitation= the level of rain fall
• The graph shows the change in potential cereal output in Africa in


• As we can see, cereal output increase can be found in areas such as

central Africa and Madagascar(costal areas)

• In addition, cereal output decrease can be found in areas near the

northern tip of Afica and some areas in the south.

• However: Areas which experience no change at all can be found

around the middle-upper areas of Africa, somewhere near the


• In conclusion, the cereal output is more likely to increase in the

Map 地图词汇
This map shows the continent of Antarctica

It is rather circular in shape with a diameter of

roughly 4000 kilometers.

It is surrounded by the Atlantic, Indian, and

Pacific Ocean.

The south pole is roughly located in the centre of

this continent.

We can also see Mc Murdo Station located near

the Ross sea and Ronne Ice Shelf facing the
Atlantic Ocean

In conclusion, this map of Antarctica is quite

4. Bar chart

1.This bar chart talks about _(title), which is

measured in_.
2. Firstly, __ has the highest amount of/number
of_, which is _.
3. However, this is closely followed by __with
33.7_ ,
4.Additionally/lastly, the lowest number can be
found in _, which is _.
5.In conclusion, different …have different_.
Too many bars, Group Information
Horizontal axis…..Vertical axis…..
5. Flow chart

1.This flow chart shows the process /life cycle of _.

2. The first step is _. /During the initial stage, we can see_.

3.This is closely followed by the second step/stage, in which


4 After completing second stage/ step, it enters the third

step/ stage, the main tool/ characteristics for this step/ stage
is _.

5. Finally, it’s modified/ converted/transformed ( from x

x ) into _.

6. In general, the process of _ is very complicated.

5. Table

More flexible
Beginning and end
Grouping information
5. Table
Firstly, on Day 1, it starts with a tour around
college and then followed by an event and
morning tea.

English classes are mainly scheduled in the

morning from 9am-12pm on weekdays from
day2 to day3, and social activities are mainly
scheduled in the afternoon on day 1, day 2
and day 4.

It’s worth mentioning that Day 5 is a day of

leisure and activity and weekend is for
connecting with homestay families.

This time table shows really good balance

between leisure and work.
5. Table
6. picture
6. picture

• The picture illustrates National flags of two countries which is UAE and Jordan .
• Firstly, both of these flags have similar color, including red, green, white and
• Secondly, they all have white part in the middle area.
• Finally, we can see that there is a white star in the middle of red triangle in
Jordan’s flag, but there is no star in UAE ‘s flag.
• In conclusion, the national flag of these two countries have a lot of similarities.
• 76 words, 38s.
• 运用简单语法和句式来阐述图上所显示的关键信息。
Retell Lecture

• 评分标准 :
– 内容分:满分 5 分(涵盖至少 4-5 个信息点)

– 发音:满分 5 分

– 流利度:满分五分

• 回答时间: 40 秒
(注:目标 65 分,回答到 25 秒以上即可, 79 分,需回答 38 秒左右)

• Re-tell lecture 同时给听力贡献 15-20 分

• 题目长度: 60-90 秒

• 准备时间: 10 秒
1 Exam Skills 答题技巧

– 如何做笔记?
– 听懂很重要,不要尝试记下所有信息

– 不必记录次要信息:举例(点到即可),修饰词,重复信息

• 什么信息该记下来?

– 演讲者的倾向,主要论点,支持主要论点的分论点及例子,重要的细节,演

– 锻炼用自己的话总结能力( paraphrase )

– 考试小窍门
• 题目旁边的图画,告诉你录音的主要内容

• Brainstorm 联想相关词汇
1 Exam Skills 答题技巧
 注意事项和提分技巧

 十秒准备时间掌握好 . 不要过早开始,开始之后三秒钟不说话,麦克风关闭。

 听录音时,注意 signpost ,有助于抓住演讲内容的主干。例如“ firstly, Secondly and

lastly…” “there are 3 main areas that we can identify…” “ In conclusion....”
“ ....which implies/suggests....”

 走神,记不清,没听太明白该怎么办?

 按照自己能记下来的关键信息,加入一些合理想象,模版-内容要尽量贴合录音内容

 说的时候突然卡住,出错怎么办?

 熟练一些 Retell lecture 常练的 filler 和模版,在卡住时拿出来用。保证语流流畅。

 出错不要停顿,不要重复,摆好心态接着说。
2 如何让 RL 贡献最多的听力分


Identify: (1) Topic, theme, or

main ideas
(2) Supporting points
or examples
(3) speaker’s
purpose, style, tone or attitude

Classifying & categorizing

1. Identify topic, them, or main ideas  主 3. Speaker’s purpose, style, tone or attitude  目
题 的,态度 ( 与 SST 目的不同)

The topic of this lecture is …. The speaker aims to clarify/promote/raise the

awareness… ….
2. Supporting points or examples  细节 4. Underlying development  可能的结果 (两大
/ 细节 + 举例 种类)
( 1 )有结论  conclusion
To support the main idea, the speaker In conclusion,the possible result of.….is…
mentioned the following 2 or 3 or 4… ( 2 ) 无结论 , 有预测 / 趋势  implication
aspects In conclusion, …is likely to have a
positive/negative impact on…..
A is mentioned through the example of B
Secondly, D, E and F are also involved in
supporting the topic
What is underlying development?
RL 提纲

Lecture – (all points)

Aspects and Underlying

Topic and purpose Their relationships
supporting details development

Conclusions Implications

有结论 无明显结论有预测 / 趋势
3 文章分类
分类 速记要点 指示词 中心句位置 笔记要点

叙述式列举 以箭头来表示事件发展先后顺 Initially, later 靠前 总起句

式 序 Describe 明显 主要方面的主句
Elaborate 结论
对比式 两列按照对比标准(时间,影 several years ago/now, 文章中部 概括总结中心论点
响,功能)分开,对比清晰 originally/later, in the long 需要概括总结 主要几个方面列子
term/ in the short term (重要事件)

观点式 中心论点,分论点清晰列出 Concept/theory 靠前 实验目的,经过,对

Involve/Include 明显 象和结
Suggest 果。 Problem-
特殊疑问词引起的句子 cause-solution-

采访式 问题搭配答案,清楚明了 What do you think? Interviewee Interviewer 的问题
How do you feel? 的话 Interviewee 的回答
4.1 简易模板

The topic of this lecture is/This lecture discusses/gives information about ….

To support the main idea, the speaker mentioned the following 2 or 3 or 4… aspects
• Firstly/ First and Foremost/to begin with….

• Secondly…

• In addition,/Lastly…

The speaker aims to clarify/promote/raise the awareness…

In conclusion,the possible result of.….is…

In conclusion, …is likely to have a positive/negative impact on…..

Focus groups

Test plus test 1

Model Answer
This topic of lecture is focusing groups in order to provide tips
on using these groups to help with research.

There are mainly three tips involved. Firstly, the ideal number of
participants is around six or seven; otherwise, the focus will be lost
or you may not get enough different views. Secondly, it is recommended to
have a moderator to guide the discussion and ensure everyone
participates. Thirdly, basic materials should be used to keep the discussion
going and help the group understand the context of the topic.

In conclusion, this lecture was informative regarding the use of focus

group to collect views for research.
4.2 内容复杂

复杂 = 无法听懂逻辑关系

• 名词: A(topic) , B , C , V

• 形容词 : A1
4.3 串字模板

• This lecture talks about how A has become a debating issue in terms of B and C.

•  Firstly, the speaker points out that B is (closely related to A/the topic).

• Secondly, C is argued to greatly affect A in a critical point of view.

•  However, there has been a new perspective of A among scholars and

academics, who believe that V is also a valuable contributing factor.

• In conclusion, examples such as…. are given to demonstrate that it is vital for us to learn A

,B and C taken into consideration.

Model Answer
This lecture is mainly focusing on the history and evolvement of graffiti in
order to illustrate people’s various perceptions towards it during different

Firstly, graffiti has been around for a very long time and there are different
examples of graffiti from ancient Egypt and Rome
Secondly, modern graffiti really began in New York with the intervention of
Spray can and a lot of young people paint on subway trains as an
expression of how they feel.
Thirdly, graffiti artists nowadays has been embraced by many art
establishments and take on cult status.

In conclusion, this lecture is very informative regarding development of

Short Questions
5.0 Answer Short Questions

– Requirements & Scoring 考试要求和给分

• 考试 5-6 道题,分数贡献给听力,口语和词汇。
• 听一个问题,用一个单词和几个单词简短地回答。
• 回答必须清楚和直接
• 麦克风后,窗口只停留十秒钟时间
• 答题时不用想太多,按常识回答
• 回答问题发音清楚明确
5.0 Answer Short Questions
– Exam Skills 答题技巧
• 考试小窍门
• Note: 注重疑问词— who, what, when, how, why? 按题目类型给答案
– 例如: How many days are in a leap year? 366/366 days
– What is the study of stars and planet called? Astronomy
– Who serve food in a restaurant? Waitress
– Who type of food is apple ? Fruit

– 注意事项和提分技巧

• 如果不知道答案,不理解问题怎么办?

– 给出一个你所认为最有可能性给出答案。

– 如果说错该怎么办?

– 补上一个正确的答案。可回答超过 1 个答案

– 如何提高?

– 短期熟悉机经各类题型,积累词汇,常识。
Answer Short Questions Example List

Answer Short Questions Example List

• 老托 90 篇 , 精听, 每天一篇。
• 跟读新概念第三册, Aboboo 学美剧 ( Friends/ Big Bang/ Supernatural )
• 科学美国人 Retell lecture , 每天三篇。
• Test Plus, Test Builder Listening Section+ Audio Script
• 用零散时间记忆单词量
• Read aloud: New York times/ Economists /Scientific American (20-30 min / day )

Thank you and
h a v e a bl e s s e d d a y !

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